08 - Parties
Lafayette and Hercules eased into modern life much faster than the first two, perhaps it was because they started off with the familiar presences of John and Alexander to help them adjust. I spent a day off from classes the next day to bring everyone to a thrift store. I didn't know how we pulled off dragging the two newest people outside without people batting an eye on their clothing (I think we had them put on blankets? I couldn't remember, but Alexander's the one who planned it), but we got them out. Undergarments were bought in a different store though, not risking buying them in a second-hand shop. The clothes weren't a problem, each piece costed a dollar or less.
The shoes, however, made my wallet cry.
I brought everything I bought to a laundry shop in the building, and the trip was... interesting. Needless to say it was their first time seeing washing machines since I never owned one. I would've been more comforting with telling them about it, but I've been dealing with them for almost three weeks that I was basically desensitized to it by now.
Oh shit, it's almost a month since John first arrived...
Since they all united, they were more transparent with their personalities and revealed how truly, utterly rowdy they were together. Sometimes it's nice, most of the time it's kind of draining. Lafayette and Hercules slept on the floor with blankets until their new clothes were ready to be picked up since that was all I could evenly provide for the both of them. So now, everyone was discussing the future sleeping spots I assigned for them.
"Ha! Top bunk rights, bitches!"
"No fair! Why do you get to be on the top bed while all three of us are crammed down here?" Alexander whined.
"Because I'm the nicest man out of all of us." I heard John blow a raspberry.
"If it's being nice we're talking about, then I should've chosen Lafayette to be on top," I casually joined in without looking away from cooking.
"Ha! I'm the nicest, batte-le!"
"Whaaaaaat?!" John wailed.
"Mattie's just saying that because you and Herc are new while John and I aren't!"
"Honestly I don't mind. The beds are so much better now than before," Hercules added, "and definitely better than the floor."
My eyes went wide and I finally turned to them. Just as I did though, a pillow went flying and hit me square in the face. Everyone fell into a hush, and when the soft object dropped on the floor my initial expression was replaced by annoyance.
"John did it!" Alexander stated and pointed to the man he was accusing, despite him holding a pillow of his own.
"Naw, wasn't me!" John defended from the top bunk. His hand that held a pillow was frozen from its position of being wound up for a throw.
"Don't miss your throws again or else everyone sleeps on the floor tonight."
I pointed the ladle at everyone, and they gave me a variation of guilty yeses. "Laf, Herc, please get off the bed for now. I just changed the sheets and your old clothes aren't washed yet," I requested, and I went back to adding another egg to the fried rice. I kicked the pillow back to the direction of the beds, and hopefully one of the guys would pick it up.
"Lunch is ready!"
As soon as I said that came the realization that I had only spent half of the day so far, and this was probably one of the rare times I got to eat lunch at the right time. Now I feel bad for dragging them to my late lunch schedules. "I mixed up a bunch of leftovers, so we're having fried rice. Dig in!" Everyone scampered to get their own plate or bowl, and I tucked the laptop away in my bag to put the rice at the table.
I ate by the counter with John, Lafayette and Hercules sat on the floor, and Alexander sat on the chair. It became an unspoken rule that if I wasn't using the chair, it was Alexander's spot. I wasn't that surprised though, considering he spends most of his night now reading my materials, even from the ones back in freshman year.
Man, I wish I had his diligence.
My phone buzzed on the counter and I went to check it, trying to chew on my food with the spoon still in my mouth. It wasn't easy. Anyways it was a message from Teddy.
Theodore: Ey i got news!
Theodore: After careful deliberations
Mmhm and??
Teddy stop it w the cliffhanger ur not making my anxiety any better
Theodore: Sorry HAHAHAHHA
Theodore: The sponsorship committee has agreed to your terms
Theodore: Your meringue will be at the party
Theodore: Plus darren and the others said theyd love to order the next time you sell again ;)
"Yes!" I exclaimed, though it came out more as a muffled scream with the spoon still in my mouth.
John jumped at my sudden volume, but I paid no mind to it as I set my bowl down and vigorously typed my excited replies. I was squealing happily to no end, not caring how silly I looked, nor the fact that I was despising this idea just a few days ago.
