Well, after a very eventful day, the next day was just a day of mourning at Maci's house. Her mother returned late at night, she seemed surprised that after taking the bus for forty five minutes, she came to see the post office was closed. Maci laughed along with her but I just thought she was even crazier. If the journey is that far, why wouldn't you check the time before you go?
It didn't make sense to me, but I chose not to make her explain further. She ordered us a pizza, which was just plain cheese. How boring, I thought the pizza would be as crazy as she was. She was crazy in all the wrong ways.
I decided that maybe spending my only time with Maci crying was not the best idea. So, I sucked up my tears and we went out to go roller skating. I mean, the day was fun but my mind was in the same old place.
It was all about him, whether I should ignore him or try to get an explanation from him. On one hand, I didn't want to seem desperate but the other hand I needed some answers. In the end, I decided that I would leave it to him. If he wanted to explain, he'll find a way to.
"Omera, I heard some guys busted a train on you last weekend."
"Maybe that's why she was gone all weekend."
"God, why would she do that?"
"She's a bit too horny if you ask me."
Yes, Tia and Rumor boy held up to their promise and spread another rumor. The rumor itself was ridiculous, busting trains were a bit too unbelievable if you knew who I was. People trust too blindly, rumors are such a huge thing to the low life kids at my school.
I wouldn't care if it weren't for the fact that my brother would spill it to my mom if he heard it. He wouldn't hear for a week so that's enough time to make it stop somehow.
As I walk to my locker I just see three little words that just stop me in my tracks. I reconsider my careless attitude for a second as I see them.
Omera. Is. Loose.
I look at the words with a bit of anger. Say whatever you want about me but vandalizing my things is not okay. The very fact made my eye twitch in anger, I turn around quickly and begin looking for the Rumor boy. He would explain under a certain amount of pressure, Tia would just give me a monologue about how dumb I am.
1 new message from Mr. Fuckboy
I look at my phone, forgetting my intentions for a minute when Dan's contact name shows up. I slide my phone open quickly and read his message.
Mr. Fuckboy: I need to talk to you
I bite my lip, and begin to contemplate. What should I say to him?
"Liking your new reputation?" Tia whispers as she passes me.
"You need a mint." I tell her as I turn away from her. She scoffs but doesn't say anything back because a girl stops to talk to her.
Thank god.
I walk around the halls, wherever Tia is, the rumor boy is always nearby. Pieces of shit stay near each other I guess.
After a few minutes, I stop him as he walks out of a classroom. He stares at me with a look of confusion. In the time I was looking for him, a certain plan began to form in my mind. Instead of calling him names, I would ask for something.
"Hey, what's-"
"I need a favor." I cut him off, he looks at me perplexed.
"You said you don't need my help for anything." He points out.
"Yes, I don't need it but if you give it to me it makes my life easier."
He scoffs. "Well, you blew your chance." He says as if he expects me to beg or strike a deal with him so he could help me. However, I didn't care as much.
"Cool." I roll my eyes and walk off. He immediately races after me. The boy was so keen on being my friend or talking to me that he wouldn't stay away.
"I was just kidding." He says as he grabs my shoulder. He really doesn't have much pride, or does he just have some motive behind befriending me? He seemed too weak-minded to even think of formulating a plan. He probably wanted to be apart of this drama or somethings ridiculous like that.
"Great. Spread a rumor for me." I request him, he looks a bit puzzled as I say it.
"What rumor?"
Dan: I need to talk to you
Omera: When?
Dan: Whenever you want
Omera: I'll come by tomorrow.
I couldn't lie and say I'm excited about seeing him. If I didn't need him for my plan then I wouldn't meet up with him. I just need things to work out with us so I can finally get back at that little snake for spreading those rumors about me. After that, I'll just break Dan's heart the way he broke mine.
"Well, it's not everyday I hear my sister had a train busted on her." My brother says breaking me from my thoughts as he stands in my doorway.
"Who is telling you these things?" I question him, he doesn't go to my high school, how could he find out so quick?
"I got a few connections." He waves me off.
Probably one of his friends who failed high school and had to stay back another year.
"Well, I'm as sick of it as you are. I'm taking care of it, okay?" I assure him as I try to shoo him out of my room. He only rolls his eyes and opens his mouth to speak again.
"Your little reputation is bothering me. Who's spreading this stuff about you?" He questions me.
"Tia, that stupid-looking girl who came to dinner." I say as I walk past him and make my way to my mother's room.
"Where are you going?" He questions me.
"To mom's room. I need to borrow her computer." I explain to him.
If my little plan works, Tia will leave the school and finally leave me alone. From what I know, Tia is too blind to the world around her. If things work out with Dan, which it must, then I can use him against her. However, if it doesn't, I don't know what I would do.
Tia is an open book, I know exactly how she thinks. Even if she doesn't like Dan anymore she would still talk to him as a way to make me jealous. It's predictable. However, she wouldn't talk to any other boy if it wouldn't benefit her in any way.
"Be careful, all her files are on that." My brother warns. I suspect that even the files on Tia's family is on this computer. I do need to do my research as well.
"I know."
Dan and Omera will finally meet again. How lovely.
Next update is on Friday!
(Note: updates will start to slow down a tiny bit, but will be longer. I'll notify you guys when it does)
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