Part II - Time Skip
Disclaimer: Naruto is Kishimoto's.
Warning: Uh... Language and innuendos?
Beta: featherstofly
"So... what is this place?" I asked in confusion.
"Breaking of the fourth wall," Tobi said flatly, sitting next to me on a lush red couch. "The authoress hopes to make time skipping more original."
"Original how?"
"I'll go first as an example," Tobi answered in a bland tone. "It has been a little over four years since the massacre. Within those four years, the Akatsuki have thrived. The Akatsuki have safely established their cover and have currently located all of the tailed beasts. While more preparations are needed before the hunting begins, everything is going according to plan. Due to Mia's...insistence... the Akatsuki join together monthly for... better strengthening their bonds and loyalties. At least, that's what she calls it."
"Really, though, I just insist on it because it's always a freaking riot," I confessed.
Tobi shot me a glare. "What? You told me it was essential!"
"It is essential... essential for Kakuzu's and my own blackmail stock. Do you have any idea how much shit we have on the artist duo, Kisame and, hell—everyone?"
"You don't have any on me," Tobi said pointedly.
I coughed.
Tobi's eyes narrowed. "You don't have anything on me."
I gave him a sweet smile in return.
"Whatever you have better be burned to ashes by the end of the day or I'll tell everyone what you did during your first school dance," Tobi threatened.
I paled. "Done."
Tobi nodded, satisfied. "We've successfully planted spies in each of the great villages and we have so far been able to walk freely in most of them, thanks to our cover. We haven't bothered with Konoha for more... obvious reasons."
"Sasuke would go ballistic," I coughed.
"Like I said; obvious reasons."
"Well, then, I suppose it's my turn," I said. "Naruto has been doing quite well. While he's still dead-last it's actually more of a joke than anything. Shikamaru and him are actually competing for who can each out dead-last each other. Though the only reason Naruto is winning is because Shikamaru's mother would skin him alive if he was actually the dead-last."
"Why are they competing for that again?" Tobi asked incredulously.
"Naruto wants to be dead-last because Jiraiya-sensei idiotically told him the top kunoichi and top shinobi are usually placed on the same team as a dead-last. He figures this way he'll get a, and I quote, 'totally awesome team that's so badass it'll blow everyone else's team away.' Though he's rather annoyed that Sasuke's the current top shinobi," I answered.
"How is the little goth boy?"
"Emo," I corrected. "Angsty, as usual. He swears revenge on the tiniest things. Itachi assures me he's just going through a phase, but I'm feeling that this'll be more permanent. He currently resides in his own apartment, not far from our own and visits for dinner on occasion. We aren't close or very familiar, but I think he has the impression that he can turn to me if needed me. It's hard to tell with Uchiha. They're so stoic."
"Hey," Tobi defended.
"With the exception of you, dear," I placated, absently patting his knee. "Where was I? Oh yes. Naruto's made some friends as well. He's currently close to Shikamaru, Chōji, Kiba... not sure about Sasuke, but they are 'epic rivals' and they have played ninja together a few times so I suppose he counts... Tentatively with Ino and he tried being friends with Hinata, but she kept fainting and her father chased him off so he just vowed to try again later. I have thankfully made sure he holds no shallow crushes for the moment so he views Sakura as a hopeful friend—he's still persistent in gaining her attention—but has yet to really make the connection. He tried being friends with Shino, but Shino complained his chakra irritated his bugs so he laid off..."
I shook my head, smiling fondly at the massive group photos I had been able to take of the group of children.
"His training with Jiraiya-sensei isn't often," I went on. "Jiraiya-sensei can only come once or twice a year and only for a little bit at a time, but he always comes on his birthday and trains in taijutsu mostly. Every now and then Jiraiya-sensei sends letters home. He knows how to read and write very well, though and is extremely anxious to start the sealing arts with Jiraiya-sensei when Jiraiya-sensei has more time.