I did something for myself for once.
Not just thought, not just hoped.
And yeah it might be a little too sentimental of a realization for something like this, but Chris' words really struck me. I never let anyone know how much it bothered me, I just kept distracting myself and everyone else from asking how I was. Nighttime was the worst time for it, and since I wasn't sharing a bed no one saw just how panicky and restless I was every time I tried to sleep. Emphasis on tried.
I blinked, glancing up.
Eyes were on me.
They were worried.
What for?
For me?
"You were all giddy then suddenly you're not. Are you good?"
Too perceptive.
I don't like it.
Not right now.
"I-I-I, um." I swallowed hard to keep my voice from hitching. "PARTY!"
The sudden air of confusion was indication enough that they got distracted. I pulled the spoon out so I could speak properly. "A Halloween party's next weekend and I got all four of you tickets for it since the organization hosting it allowed people outside the uni for as long as they have tickets. I was supposed to keep it as a surprise until next week but I suppose now is good," I explained breathlessly.
Their attentions were diverted.
I forced a smile, hoping my time as a cash register and practice with the theatre group would pay off. "Modern tradition in Halloween involves dressing up in costumes, usually scary ones, but there are fun ones, cute ones, and... interesting ones." I took a breath so I could rid my mind of the image of the sexy Luigi costume that was scarred in my brain after Daisy showed it to our group last week.
I will forever be horrified by it.
"Though for history's sake it was originally a pagan holiday, highly believed to be Gaelic. It's the first day of the three-day long tradition of commemorating the dead, that was until the holiday was Christianized."
"Christians stole the holiday to fit it into their own customs, basically."
There was a mixed reaction in the room. "Don't get me wrong, Jesus Christ was a really good role model to the Church and His people. It's just that... centuries later a lot of His followers weren't as kind. They basically wiped a good amount of other religions and traditions from the face of the earth to propagate their own."
"Oh, is that how you view it?" John mumbled.
"Kind of? I don't mean to generalize every Christian group, I've met nice religious people. It's just that... never mind, I'd go on and on about it."
I cleared my throat and clapped, forgetting I was still holding my phone so it got sandwiched in between my hands. "Anyways! I don't want you guys forever cooped up here," I concluded. "And, uh, like I said people would be in costumes, so you guys could be in your era's clothing and still blend in perfectly."
"Are you sure about this?"
Out of the four, John seemed to be the only one having a fraction of concern with the idea. Hercules was grinning from ear to ear. "What kind of party are we talking about?" he asked eagerly. I tapped my chin, pretending to think. Even if it was a mock gesture, I was still genuinely concerned whether or not they'd be comfortable with it.
"Just listen to the host for a bit, let them run the event, then there'll be dancing and drinking," I answered slowly. "Lots of drinking."
"Doesn't sound too far from what we're used to," Alexander mused, his smile broadening.
"Then, you guys would love to be there." I smiled.
"Not now, Laf!"
"Not Laf."
I looked away from piping and saw Hercules. "Oh, Herc," I mumbled, embarrassed. How in the ever loving fuck did I mistake him for the other guy? "What is it?"
"We're out of tea."
Hercules held up the empty jar that was once filled with varieties of tea bags stolen away from hotel rooms over the years. He already had a mug of hot water ready, and he looked utterly sad. My heart ached for that empty jar, as I was an avid lover for tea as well.
"I'll buy a box after work this Saturday. For now our options are just chocolate or coffee."
"Finger, please."
I switched the piping bag to my left hand and continued shaping more meringue while I stretched out my right arm behind me. Alexander grabbed my hand and placed my index finger on my phone's fingerprint censor. Out of everyone, he was the fastest to learn about my phone, so I trusted him enough to check on my messages and play a few games, but never send a reply to anything or anyone. I wouldn't want to take that risk, heavens no.
"What is it?"
"It's from someone named Theodore Barnes?"
"What'd he say?"
"He says..." Alexander paused. "'Hey mattie r u busy rn?' What is this?!"
