Silver: It's been 3 days. Have they unblocked you?
Rouge: Shadow even has ME blocked.
Blaze: I think he blocked everyone.
Knuckles: Don't you see him at work? @Rouge
Rouge: He's been working from home and won't let me in his house.
Tails: I would have thought you would have broken down the door by now.
Sonic: Maybe I need to talk to him.
Silver: What about Amy?
Sonic: There's nothing I can do about her. I tried to let her down easy, but she never listened.
Tails: It's really not Sonics' fault this time.
Knuckles: I mean, it is.
Sonic: HOW
Knuckles: Why did you go along with it? There could have been a simpler way to get it through her head.
Silver: You're partially right, Knuckles. But Sonic did already try almost anything to tell her he wasn't interested.
Blaze: On the other hand, kissing a guy in front of her was wrong.
Rouge: Especially since it was Shadow.
Silver: I ask this again. ISNT. THAT. ASSAULT?
Mephiles: Sexual assault actually.
Blaze: So it was good he kissed Shadow?
Rouge: No. Sonic is dead for sure as soon as one of them snaps out of what happened.
Sonic: Shadow. Please unblock me.
Sonic: I am so sorry about what happened.
(Sent 3 days ago)
Sonic: Please don't kill me.
Sonic: I swear I was just trying to prove Amy wrong.
(Sent 2 days ago)
Sonic: Shadow?
Sonic: Shadow, please unblock me. We need to talk.
Sonic: I WILL go to your house and break the door down.
Sonic: Chaos, at least hurt me.
Sonic: All this waiting is killing me.
(Sent today)
Shadow: Leave me alone.
Sonic: You unblocked me!
Shadow: To tell you to not even dare come over.
Sonic: Please don't block me again.
Sonic: I am really sorry about what happened.
Sonic: I didn't mean to. I was so mad in the moment that Amy wasn't leaving me alone.
Sonic: I'm so so sorry.
Shadow: And that gives you the right to kiss someone?
Sonic: No! No! I am not saying that what I did was right, I am just asking you to please forgive me.
Shadow: Will it make you shut up?
Sonic: Yes. And if you want, you can even punch me! I'll give you a free one!
Shadow: I'm fine
Sonic: Come on. You never refuse one.
Sonic: Are you okay?
Shadow: I'm fine.
Sonic: Are you sure?
Shadow: I'll shove a whole bag of coffee beans down your throat again.
Sonic: Okay! Okay!
Sonic: Can I add you back?
Shadow: Do whatever you want.
Sonic: ;) Thanks Shadz!
*Sonic added Shadow*
Sonic: He's back~!
*Mephiles kicked out Shadow*
Silver: -_-
*Sonic added Shadow*
Shadow: I'll kill you.
Mephiles: Fuck you. You did that to me too.
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