"Over the course of the years I've made some friends of my own, my best friends in Konoha being Tsume and Anko, unless Tobi is there of course," I answered, glancing over at said man. "Yoshiro and the others are very close to me as well, but Tsume and Anko are always fun. I'm on... good terms with the Akatsuki as I visit them once a month, and sometimes even once a week.
"Sakura's training has taken a very nice turn for the better. She's best friends with Hinata-chan as well as Ino-chan and she absolutely adores her PenPal. She even has a school-girl crush on Sasori which is absolutelyadorable, if only one-sided. Let's see... The only reason she and Naruto aren't closer friends is because she really doesn't care too much for his constant energy. However, she's gotten better at it over the years and she has shown a rather protective side when concerning her friends.
"Lee has been... persistent. I suppose he's come to the conclusion that he could turn to me whenever be, not that I'm complaining. He's a sweet boy and is nice to be around. Even after he graduated he continued to visit me. I've tried to introduce him to Naruto, but there's always been something in the way, oh well, I'm sure the two will meet one day. I've told them enough about each other, already..."
I tilted my head. "Am I forgetting something?"
Tobi shrugged. "Who knows. I think that's all that needs to be said, so I'll be heading off."
With that, Tobi was gone.
"Oh, right, I remember," I said thoughtfully. "Itachi and I have already conjured many more schemes. I've elaborated a bit more on my... knowledge. He only knows that I know some of the future and with that we've been able to plan together for many outcomes. He's quite the strategic genius compared to me. Anyway, our soonest plan won't come into effect until the Chūnin Exams. We—the Akatsuki—plan to ultimately solidify our ties with Konoha. You see, the reason we've been extremely wary of Konoha was because of Tobi's and my own precaution. However, Itachi and I mostly certainly plan to do something about Sasuke getting the Cursed Seal.
"I certainly don't want to deal with an even more angsty Sasuke," I said shaking my head ruefully. "And Itachi definitely doesn't want Sasuke to go off and have his body molested by Orochimaru. More on that plan later, though."
"Oh," I added, "and the letters have been going quite well. Sasuke, in comparison to the anime, seems much more... content, I almost want to say, but that's not quite right. Well, whatever he and Itachi are talking about, it's helping him. Naruto adores his PenPal and I know Nagato enjoys his letters with Naruto. Konan seems bemused by Hinata and I think Hinata idolizes her to some extent. Sakura, as I said earlier, is fascinated by Sasori. Sasori is amused and entertained by Sakura. I've already talked to the students and they've all agreed to carry out the PenPal exchange with me acting as messenger even after they graduate."
I paused.
"Oh, yes. And I no longer have a crush on Tobi."
I tilted my head and pursed my lips.
"I'm madly, hopelessly, inexplicably in love with him."
"Got your hitai-ate?" I asked for probably the umpteenth time.
"Yep!" Naruto chirped, pointing at the band strapped firmly around his head.
"Got your lunch?"
"Got your clothes?"
"Got your gear?"
"All set?"
I smiled, leaning forward to kiss his cheek before ruffling his hair. "Alright. Today's the day you meet your team and it's my last day helping out at the academy. You nervous?"
"You remember the talk you had with Hokage-sama?"
Naruto had graduated low in his class, true, but he had still managed to pass the test. There was no sly Mizuki to add more drama to the show and after some persistence on mine and Jiraiya-sensei's part, the Hokage had allowed for Naruto to know the truth after he graduated. So the night he graduated, the Hokage explained the whole Kyūbi thing, and then we all went out to a celebratory dinner.
Naruto wasn't really in a party mood at first, but it wasn't really in his nature to not bounce back from less-than-stellar discoveries. It was a pretty good night overall and I was very pleased that he now knew the truth. We had even joined up with Tsume and the others for a BBQ with the Akimichi Clan (and damn did they know how to cook).
But that was over and done with and now my little boy was off to join his very first team... to go on his very first mission... experience his very first near-death-experience... kill his very first person...
And I was hyperventilating again...
"Kaa-chan, you're doing it again," Naruto told me.
