Bus stop
A man of the name of Robert zogman, was driving on a rainy night. He noticed a woman sitting on a bench waiting for the bus. He felt bad for her so he let her ride with him. She said she lived quite far from here but robert said it was fine. About 30 minuets later they arrive at her destination. Robert had grown quite found of her (her name was zoey by the way) so they decided they should meet again.
After a few hours together they put together a date for the two of them at McDonald's. (Jk they went somewhere else but I forgot the name of it.)
Robert was all set for the date. He went to Zoey's house and knocked on the door. An old woman appeared. "Hello!" Robert said. "Hello" the woman said back. "Im looking for zoey!" Robert said. "Haven't you heard? Zoey's dead! Shes been dead for a week!" "But that's impossible! Me and zoey hung out yesterday!
Then she said something robert was not expecting.
"Some lunatic crashed into a bench that she was sitting on and died instantly. The man then got out and grabbed her and flew her into his backseat! But luckily they found his car with the bodie inside. I remember the name of the man."
"Robert." She said.
Robert ran into the woods and never stopped.
This story could be true...
Some say, if you see a bench that's dented with one tree and it says, "In memory of Zoey." Sit in the middle of it and say, "Zoey Zoey can we play?" Close your eyes and count to 3. Open them and turn around. If you don't see someone then walk away saying "ok ok not today." If you decide to come back the next day repeat the phrase. If she doesn't show up walk away saying "Ok ok not today" If you do see someone they will be behind the tree looking at you. She will then disappear. Once when shes gone walk away saying thank you thank you thank you zoey. Ill come back another day. Then leave and never go back.
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