Silver: How did it go meeting his family?
Sonic: Shadow is unavailable at the moment.
Manic: So is Scourge
Rouge: Oh no. What happened?
Sonic: Scourge got them in trouble
Manic: I'm sorry @Sonic
Manic: I didn't think he'd get Shadow so angry
Sonic: He threw the potato salad at his face, what did you expect?
Manic: Not Shadow pushing him into the lake
Tails: I was dying. The whole interaction was hilarious
Knuckles: You were there?
Tails: Of course. I'm family
Manic: Of course. He's family.
Sonic: He's family.
Amy: Geez. Okay. We get it. Tails is family.
Amy: How exactly did it happen?
Sonic: Well during dinner yesterday, they were both fine with our mother.
Sonic: They got to talk to her about her interests and Shadow even acted a lot calmer than usual, showing his soft side to my mother so she didn't think he was using me
Blaze: Okay? But how did the whole potato salad and the lake incident happen?
Manic: Our mother and uncle got called to go somewhere else so when they left, I started teasing Sonic about his new "bodyguard"
Manic: Scourge thought it would be fun to tease Shadow and when Shadow kept ignoring him, he threw a spoonful of potato salad at his face to catch his attention.
Tails: Shadow wanted to kill him but Sonic managed to hold him back so Sonia, being the mature one there offered to go for a walk to calm things down
Tails: We all followed but Scourge kept bugging Shadow.
Manic: Shadow finally had enough and pushed Scourge off the bride we were crossing making him fall into the lake.
Sonic: Since that seemed to make Scourge even angrier, and started shaking the bridge, I nearly fell.
Sonic: Shadow got even angrier at that and started fighting with him. That's when my mother and uncle came back out and saw what was going on.
Knuckles: So what happened to them?
Tails: This is the funny part.
Manic: Not funny.
Sonic: Okay sort of funny.
Tails: Aleena told them that they are family and need to get along so she locked them both up in a cell and won't release them until they are getting along.
Manic: They were fighting all night. I doubt they'll be release any time soon
Sonic: I feel like Shadow is going to dump me after this
Mephiles: I think it would take more than that to make him dump you.
Silver: Why do you say that?
Mephiles: I wouldn't break things up because of that.
Mephiles: In fact, if I think about it, I bet Scourge is the one who kept starting the fights while Shadow tries to get out to be with Sonic
Blaze: Is that what you would do?
Mephiles: ...
Mephiles: Yes.
Tails: I should have put a camera
[3 hours later]
Sonic: They've been released!
Manic: Shadow what did you do to Scourge?
Shadow: Knocking him out was the only way to get the hell out of there
Sonic: And here I thought you two got along.
A/N: Finally was able to finish "New Beginnings" and was able to write this
Now I get to focus on my story in drafts!
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