I gave him a small smile, pulling him close against me and hugging the life out of him. I had more than enough talks about this with Itachi and Tobi. Itachi could sympathize with my plight, as he was sharing the same feelings regarding Sasuke. Tobi couldn't really sympathize, but he did his best to take my mind off of it.
Didn't mean I liked it. Having my boy out there... I was fearful that when the Wave-Arc began I would go into cardiac arrest and the Chūnin Exams... urk.
Damn it, why did he have to go and grow up? I was perfectly content with him staying a cute little academy student forever and ever...
Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!
I released him, pouting. "Sorry, dear."
Naruto only shook his head. "It's fine, Kaa-chan. It's time to go though, right?"
"... Right. Alright. Let's go... can we take the long route?"
"Kaa-chan! We're already late!"
"... Please?"
"... Oh, okay..."
My last day at the academy was just an ordinary day of assisting in whatever way I could—be it as a messenger, counselor or whatever else was needed. I was unsurprised to find that the teams hadn't changed or deviated from cannon. After teams were called out, class was dismissed for the final time. I informed Naruto to head home after he met his sensei before I left myself.
I met up with Tsume (as planned) and the two of us found ourselves enjoying a late lunch.
"So Kiba's on the Hyūga Heiress and the Aburame Heir's team," Tsume summarized.
"Sounds for an interesting team," Kuromaru commented, his ears perked towards us. The great dog was sitting in his very own seat at the restaurant. Something which would have seemed strange in my old world, but was a common occurrence in this world. He was an equal and Tsume's partner. Just as Akamaru was Kiba's partner.
"Sounds for a stable team," I added. "Unlike Naruto's."
"Who's the kid got?" Tsume asked, curiosity coloring her voice.
"Haruno Sakura and Uchiha Sasuke," I answered.
Tsume barked a laugh while Kuromaru gave an exasperated sigh.
"Heaven help their sensei," Kuromaru muttered.
"It's Hatake Kakashi," I added.
Tsume howled with laughter and Kuromaru did a lovely face-plant into the table.
"That is going to be an interesting team," Tsume snickered.
"More like dysfunctional," Kuromaru muttered.
I gave them a sly smile. "I think it'll work out. Naruto does have a way with people, not to mention Sakura can be very... persuasive."
"Isn't that the truth," Tsume replied, rolling her eyes. "But listen, Mia, I want to ask a favor. Hana and I will be out of the village for a while for a few weeks. I know Kiba can take care of himself and he has the entire Clan to cover him, but I want you to make sure he doesn't shirk about."
"You want me to make sure he does his chores and if he doesn't to let you know?" I translated. "... Because you think the rest of the Clan would probably cover his butt 'cause you're a terrifying woman?"
"... Something like that."
"'Course I'll do it. I've got your back Tsume."
Tsume gave me a feral grin. "I know. Any more progress on Tobi?"
Ah... Ah... Tsume and Anko were some of my best friends in Konoha and probably were the closest female friends I had. Konan and I were close—very close actually, I would consider her a best friend as well—but there was always the chance of Pein overhearing our discussions via his rain (and she rarely left Amegakure). So I avoided talking about things that I wouldn't want Tobi finding out about. Like my feelings for instance.
"No," I grudgingly admitted.
Tsume shook her head. "You should just be frank about it. If he doesn't return the feelings then move on and forget about it."
Hell no. Tobi was and would always be my closest friend. He's been with me through thick and thin and he would always have my back. I didn't want to risk ruining that over something as selfish as my feelings. If I couldn't fall out of love with him, then damn it, I would just suck it up.
"Or just make him like you," Tsume continued.
I would if I could. But I was afraid that Tobi had thoroughly friend-zoned me.
"If you know how to get yourself out of the friend-zone, please, enlighten me," I muttered dryly.
Tsume pursed her lips. "You could flash him."
I balked. "Tsume!"
"What? There's no way he seriously could keep you in the friend-zone if you did that."
I slammed my head into the table while Kuromaru laughed at me.
"You have no shame," I muttered into the table.
"'Course not," Tsume replied without missing a beat.
I looked up long enough to glare at her.