I turned my head away from the meringue and burst out laughing. Alexander wasn't used to text lingo yet so he read out "rn" exactly as it was, and the way he said it was absolutely hilarious. "Why the fuck do people write like this now?! No capitalization, words shortened into a single letter? And don't get me started with grammar!" Alexander ranted on, only making me double over and laugh more.
"Smh? Lol? Ikr? What do those even mean?! Why do you even say sksksksksk at the end of some messages?"
Alexander, please. I need to breathe.
"Mattie, are you okay?"
I let go of the piping bag and was now clutching on the edge of the counter while I remained squatting on the floor trying to catch my breath. I felt Hercules poke at my head concernedly while Alexander continued on rambling, completely oblivious of the torture he was unintentionally putting me through.
"O-okay-y, I-I'm good. I think I'm g-g-ood," I wheezed breathlessly.
I took a deep breath and stood up, wiping away my tears. I stood back up, wiping my hands with a rag before taking my phone from Alexander. I asked what Teddy needed, and his issue was indeed concerning.
Theodore: Hey ik the party is in 2 days but i forgot to ask do u have a spon name to use for ur group??
Theodore: I mean were promoting ur product under the fb page but we just need a group name for the 4 tix you asked from us in the guest list
Theodore: Unless we should put the same as ur fb page?
I pursed my lips, glancing up from the phone. Alexander was still busy complaining, but he was now facing the rest of the group. Hercules was having a midnight snack with his drink, while John and Lafayette were busy sniffing the hell out of their freshly washed old clothing. I guess they weren't kidding when they said that modern laundry detergent was far more fragrant that what they used to have. I smiled, getting a simple idea from the scene before me.
Yeah, i got a name for it
"You guys are... The Revolutionaries?"
"The four of them, yes."
"Let me check the control number on your tickets to confirm."
The boys hesitantly handed their respective tickets to the jock, who was dressed up as a vampire, guarding their line. I was on the other line with my org, and I made sure to watch the four guys carefully. "Okay, let's party!" Nick hollered, quickly downing the welcoming shot that was handed to him before returning the glass.
A word of warning to the kids: alcohol is not as sweet as media makes it look like. If you were accustomed to the taste of orange juice and soft drinks, pure liquor is going to be a solid kick in your throat. That being said...
"Oh shit, that's strong!" I scoffed after getting my shot.
"Yeah, don't act like you've never had anything stronger than that," Jacques quipped, rolling his eyes.
He was wearing a dark maroon sleeveless turtleneck with ripped jeans and knee-high strap boots. Damn. If everyone in my org didn't wear the stupidest or extravagant costumes, they wore the finest fucking fashion out there, and I could only dream of having such taste. Though, I am concerned with Jacques wearing sleeveless on a late October night--
"Mattie, lend me your jacket."
I glared up at him. "Come on, I'd look perfect with your tiny denim jacket! It's like a crop top on me," he reasoned out, but it only made me pull my jacket tighter around me. "Jacques, I am wearing an actual crop top, so I need this jacket more than you," I hissed.
"You won't be needing it later on in the party."
I could feel my cheeks heat up at his comment. "Come on, I'm cold!" Jacques whined, as if he didn't blurt out the previous statement seconds ago. I shrugged off my jacket and whacked it at him, making sure the buttons hit his face.
"Kadiri ka, ampota."
"You nasty."
"I meant getting all worked up with dancing. You're the nasty one!"
"Uh-huh, sure, that's exactly what you implied. Paint me the criminal, Jacques. No one is going to believe you."
"Love you too, gremlin."
"Fuck you."
Jacques chuckled and hugged me by the neck. "Don't worry, you can commit every crime in the book and no one would bat an eye on you because you're nice to everyone," he mused jokingly. I still couldn't get my blush to go away, his earlier comment still flustering me.
"Good, 'cause I need to make sure no one accuses me when they find your body."
"Not if I kill you first."
"Try me, connard." Yes, the only time I can French was if I endearingly insulted Jacques. I'm sure I failed pronouncing it correctly, though.
