Chapter II
Alicja and her father Apollo - God of healing and medicine - were playing the harp together. The music was entrancing and could lull anyone to sleep if they listened for too long. She could see from the window Mia repeatedly running around her house. Over and over and over, until Alicja got too fed up.
Running to the door she slammed Mia in the face when it became ajar.
"Oh Mia I'm sorry. But why the fu-"
She looked at her dad and carefully continued, "fudge are you doing running around my house?" Mia was giggling.
"Waiting for those ones to catch up," she pointed to her three friends in the distance.
"also how dare you slam that door in my face. I was on my ninety seventh lap."
"Stop moaning. Let's see our friends." Alicja told her. Jennifer, Maja and Clare were close to Alicja's house when she comes barging like a bull seeing a red cape and rammed into Jennifer and hugged her, wouldn't want to hug Maja now would you?
"Hi guys!" Alicja gleams with happiness. "Let's go to my house, then we'll get Cara."
Apollo's house held lots of instruments, medicine and other sciencey things. Every wall, window and hole was perfectly created to allow the sun at certain times of the day. He was a great cook; giving the girls some bougatsa.
"So I see we are gathering the whole group." Apollo hummed a tune while walking around.
"Yeah we are going to go to Earth today." Jennifer explained.
"Lovely!" Apollo said. "Oh Mia thank Hermes for that gorgeous lyre he made me. Jennifer I believe Persephone is going back to the underworld? So then Clare going to say bye to your sister for a season?" Apollo always liked asking questions. Clare nodded.
"At least she'll be with her other family."
"Well we better get going."Alicja jumped up and led the way. "Let's get Cara. Don't worry father I'll say hi to auntie Artemis."
The five walked five steps to get Cara's. Apollo and his twin sister Artemis didn't like being very far apart.
The mother and daughter were right now having a raging archery battle. With Cara winning. Mia squeaked as an arrow skimmed her cinnamon hair.
"Oh sorry girls. Oh if it isn't my favourite niece!"
Artemis hugged Alicja. Showering her with kisses. Surprisely the one famous for hunting was very affectionate. Maja didn't like that, in fact she started to back away. Cara walked over and hung her bow on her back and set her pointed arrows down.
"Hi guys. Off to Earth?" The five nodded at their archer friend.
"Yep." Maja and Mia said simultaneously.
"Well then. Let's go. Bye mum." Cara said as the now six went to go off to Juila's.
Juila and her mum, Hestia, the goddess of the home and the hearth. The two were baking and didn't need to communicate with each other. Hestia was wearing her iconic veil, covering her hair which was almost a fire itself, you felt if you got too close it would burn you. At the door there came a large knock as the door was pretty hollow. Julia's house was one of the few with a door. Hestia always had a fire on and wanting to keep the heat in.
"Wanna go to Earth Juila?" Mia and Maja asked.
"Yeah okay." Her mother ushered her out. Obviously wanting her daughter to socialise.
Now was the fun part they had all friends bar one: Ashley, daughter of Medusa.
Ashley and her mother were sitting in their cave. They sat reading some books. Medusa was beautiful but she had that curse of snake hair, however that didn't stop Ashley from loving her, she even had one snake among her dark hair. The two loved each other and very few others. Ashley could hear outside her friends bickering about who should go and get her.
"You should go with them before Mia starts running in here and running into a wall and make the face collapse."
Medusa was soft and sweet, out of her siblings she was the only mortal. That's why she hid so she didn't have to worry about hunters.
"You sure? I can stay."
Ashley looked her mother in her green eyes. She didn't like leaving her mother alone. The snakes on her head replacing her hair hissed at the girl telling her to go, go have fun. She understood the snakes almost as if they were just speaking English.
"See the snakes say go," Medusa stood up, " bye darling have fun." The snake haired woman kissed her daughter's hair and gently guided her to the door.
"Oh Ashley." Her friends saw her and stopped arguing. Alicja hugged her.
"Wanna go see Earth?" Clare asked.
"Yeah, why not." Ashley saw her mother waving in the cave, her snakes hiding to not allow the girls to turn into stone.
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