Tsume only gave me a grin in return. "Oh. That reminds me; tomorrow can you stop by at the clinic? I need your help with..."
"... And now Kakashi-sensei says that we have to take another test tomorrow to make sure we really pass as Genin!" Naruto exclaimed over desert. The two of us were seated in the living room, a bowl of ice-cream in both of our laps while Naruto retold his day to me.
"Hm," I hummed. "You have Hatake Kakashi as your sensei right?"
"He's notoriously late, so you can sleep in tomorrow," I answered. "And you will be eating breakfast. He's just messing with you."
Naruto frowned at that, swallowing another spoonful. "Really?"
"Really," I assured him. "I doubt your teammates will be so lucky to realize that, so I'll pack some breakfasts for them as well. And when you do pass, be sure to have everyone come over for dinner. I want to properly meet the people I'll be entrusting my son too."
"I doubt Sasuke-teme would want to come," Naruto said dubiously.
"Tell him that if he doesn't, he won't be able to get his PenPal letter," I responded. "And tell Kakashi that if hedoesn't, then he's a hypocrite because clearly this is a team experience and must be experienced as a team."
"... So how does that make him a hypocrite if he doesn't come?"
"You'll find out soon enough," I answered. "Now then, shower then bed, young man!"
"Yes, Kaa-chan!"
The following morning after I gave Naruto his breakfast and the two extra meals for his teammates, I hugged him goodbye before heading out the door. After living in Konoha for years I had become most familiar with the routes and so it didn't take me long until I reached the Inuzuka compound. I let myself in, heading straight for the clinic.
Once inside, I made a beeline for the counter.
"Morning, Hana-chan!" I greeted.
Hana looked up from the scroll she was reading to smile brightly at me. "Oh hello, Mia. Kaa-san sent you, I take it?"
"Mm-hmm. She said your guys' computer was on the fritz...?"
Hana nodded. "While we don't like to use the computer that much, it makes things a bit easier to keep track of things, you know?"
"That I do know," I assured her. "My laptop was my lifeline, once upon a time ago."
Hana laughed quietly at that. "I still can't believe you have such an advanced computer."
"Had," I absently corrected her, making my way into the back room. "It still won't work... this it?"
"Yep. Think you can fix it?"
"Of course I can," I answered, pulling up the home screen on the ancient (in my opinion) computer. "This stuff has nothing on the technology I grew up with."
Hana laughed again. "I see. Thanks again, Mia."
"Always happy to help."
(Naruto's POV – Surprised, aren't you?)
Naruto shifted, a little nervous. His team had passed Kakashi's test—with him ending up tied up at the logs—and after Sakura had cut him loose, he had cleared his throat in efforts to garner the attention of everyone. He had succeeded in that aspect.
"Kaa-chan wants everyone to come over for dinner," Naruto said. "She wanted me tell you, Teme, that you won't get your letter if you don't."
Sasuke's eyes narrowed and he gave a sigh through his nose, but nodded his head in consent. Naruto then turned to Kakashi. "She said that you, Kakashi-sensei would be a hypocrite if you didn't show up to have dinner, not dessert, dinner—so don't be too late."
Kakashi gave Naruto his eye-smile (which Naruto found disturbing because last he checked eyes didn't make that shape) and chuckled. "Maa, it seems I better then, unless I wanted to be accused of being a hypocrite that is."
"I'll be there," Sakura said with a smile. "It's been a while since we've had dinner together."
"You know where to go, Teme," Naruto told Sasuke. "Be there at six. Kakashi-sensei, be there at five. Then you'll show up at six. Sakura-chan, you know where to go, too."
Sakura nodded. "I'll be there at six."
"Excellent!" Naruto cheered. "See you all then!"
"Wait, what about me?" Kakashi asked curiously. "Aren't you going to give me the address?"
"Kaa-chan said you were a tracker-nin. I don't believe you are because Pervy-Sage said tracker-nin were cool and you aren't cool at all," Naruto informed Kakashi seriously. "So this is a test. See if you can track one of us to my home."
"... I see," Kakashi said, not really seeing at all.
