An 'Errant' Myth
Destiny smiled, looking at the universe she had chosen to put her children in. It was a Percy Jackson universe, but, despite Fate's insistence that it was firmly in her domain, neither her nor her sister controlled it. In fact, no one controlled it. It was free to govern itself, and nothing could stop it from doing just that.
As she opened the portal that would place them just outside the boundaries of Camp Half-Blood, Chaos stopped by rather suddenly. Well, actually, they yeeted themself at her arm, knocking the portal over to about 400 feet away from the center of camp, where the training grounds were. Not 400 feet horizontally, 400 feet vertically. Then, they yeeted the children into the portal and ran off before Destiny could kill them. Destiny was torn between worrying about her children and chasing after Chaos, and decided on the latter.
They say you can still find a locked closet door in the Omniverse to this very day, and, especially at night, the doorknob will rattle, warning passersby of just how scary Destiny can be when you anger her.
Percy Jackson was having a normal day. Finally. He was wandering around the training grounds, watching various campers train. Many of them, especially the younger ones, seemed awestruck by him, sneaking glances (or full-on staring) when they thought he wasn't looking. Then, because he can't have a single normal day, he noticed two skeletons falling from the sky.
As soon as the other demigods noticed what he was looking at, they cleared the area, weapons at the ready. The skeletons got closer, and Percy noticed that the dark-boned one (who knew skeletons could be dark-boned? He sure didn't) was holding the light-boned one almost protectively. They got even closer, and the dark-boned one braced for impact. Finally, they hit the ground with a rather loud snap that Percy assumed was caused by the skeleton's leg breaking. The Apollo cabin winced, likely wishing they could go help.
Surprisingly, the skeleton didn't collapse, instead just wincing and muttering in a language that was definitely not Greek. Or Latin. Or any other known languages, probably. It was definitely a curse word or two, though. Noticing where it was, and just how many weapons were pointed at it, the skeleton decided to speak. "1 b3aR n0 iLl 1nTeNt$," it said softly, voice glitching like a scratched record. It studied the campers, before it turned to face Percy, and he realized it didn't really have eyes. Well, it did, they just looked really weird, like floating dots. "You're not in any myths I know of," an Athena kid blurted out. It turned to face them, and everyone subconsciously tensed.
A glitched chuckle came out of the skeleton's mouth. "1 w0uLd Th1nK n0t," it said between giggles. "1'm NoT a MyTh." It continued laughing, as if the thought of being a myth amused it greatly. "Then, what are you? Who are you?" the kid asked, and we all murmured our curiosity. "YoU c4n CaLl Me 3rRoR," the skeleton said. "AnD tHi$ i$ mY b0yFr1eNd, BlUe. CoUlD y0u MaYb3 sToP a1m1nG y0uR w3aPoNs 4t Us NoW?" Everyone looked to Percy, since he was pretty much one of the oldest campers present, and he nodded.
As soon as the weapons were put away, Error sat on the ground, plopping Blue down next to it, and examined its leg. It cursed in several recognisable languages, and one of the Hermes kids said, "Language!". The skeleton ignored him and prodded at its leg, which promptly fell off. Well, about half of it did. This brought on a new, much longer bout of cursing and several gagging noises from the Apollo cabin. "D-Do you want some help?" asked an Apollo boy. The skeleton frowned. "1 d0uBt YoU h4v3 mUcH t0 h3lP m3 w1tH. 1t'Ll h3aL iN t1m3, aNyWaYs, 1 jUsT n3eD t0 wRaP iT aNd 1t'Ll b3 f1n3."
"Can we at least get you to our lead medic?"
Error shrugged. "$uRe." Then, to the campers' horror, it stood up, holding its leg in one hand and using the other to summon a glitchy, red bone, which it leaned on for support. It pointed at Percy with the hand that held its severed leg bones, which was rather disturbing. "YoU l0oK iMp0rTaNt, 4r3 y0u Th3iR l3aDeR oR s0m3tHiNg?" It shook its skull before he could answer. "NeVeRm1nD, tHaT d0e$n'T m4tTeR r1gHt NoW. CaN y0u CaRrY h1m?" Error gestured to Blue. It seemed relieved when Percy nodded, like it expected him to say no.
When Percy came closer, he realised that Error was about half his size, despite his brain telling him that it loomed over the campers. He gently picked up Blue, who was surprisingly light, and began to lead Error to the infirmary.
