I was lying in bed. My breath was at a steady pace. In. Out. In. Out. I was thinking of all the things that happened that day. Just playing games with my friends all day. Everyday. When I heard a sound. Ke cha. Ke cha. A whisper. From behind me. My bed was against the wall and nothing behind me. Ke cha. Ke cha. Underneath me now. Then silence. A dreaded drop of sweat drip off my face. It makes a small splashing noise as it hits the ground. Im leaning over my bed. I cant control myself. I could not begin to comprehend why I did what I did next. I stepped off the bed. My body shaking. My stomach churning. I bent over to look. Nothing. No monster. No demon. Nothing. I convinced myself that it was just the walls creaking. But I was still afraid. When I was afraid, I do not fight, don't investigate. I run. My first thought. Mom and dad. I slowy started to walk into the hallway. Trying to not make any squeaks on the floorboard below my feet. I got into the hallway. Dark. I couldn't see anything. I went to turn on the light but the switch wasent were it usually was. Still dark. I walked into the hallway. And bumped into something. It was soft. But it felt.. Dead. Not alive. Not working. It made a noise. Ke cha. Ke cha. It grasped me. I was unable to move. He started to shake me. Shake me. Shake me. My back started to twist. It felt like burning. I started to fall through the darkness. I fell. And fell. And fell. But as soon as it had started. It had stopped. And I layed in bed. Turned on the light to keep the darkness from swallowing me. And thought about my day.
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