"This is the weirdest flirting I've ever seen in my life," Dave spoke up from behind.
"And I'm going to puke at that. Goodbye, I'll join my guests. Chat me where the table is located!"
At that I walked away from my orgmates and went to where John and the others were waiting, because I knew I held too long of a conversation. "Hey! Sorry I couldn't get to you guys-"
"Oh my god, that was what you were wearing under that denim?! I thought your nightwears were bad enough!"
"Sacrebleu, please cover up!"
John rushed to me, readily draping his coat around my shoulders. "I dunno, I think I like it," Hercules hummed, eyeing me up and down. Despite his brash personality over the week that I knew him, there was thankfully no wolfish smirk present on his lips, instead they were pursed together and his eyes were thoughtful.
"I can assure you, this isn't the most scandalous thing you guys will see all night," I deadpanned.
"What kind of party did you even bring us in? This is nothing like ours!" John berated.
"A college Halloween party, that's what."
I tossed the coat back to John, ducking away from him when he tried to put it back on me. "No! It's awful with my outfit!" I complained. I ran towards Hercules, and he stood awkwardly between me and John as the latter tried to chase me around him.
"Get over here! You'll catch a cold!"
"Did you guys get your welcome shots?" I asked casually, holding Hercules by the side of his arms as I swayed side to side to confuse John in predicting which way I was going to dash to next.
"Sure did!" Hercules laughed. "And boy, was it good!"
"The next drinks are sweeter because there'll be fruit juice mixed in it. Don't mistake it for being less stronger, though."
"Are they going to be free?"
"You bet! Free flowing all night long."
"All right!"
I squeaked the second John caught me from behind. He wrapped his coat around me along with his arms, making sure I wasn't escaping by leaning on me. "We're not going inside unless you agree to keep this coat on you," John murmured decisively as I tried to squirm out of his hold.
"John, are you fucking drunk already?! I'll be fine! I've worn more exposing things to a parties like these."
"John, if sh-they think... they're okay, then I'd keep h-their word for it," Lafayette pointed out. He was trying so hard every time to correct himself and I would forever love him for that.
"Thank you, Gilbert!" I sighed.
We already established the public name calling a while back.
After getting John off of me, we walked into the perimeter and weaved through the sea of people donning in costumes and party clothes. The hosts on stage were Daisy and another girl from her sorority, and they were doing a mighty good job hyping the crowd. Daisy was in a Wonder Woman costume, and she looked absolutely dashing in it. I made sure all five of us were linked together by the hands until I found our table, surprisingly next to my org's. It had a paper sign with the word "The Revolutionaries" written, and beside it a bottle whiskey stood along with four red cups.
"Huh, I don't recall a hard drink being part of the deal," I thought aloud.
"It comes with the perks!"
I wheeled around from watching the guys take a seat to a familiar voice behind me. "Teddy!" I chirped, giving my friend a hug. He was predictably wearing a Superman outfit to match with Daisy. "I'm the spon head, I make the deals." He winked at me cheekily, before looking to Daisy and hollering words of encouragement at her. Daisy didn't let it go unnoticed despite the loud atmosphere and blew a subtle kiss back before responding to her cohost without missing a beat.
"You two are adorable," I gushed.
"Yeah, I know we are."
"Anyways, the guys would love the whiskey, so thanks."
"Hey, who're your friends, by the way?"
I glanced over to the guys, who were taking turns inspecting the bottle. "They're from out of town," I simply told Teddy. I really didn't want to say too much. "Huh, well they cosplay real nicely," Teddy commented. "I see why you'd pick that as the group name."
"Yeah, they do. Anyways, I'll go back to them."
"Don't get too wasted."
"Can't overdo it tonight." I nodded over to the guys. "I have to babysit."
"That's new. Well, I'll get going."
Teddy ruffled my hair before walking elsewhere. I finally got to sit on the table. "So, how is it so far?" I asked, leaning back.
"It's not what we're accustomed to, but I like it a lot!" Alexander said first. "The lights are a different color, too. How does it-"
"We'll research it tomorrow since I don't have an answer to how those lighting works," I interrupted. That was a lie, of course. I just didn't want Alexander to drone on about it right now.
