It's my first day back at my old school. The smell of piss and the graffiti on the walls did make me feel a little better. However, the ache in my chest still won't leave. Maybe things will start turning up from now on, nothing can go wrong especially since all the teachers are either female or really unattractive.
"Omera? Guys, it's Omera." Ethan, an old friend, calls out. I smile but soon my hopes of starting over vanish.
"Omera the teacher fucker?" Once I hear those words, my smile drops. My whole world crashes for the second time this month. How the hell did they find out? No one from Gwen Allen's could be here to spill.
"Did she really hook up with a teacher?"
"The old guy probably was desperate, can't believe she fell for it."
"I heard she begged for it."
I mean, I'm not going to lie, most of that is true but I don't need word spreading around like this.
"I hate teaching this class, quiet down." Ms. Jacobson says in a loud voice. I take a seat at the front, and I see the usual drawings and scribbles on the desk. Soon, they're going to start scribbling about me and that is a day I want to avoid.
It followed me for the rest of the day. Everyone came at me from every direction either asking me to confirm the rumors or just shouting "teacher fucker" at me. Many of the teachers had heard the rumors as well, and refused to look me in the eyes. That was an uneasy moment because they weren't attractive in the slightest so why would they be worried? I don't know how most of them are married.
Maci: Everyone misses you :-(
Maci: How was your first day?
I look at the texts and begin to rethink every decision I made this past week. Was leaving a good idea? Yes, I'd rather face this random abuse rather than face Dan every again.
Omera: Horrible.
Should I tell Maci everything? She proved to me that she's able to keep her mouth shut, to some extent. Right now, I need someone to feel my pain, so why not? Who would she tell anyways? She refuses to curse and wouldn't dare talk about vulgar topics, word wouldn't spread. Even if it did, I don't go to that school anymore.
Omera: Everyone is calling me a teacher fucker, worst day ever.
"Hey teacher fucker, is it true?" Some random guy says as he walks past me. I throw my notebook in his direction harshly, he looks behind me with an innocent look.
"Omera Williams, please come into my office." The principal says from behind me. She motions for me to follow her.
This is definitely a horrible day.
I come home, slamming my bag down near the door before going into the kitchen. Today was the worst first day at school. Not only does everyone know what happened back at boarding school, it also became my new nickname. "Teacher Fucker Omera"
"What's gotten you so angry?" My brother questions me. He did come back from college for a week, so my parents must be planning a day for all of us to have dinner. Probably just my dad.
"Stop bothering me, Alex." I brush him off. I still don't know if he knows the rumors. Well, they aren't really rumors, that's the part that makes me nervous.
"I haven't seen you in months, talk to me. How was boarding school?" He questions me with a look of hope. I decide to let my bad mood past, but as soon I begin to formulate an answer I feel my ears heat up.
"It was fine. I'm glad I'm home." I answer quickly. I hope my vague answer would be accepted but I highly doubt Alex would brush it off.
He stares at me with a suspicious look. "How were your teachers?"
"They were fine. How was college?" I walk over to the fridge but he blocks my way.
"Any favorite teachers?" He questions. I roll my eyes, he knows about the rumors. I guess word spreads fast.
"Shut up, Alex. I know what you're hinting at, and no. It's not true." I push past him in an angry manner.
He sighs in defeat. "What am I supposed to do? I come back home and hear nothing but these rumors, I don't know what to think." He explains quickly, for once I'm glad we're always left home alone. If one of my parents overheard this, I'd be shipped off to military school or another boarding school.
"Do you really think I would do something like that?" I question him. I'm thankful that I'm a good liar for once, because if I weren't...I don't want to think about that.
"I guess you're right. I doubt you would do something like that. Sorry." He apologizes, but I know he is still a bit suspicious.
Well, I actually did do something like that so he wasn't wrong with his assumptions. With the reputation I left here, I'm not surprised people are believing it. The troublemaker went to boarding school and screwed a teacher? Seems true, and it is.
Maci: What? O.o Did you tell Mr. Howell?
I sigh quickly as I read the text, I never really informed Maci about what happened. I still didn't help her with the guys she liked. I'm a horrible friend.
Omera: We ended things, no more us. I'll come to Gwen Allen's this weekend and visit you.
"Mom invited her client's family for dinner, so wear something nice." Alex informs me. This is not usual for our mother, so I'm left to question what the case is about. My dad did tell me our mother was working on a murder case.
"Is it that murder case?" I question Alex.
"New case. A family lost a huge amount of money, it's husband against wife. Mom is representing the husband." Alex gives a breakdown.
"Oh." I nod.
"The daughter is about your age. You should make friends with her." Alex suggests. It is a good idea, but what if she hears the rumors? That's another friendship down the drain, and I'm guessing I'll see a lot of her. That's the only reason they'd be over.
"Mom, I haven't seen you in-" I greet her as she walks through the door.
"Is that what you're going to wear darling?" She questions. I look down at my ripped jeans and sweatshirt, does she think I'm going to change?
"Well, it seems you forgot who I am." I wave her off. So much for a sentimental moment with my mother. She doesn't seem like she wants to deal with me, she never does, so she walks past me to the dining room.
I grab the pickle jar from the fridge and twist it open. Before I can take a bite, the bell rings, which signals that my mother's guest are finally here. I set down the pickle jar, but continue to eat the single pickle.
"Omera, come meet the guests." My father calls to me, he's a bit too jumpy. Maybe because he thinks I'll be friends with a girl from a good family.
I walk over to the door, and stop dead in my tracks when I realize who is currently entering my house.
"Tia?" I lower the pickle in my hands. She looks at me with a knowing smirk, she flips her short light brown hair in a very unnecessary way.
67.7986% edited
Dan POV or Omera POV for the next chapter?
They'll be apart for now, which is something that saddens me but I thought it would be interesting.
Anyways, I really wanted an antagonist in this story, that's why Tia was initially introduced but she hasn't been doing her damn job. Time to make this story juicy.
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