As they walked, Percy asked a question he'd been dwelling on for a while. "What... Gods, this is gonna sound weird... What pronouns do you use?" Instead of getting offended or angry, Error smiled. "1'm MaLe, 4nD u$e MaLe Pr0n0uNs. Th4nK y0u FoR a$k1nG. Wh3r3 1'm Fr0m, Mo$t Pe0pLe 4s$uMeD tHaT s1nCe 1 w4s 4 $aNs, 1 w4s 4uTom4t1c4lLy 4 b0y. Wh1cH 1 aM, bUt Th4t'$ n0t Th3 p0iNt. Th3r3 aRe Pl3nTy 0f FeMaLe $aNs3s-"
"Sorry, but what's a 'Sans'?" Percy interrupted. He immediately backpedaled. "Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt-"
"YoU'r3 f1n3, d0n'T w0rRy 4b0uT iT," he said, waving off Percy's concerns. "4 $aNs... 1 sUpPo$e Th3 b3sT eXpLaNaTi0n 1s Th4t 1t'$ a TyPe 0f PeRs0n? 1 c4n'T r3aLlY eXpLa1n 1t WiTh0uT eXpLa1n1nG a LoT oF oTh3r $tUfF, wHiCh 1'm To0 l4zY t0 d0 r1gHt NoW."
They arrived at the infirmary, where Will was tending to an unconscious demigod that had fallen off the climbing wall. He glanced over when he heard the door open. "Percy, what did you do this-'' Error stepped in, holding his leg. "...time..." After a few seconds, he walked over to them. "Will, son of Apollo, lead medic," he said. Error tilted his head. "ErRoR, 1 gUe$s 1 w0uLd Be Th3 cHiLd 0f De$t1nY?"
Will frowned. "You aren't a demigod," he pointed out. "At least, I don't think so. Apollo is my godly parent." He guided Error over to a cot as he spoke.
"YoU'r3 r1gHt," Error chuckled, "1'm NoT a DeMiGoD." He didn't elaborate, leaving Percy and Will to figure out why he found that so funny.
Will examined Error's leg. The tibia and fibula had snapped from excessive force- falling from several hundred feet in the air, according to Percy -and it would definitely not be an easy fix. Maybe some nectar or ambrosia? But Error said he wasn't a demigod, so he would probably burn up. Then again, he certainly wasn't human. Maybe not even mortal, seeing as he survived a fall from that height. "Hey, Error?" Will decided to ask. "If I told you that I had this food I could give you, and it would heal your leg, but there's a chance you'd, uh, disintegrate if you ate it, would you eat it?"
Percy frowned, but before he could say anything, Error nodded. "1 c4n'T d1e 4nYw4y$, aNd 3v3n WiTh My $tRiNg$, iT w0uLd TaKe FoReVeR t0 h3aL mY l3g, $o Ye4h, DeFiNiTeLy."
"So you're not mortal?" Percy asked.
The skeleton rolled his eye-sphere-things. "1 jUsT $a1d 1 c0uLdN't Di3."
Will put his leg back on. "Could you hold it there while I get the ambrosia?" he told Error. Error nodded, summoning strings from his eyesockets and wrapping his leg as Will looked for the ambrosia. "I swear it was right here- ah! Found it!" Will turned back to Error, noting with surprise that his lower leg was wrapped in thick, light blue threads that radiated power. He held out a square of ambrosia, and Error grabbed it, popping the whole thing into his mouth before Will could stop him.
A huge burst of power almost overwhelmed Will's- and every other demigod within 100 feet's- senses. It reminded Percy of the fights against Kronos and Gaia, but even more powerful, and definitely not dread-inducing, like Tartarus. Instead, it was soothing, like a soft lullaby, but mischievous. Error grinned. "1 f3eL b3tTeR tHaN 1 h4v3 iN m1lLeNi4!" he exclaimed, practically vibrating. His scars were glowing softly as they healed. Even his strings left scars that lasted forever, but this magic lemon-square made them vanish. "1s Th1s Wh4t BlUe f3eLs LiKe Wh3n He 3aTs $uGaR?"
Speaking of Blue, he had apparently been woken up when Error ate the ambrosia, and was now in front of Error. "RuRu, I have so many questions," he began. "But first, I need to make sure you don't literally destroy everything. Come on." And he dragged Error out of the infirmary, Percy and Will trailing behind. As Error's hand brushed the doorknob, the entire door spontaneously vanished. Blue sighed and dragged him faster, while Error muttered a glitched apology to Will.
As soon as they stepped foot outside, Nico and Annabeth joined them, Nico muttering something about power levels and Annabeth rambling quietly to herself about what, exactly, the two skeletons were and where they might have come from. Blue turned to Percy. "Do you know of a large, open area I can put Error in until he calms down? The logistics of getting into the place and whether or not he can survive doesn't matter because apparently even the VOID can't kill him."
Percy thought for a moment. "...The training field? It's where you guys landed, I'll show you. Is he actually a god? Are YOU a god? If he's a god, what pantheon is he from? How did you guys fall from the sky like that? What's the VOID?"
Blue tilted his head. "Uh, that's a lot of questions. He's a god, I'm not, what's a pantheon, I don't know, and the VOID is... not a good place. Almost everything that falls into it gets destroyed. It can and will rip apart your Code if you fall into it."