"Dancing isn't mandatory, is it?" Lafayette asked nervously.
"If you're talking about a ball dance, then no we don't do that here." I could see Lafayette visibly relax. "You could just flail around and even trip and people would still count it as dancing."
"Do people always wear things like those?"
Hercules was about to point over to someone when I instinctively smacked his hand. "No pointing! That's rude," I scolded. He stared at me quizzically, and I looked to the direction he was supposed to point at.
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"If you'd let me point!"
"Well, whatever it is, we're in a costume party, so the answer would most likely be no."
I moved my chair so I'd face the platform. "Now, I know y'all are stoked to get the wildest part of the party started, so we'd like to thank everyone for coming," Daisy narrated. "Remember that 60% of this party's proceeds will be donated to Color of Change, helping them continue responding against the injustice to our black communities! That's right, every single ticket sold is helping make our country a better place for them!" The crowd erupted into cheers and applause, our table included.
"Loving the energy!" Daisy cheered.
"Oh, wow," John mumbled beside me. "You never said this was a party for a good cause."
I looked at him, and he was staring at the presentation behind the hosts with so much awe. "Almost all the parties thrown by student organizations do this," I explained, and I could see his smile broaden. "It's what we could do as students."
"This... this world is definitely better," I heard John whisper. "Not perfect... but better."
I smiled softly to myself, returning my focus on the hosts' thanking for the partners of the party. When they announced my page in thanks for the meringue, the theatre people hollered so loudly they had to wait for them to calm down so they could be heard again. I could only bury my face in my hands in embarrassment and bashfulness.
Soon the most hyped part of the party started. The DJ's music was so loud it drummed in my chest, and everyone thrashed around. Conga lines formed every once in a while, until it got banned for reasons I didn't hear. I had a few drinks, both mixed and hard, but knowing that I was the only one who knew the way back to the apartment I had to keep myself in check so I wouldn't be flat out wasted. It was difficult though with the hard drinks being passed around the dance floor and poured to anyone willing to do the five seconds challenge.
It was taunting me, I swear.
Especially with Hercules and John being the most adamant in doing the challenge right after I instructed (read: demonstrated) them how it's done. They were relentless, and it was ridiculous. I didn't know how strong their liquor was before, but if it was lesser than now, then they're likely to blackout anytime soon. Alexander's voice was booming somewhere in the place, and I knew he was having much fun with the new environment. Lafayette stuck with me the most, accompanying me and witnessing the most of my orgmate's indescribable antics on the dancefloor. I couldn't tell if he was awed or horrified by them, I was too busy joining in with the alcohol numbing my sense of dignity. After a while though I did notice him disappear, along with the other three, so I got a little antsy and began looking around.
"You guys okay?"
Despite the four men being excited to coming to the party, I was genuinely surprised to find them all now crammed up in the kitchen, underneath the steady light, rather than at their table outside with the flashing colors. They brought the whiskey and cups with them, and from what I see, John seemed to be the closest one to passing out. Just how much did this guy drink....
"Yeah, it's just... overwhelming."
"Including you, Alexander?"
Alexander hummed in response as he drank from his cup. "Well, I brought some gummy worms and meringue." I set down the paper cup of sweets on the island, and everyone picked up a piece of gummy with curiosity. "...It's candy," I informed slowly after seeing Lafayette pinch his piece in between his fingers and stretched it until it snapped. Hercules was holding his aloof, his eyes crossed with it close to his face, while Alexander inspected it like it was a rare specimen. John, predictably, just popped one in his mouth without a care.
"You know, I think the best solution to getting used to this atmosphere is getting absolutely hammered."
Lafayette shot his head up, the gummy worm dangling in his mouth. "What?!" he gasped, and Hercules started laughing heartily. I stared at them with confusion whilst dropping some gummy worms into my mixed drink, waiting for some sort of explanation. Alexander must've seen what I did, because he took a few candies of his own and plopped it in his cup. I really hope he had martini, since I wasn't ready to find out how plain whiskey tasted with gummy worms in it.
