"aye come on joshua let's take a break! all of these words are making my head spin." seokmin whined as he pouted softly at joshua. he made sure to keep his tone soft since they were at the library so that the librarian and other students near then weren't disturbed, otherwise seokmin was sure that his protests against joshua's strict studying methods would have been much louder. to be fair though, it was his own fualt for going to the senior for help. seokmin knew very well that joshua took academics very seriously, not to mention that the older brunette was just as serious when it came to helping friends out, so he should have expected joshua to be as strict as he was being right now.
"hm alright but only a short break." joshua nodded as he set his own book down. the brunette figured that while he was working with seokmin on their math project he could multi-task and work on his own studies. he had finished his half of the calculations and had to wait for seokmin to do his half. joshua didn't mind taking a break though because they were a few days ahead, the project was due in three dags and they were more than halfway done.
seokmin replied to the senior with a bright smile, relieved to have obtained a small study break so easily. usually joshua would have been more reluctant to agree to a break, but it seemed as if the brunette felt good today. joshua loved the library so the senior was probably just happy to be in there. he pulled out a juice box and sipped on it before exhaling. "how was your day today? anything interesting happen?"
"it's been okay, I'm actually glad we came to the library together. I've been wanting a bit of peace and quiet lately." joshua laughed to himself gently. internally, seokmin gave himself a pat on the back for successfully guessing why joshua seemed to be in such a good mood. seokmin felt so good about that, figuring out joshua's thoughts like that was just like winning the lottery (well you know except for the money part)! "because jun keeps sitting with us?"
"yeah. he's just so loud and annoying, it ruins my mood. you know how I like to study during lunch, I can't focus when he's around." joshua scoffed, rolling his eyes towards the back of his head as he crossed his arms as well. just thinking about the purple haired student's loud antics gave joshua a painful headache. when jun was around, joshua just couldn't stand speaking to him without some type of backtalk. how could he be kind to someone who kept showing up no matter how much he expressed his dislike for them? "I'm pretty loud and I can be annoying but you keep me around."
"it's different with you, you're one of my best friends seokmin." seokmin, who had been frowning, perked up when joshua had called him his best friend so warmly. he knew that the brunette meant it because of how long they had known and each other and because of everything they've been through. "and you're not like junhui. he's just so childish all the time, it's like he doesn't know how to act like a normal teenager."
"to be fair, teenagers aren't meant to be normal, we're like a whole different species!" seokmin defended jun without hesitation. the younger brunette knew very well what it was like to be judged so quickly by other people which is why he felt so comfortable with joshua. it just irritated him that joshua was judging jun so harshly, especially since the chinese male wasn't as bad as he thought. "and I think that if you look past everything that seems to bother you about him, you'll find out you have more in common with jun than you think!"
"since when have you liked junhui so much?" joshua turned to face seokmin. usually seokmin would just agree with whatever he said, but the younger brunette was really fast to defend jun. joshua knew that seokmin wasn't as close to jun as mingyu and wonwoo were so he was skeptical as to why he was being defensive about the purple haired student. "since we hung out last night at the mall. it was pretty great you know, mingyu got this amazing deal on chewing gum, buy one get two packs free!"
"you guys all hung out yesterday?" the older student asked with a hint of surprise in his voice. he couldn't recall his friends asking him to hang out at the mall; they knew joshua loved to go to the bookstore at the mall so if they went they would have at least told him. seokmin only nodded, he didn't really recognize joshua's surprised tone, and continued on to elaborate about the hangout. "yeah remember? I asked if you wanted to come but you said you needed to study for that gym exam?"
"oh right." joshua hummed, although all he really could remember was how he spent the entire evening at home alone while studying for the exam. he even had dinner alone because his mom was working the night shift at the hospital. the older brunette tried to look on the bright side of him being stuck at home alone despite how obviously upset he was that he had missed out on their group hangout.
"it was so fun, even wonwoo came and he hates hanging out in crowded places! man did we have a good time!" seokmin expclaimed. he was clearly excited by the events that had occurred last night, joshua could tell because seokmin rambled on about the hangout despite the evident lack of enthusiasm joshua had for the conversation topic. "to be fair though he did spend most of his time at hot topic with chan so I didn't spend too much time with him, but mingyu and jun were hilarious!"
"that's great seokmin! I'm happy you all had an awesome time." joshua offered seokmin a warm smile, which the younger student accepted immediately. the older brunette felt his cheeks ache with pain mostly because of how hard it was to keep up the smile while he felt such resentment internally. joshua hated that jun filled in for his absence during their group hangout, it didn't even cross his mind that it was his fault for ditching his friends for his studies. all joshua knew was that he felt upset and betrayed in a way by his own friend group who had chosen him over jun. he also knew that he didn't want to continue this conversation any longer. "why don't we get back to this problem now hm?"
= = =
man i definitely prefer writing about junshua over doing my 10 assignments due tomorrow :3
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