"So it's like Tartarus?" asked Nico without thinking.
"Tartarus?" Blue said, curious. "Like the Greek myth?"
"Yeah, minus the 'myth' part."
"I guess, except the place itself is what kills you, not any creatures." Blue paused. "Wait, Tartarus is real?"
"...Yeah?" said Percy. "What, did you think that all the Greek myths EXCEPT Tartarus were real?"
Blue sighed. "I feel like I should be surprised, but I'm literally dating a skeleton god who lives in an endless white 'dimension', travels the multiverse, and spends his free time knitting puppets and taking care of literal children. Wait, would it be multiversES now, since, for lack of a better quote, Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore?" He trailed off, mumbling to himself for a bit as every demigod that was going with them stared at him.
Annabeth tilted her head, trying to take in all the information. "If you are dating a god, how the Hades do you not know what a pantheon is?"
Nico elbowed her. "Don't use my father's name as a curse, Owlhead!"
"YoUr FaTh3r 1s HaDe$?" asked Error abruptly. The demigods jumped. They had forgotten he was here, or, at least, lucid enough to understand the conversation. "Yeah," said Nico, staring the skeleton god down. "You got a problem with that?"
Error smiled gently, and Nico had the sudden impression that he was looking at a very wise and ancient being, older and more powerful than the primordials themselves. "1, t0o, Wa$ h4t3d FoR tHe JoB f0rCeD uPoN m3. 1 c4nNoT jUdGe y0u FoR tHaT wHiCh YoUr FaTh3r Ha$ d0n3, r3g4rDl3s$ oF wHeTh3r 0r NoT h3 d1d 1t 0f Hi$ oWn VoLiTi0n."
"Was?" wondered Percy.
"You said you were hated. Past tense."
Error nodded. "0h, Ye4h, Th4t. 1 f3lL oFf 4 cLiFf DuRiNg 4 b4tTl3. 3v3rYoNe Th1nKs 1'm De4d."
Will frowned. "But surely it takes more than a cliff to kill you?"
"The cliff led into the VOID," Blue explained. "We fell off a cliff and, apparently, into this camp."
"Can we get back to the part where you said Error was a god?" Annabeth 'requested'.
Error looked at her, trying to calculate something. "Ah!" the god suddenly exclaimed, snapping his fingers. "YoU'r3 a DaUgHt3r 0f 4tHeNa!" At the questioning glance he got from Blue, he said, "1nKy MaDe 4 f3w Un1v3r$e$ b4s3d 0n Gr3eK aNd RoMaN mYtHoLoGy. BaCk 1n Th3 g0oD oLd DaYs Wh3n 1 c0uLd 4cTu4lLy TaKe Br3aKs, 1 w0uLd 0b$eRv3 tHe MoRe 1nTeRe$t1nG uNiVeRs3s."
"So this... 'Inky', they can create universes?" confirmed Nico.
Error nodded. "We 4r3 l1k3 y1n 4nD y4nG," he said sadly. "1f Th1nGs HaD b3eN d1fFeReNt, PeRh4p$ w3 w0uLd HaVe Be3n Fr1eNd$, iNsTe4d 0f MoRt4l 3n3m1e$."
For a moment, the skeleton god could imagine the Star Sanses causing chaos in Nightmare's castle. Ink would probably be chasing Nightmare around, trying to get a sample of the goop on him and turn it into paint. Maybe Dream would join Blue in stealing Cross's chocolate, or maybe he would help protect it. Error and Blue wouldn't have to hide their relationship, Stretch would let Blue grow and mature as a person, and the Anti-VOID would never have another living SOUL in it again.
But the illusion soon shattered, and he sighed, returning himself to reality. Looking at the curious demigods, he pushed himself off the ground. "1 gUe$s 1 sHoUlD iNtRoDuCe My$eLf Pr0p3rLy, HuH?" They nodded. Annabeth was eager to find out more about this mysterious skeleton, whereas Nico was curious as to why he was so powerful, and Percy wanted to know if he would be a good sparring partner. Will just wanted to know where all his scars came from.
Error beamed, figuring it was worth using his full title to see their faces.
"1 aM 3rRoR $aNs, f0rCeD gOd 0f De$tRuCt1oN, De$tRoYeR oF uNiVeRs3s, 4nD y1n To 1nK."
Thanks for reading! Leave any questions, comments, and concerns in the comment section! I'm really sorry I haven't updated in a while. I'll try to get to everything else as soon as I can, promise! To everyone that has such lovely ideas for one- or two-shots, I'll do my best to follow your requests. Some may have to be altered because I don't see Error or Blue doing stuff like that, or because I can't find a way to work it into the plot, but I'm going to stick to your requests as best I can.
2417 words
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