"Relax, dude. Mattie meant drinking a fuck ton tonight!"
"Ah! That, I can agree to."
I giggled at their interaction. I was about to agree, but then a shrill of my name caught my attention. Actually, it might've caught the attention of everyone in the room and nearby with just how loud it was. "There you are, mon écureuil préféré!" I still didn't know French, but if it came from Jacques, there's a 90 percent chance he called me something of a tiny stature. Or something squeaky.
"Jétais inquiet, vous manquiez."
"Jackie, I have no fucking clue what you just said." I looked over my shoulder while sipping.
"He said you were gone, so he looked for you."
Jacques quirked a brow. "Tu parles français?" he inquired, shifting his weight almost entirely on my back, his chin resting on the top of my head. "Oh, you're far from tipsy," I grumbled, pressing my forearms on the counter to keep myself from breaking in half under his weight. I was ignored though as Lafayette grew stoked at the presence of a fellow Frenchman.
"Oui, je suis moi-même français."
"D'où venez-vous de France?"
Aaaaand that was when I stopped listening to their conversation.
"Oh fuck, that's awful!"
Alexander sputtered out his drink, spitting on the table. Hercules grabbed the bowl, narrowly avoiding it from being splashed with the undesirable liquid. "How do you even find this palatable with the alcohol?!" he exclaimed, picking up the gummy worm that he spat out, which had golden brown liquid still dripping from it. Gross.
Well, it's gross when it's not me doing it .
"Is that whiskey in your cup?"
"Then you got the wrong drink. Dark chocolate goes with whiskey. Here."
The casual talking continued on in the kitchen. Jacques and Lafayette had an instant camaraderie, and throughout their conversation I'm pretty sure I heard my name too many times than I would've personally liked. Alexander jumped in the talk every once in a while, and Hercules occasionally left to refill our cups. Their cups, actually. As tempting as it was, I resorted to maximizing the drink I had since I got here instead.
"We should head back to outside," I suggested. "Some random dudes might've taken our table."
"Can we pass by the candy bar?!" John yelled in my ear.
"Yes. Alex, you coming?"
Alexander ignored me as there was now a three-way French talk. He was talking a mile a minute, and Jacques was staring at him amusedly. I just really hoped he wasn't saying anything that would give him or the others away. We already established the dos and don'ts before coming here, but with alcohol running in everyone's systems, there was room for doubts.
"Come on."
We left the three in the kitchen and went out. The chill of the autumn winds were instantly melted away by the hot air from the dance floor. It was slipperier than earlier ago, and I assured John and Hercules that it was just spilled alcohol (I really hoped it was, 'cause I fell on the floor too many times to count thanks to my orgmates turning me into a human volleyball), but with the unchecked amount of alcohol both of them had consumed, that thought was long forgotten. We danced, made out with a few strangers (Okay I mostly did this, though), and drank. As the night continued on, we simply enjoyed ourselves.
"The 28th!" John slurred.
"That was last Monday! Bitch, why didn't you tell us?!"
And so John had a birthday line of flaming shots with a bunch of college students chanting for him, a remixed version of Shots playing in the background for the occasion. I had to convince Daisy to narrow it to just five to keep my friend from alcohol poisoning, though in return I was dumb enough to fall for taking a flaming shot of my own to demonstrate. Where all that alcohol came from, I had no fucking clue, but I'm pretty sure it was the hard drinks at everyone pitched in. Who had the skills to ignite every shot without burning the place down? Probably someone taking bartending, and kudos to them for doing it while tipsy. Alexander, Hercules, Lafayette and I were in front of him, with me recording the whole thing.
"Shot! Shot! Shot! Shot!"
"Own that shit, John!"
"Make me proud, Jack! That shot's got nothing on you!"
"Merde tout!"
"Come on! Just one more left!"
Everyone was shouting, and John was holding onto the last glass with hesitancy. The first four shots was almost enough to send him tumbling, and there was one last fruit slice candy for him to consume in place of lemons. "Your friend doesn't seem to be encouraged enough! Louder, people!" Daisy announced through the microphone, standing on a table to watch the whole thing.