(Omniscient - Third Person POV)
Naruto hummed happily to himself on top of his bed, flipping through more books Jiraiya had sent him a couple months ago. He really wanted to be a seal-master like the Yondaime was and when he found out Jiraiya could teach him, he was relentless in asking (begging) to be taught. Jiraiya promised him he would teach him fūinjutsuafter he graduated and only after Naruto read up on the basics.
There was a small motion at the door that had Naruto glancing up from his bed. The front door opened and Sasuke stepped in, taking off his shoes before noticing Naruto.
"Where's Mia-sensei?" Sasuke asked, his voice a low mutter.
Naruto pointed to the far door to his right, the one that connected his and Mia's apartment. "Kaa-chan's making dinner in there."
"Hn. What are you reading?"
Naruto held up his sealing scrolls. "Reading the basics in fūinjutsu. You hungry?"
"A little," Sasuke admitted.
"Kaa-chan said dinner won't be ready for another thirty minutes or so, so you'll welcome to snack," Naruto told him.
Sasuke nodded in acknowledgement, moving towards the cupboards and pulling out some chips. He then moved to Naruto's bed, hopping on it and sitting across from him. He reached over and plucked the remote from Naruto's other side and raised an eyebrow.
"Go ahead," Naruto sighed. "Pervy-Sage said I needed to be able to focus through distractions anyway..."
Without needing another word, Sasuke turned the T.V. on.
A solid ten fifteen passed by before there was a quiet knock at the door. Naruto didn't even glance up from his scrolls, "Come on in!"
The door opened after a moment, Sakura stepped in, walking into the apartment with practiced ease.
Naruto looked up and gave her a bright grin. "Kaa-chan is in the other half, making dinner. We still have... fifteen minutes left until dinner's ready. You can come sit over here with us if you want."
Sakura slowly made her way towards the bed before crawling on it and sitting next to her teammates. "What are you watching?"
"No clue," Sasuke replied, barely sparing her the briefest of looks.
"Wonderful. I didn't know you came over here often, Sasuke-kun," Sakura hummed, noticing Sasuke's relaxed state and how at ease he was in the apartment.
"Yes," Sasuke replied before turning away and ignoring her again. Naruto felt a little sympathetic for his teammate at that. He knew Sasuke hated talking to people who annoyed him—and pretty much every girl in class did that. Granted, Sakura wasn't actually annoying, but Sasuke was a bit biased when it came to girls as his view was that every girl their age was a fan girl.
"Teme comes over at least once a week, if not more," Naruto elaborated. "He even stayed with us for a short time some years ago. Kaa-chan taught him how to cook and clean for himself, even how to laundry."
Sasuke gifted Naruto with annoyed look upon seeing Sakura's interested and curious gaze.
"He raids the fridge a lot, too," Naruto confided to Sakura.
"Shut up," Sasuke told him, scowling.
Naruto only gave Sasuke an amused grin before turning back to his scrolls.
Sakura leaned back, contemplating this new information. Silence once again descended in the room, with the exception of the television.
Ten more minutes passed before there was a small tap at the door.
"Come in!" Naruto hollered.
This time it was Kakashi who opened the door, peering inside.
Before anyone could remark upon this, however, the door connecting the two apartments burst open and Mia walked in. She patted down her white apron that read IN THIS HOUSE THERE ARE 2 RULES THAT APPLY: #1: I'm the boss. #2: You are all my bitches., smiling widely. "Dinner's ready!"
And that's how I do a time-skip. In this fanfiction, at least.
Viola. Kakashi will be properly introduced in the next chapter.
Answer: Grudge. Simply because right after Emi and I had finished watching it, the lights went out (it was storming; power outage) and (we were in the basement) the cats (or dog?) knocked over a bookcase up stairs (all we heard was a loud thump right after the power went out)... and we were alone... and it was around midnight (like or one or two in the morning)...
It was... a long... loooong... night.
Question: What's your current OTP? (One True Pairing)
Reviews are love!
Picture by Seliiia on deviantART.
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