As expected, the crowed roared louder. John was trying not to drop the still ignited alcohol with one hand, his last slice in the other. Hercules was aggressively banging on the table, Alexander was screaming profanities, and Lafayette was doing the same as Alexander but in French. "Blow out the fire if you can't down it all at once!" I advised. John looked at me briefly before turning his attention back to his shot. With a little bit of reluctance, he did as I said. The hype didn't die, though, only growing even more as he slowly put the sugar-coated rim of the glass up to his lips.
The second the clear liquid was gone from the shot glass, everyone erupted into cheers. John held the glass up high like a trophy, a lopsided grin on his face. He tried to take a step back, but ended up forgetting his balance and could've hit the floor if it wasn't for the people from behind catching him. The four of us went up to him, Hercules and Alexander helping him up.
"Now that's a certified party boy!" I hooted.
John giggled, stumbling to get on his feet. "Thanks, darling," he slurred, accent heavy. He pecked my cheek before deciding to turn me into a human pillow. "Help," I squeaked out, trying to wriggle my arms out of John's death-crushing hug. The other three simply laughed at my misfortune.
"Be thankful he's not Herc, cher," Lafayette chuckled.
"Agreed," Hercules concurred.
"So soft...!"
I groaned defeatedly, letting John lean on me and nuzzle his face in my hair. I'm quite sure it's not as puffy as it was when we first got here with how much I sweated from dancing. By then the shotglasses were cleaned up by the hosting org members, and the crowd had already dispersed. "You going to be okay, buddy?" I asked, patting his cheek as he mumbled something into my hair.
"Yeah, I'm alright."
In fact, he was not alright.
And the walk home made it clear.
"You good?"
We were only replied with John hurling up some more on the bush. Hercules was patting his back, while Alexander and Lafayette were leaning on each other singing loudly, too drunk to really stand on their own.
And me?
I'm the damn idiot laughing their ass off.
This was my first time being on (or the closest to) the sensible end of the drunken group after a party, so might as well make the most out of it. I still felt bad though for John since he was so wasted he could barely even stand. We were so close to the building, but I couldn't have him puking all the way up either, so I decided to stop by a convenience store to buy him a soda and sober up. Coincidentally, the same one I worked in.
"Don't forget you have a shift in... 2 hours."
I finger gunned at the cashiers as I walked out of the store, and they only gave me a tired yet amused looks. I couldn't blame them, though. They could see my drunken group outside through the glass walls, and if we were the first people to show up here, then there would many more drunk people coming their way in a few.
We continued on walking loudly, only hushing the guys once we were inside the complex. Regardless if the majority of the building consisted of students who were either out of town for the long weekend or were in parties, I wouldn't risk angering people at such an off hour, whether it be my group or someone else. I'm especially not risking it with Alexander still drunk, as he almost started a fight before heading home.
I fumbled for my keys, ignoring whoever was demanding me to hurry up because they need to pee. It was a little difficult, with at least two pairs of arms restricting my movements and the constant fear of John vomiting at any given moment making me a bit panicky. Once I got the right key in and unlocked the door, all five of us nearly tumbled in the apartment as a drunken mess.
"Okay, shoes off and get changed," I instructed, standing upright. "I'm not letting any of you sleep on the beds smelling like cigs and booze."
I nearly fell on the floor by the person that shoved me out of the way so he could head to the bathroom. I couldn't tell who as it was still dark in the apartment, but I'm going to take a wild guess and assume it was Lafayette based on how tall the figure was. I was more than ready to get some shut eye, and I was pretty sure John was too since Hercules had been walking for the both of them since the stairs.
I flicked the lights on, ignoring whatever joke Alexander made, but just as I did we were all met with an unfamiliar pair of eyes. I didn't know how long I was staring, but at some point I knew the others noticed as well, and the joyful buzz slowly died down. I wasn't sure where the sudden tension came from, but it only took one word; the one uttered with full shock and disbelief, for the silence to break like glass.
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