He seems happy though. That's all that matters to me.
I glance at myself in the square mirror, I almost forgot how to apply makeup. I haven't worn it in so long, it feels more at home to have it on.
Daniel: Where are you?
I smile brightly, grabbing my phone and bag. I couldn't lie, I was absolutely excited to go meet Mr. Howell's friend. It makes me feel accepted, as if he wants to keep me around. The feeling is completely blissful.
Omi: Idk I don't feel like going
I exit my room, making my way through the the halls, the bodycon dress and converse is a casual choice, I hope the restaurant isn't fancy or anything.
Daniel: Just get down here
Omi: Bossy
I see the security guard is no where to be found, so I quickly take advantage of this and leave through the front door.
Daniel: It's a bit chilly out, did you bring a jacket?
I read his text just as the wind blows past me. I shiver as goosebumps form on my skin.
"Damn." I whisper to myself as I glance to where Mr. Howell is. He's right in front of the school, he spots me shivering.
"I told you to bring a jacket." He smiles slightly as I cling onto him.
"It's too late." I quietly declare.
Something about this night feels sweet and comforting . I forget all about the issues I have about this school, and just block everything out.
"Well, let's go by my house and grab a jacket before we go since you've decided to be so irresponsible." He says, slipping off his coat to put on my shoulders.
"Thanks." I whisper. As we walk I latch onto his arm and lay my head on his shoulder.
"It isn't even that cold." He stares at me as I snuggle into his jacket that is obviously too big for me.
I throw him a look. "I'm in a dress."
He glances down at my exposed legs. "Oh, I hadn't noticed. You look nice."
I roll my eyes with a smile on my face. "Thank you, Sir." I sarcastically state.
"Don't get started on that." He says, nonetheless I see a smile on his face.
"Then what do I call you? Mr. Howell?" I really wanted to establish this, and I'm glad we finally are. It would be awkward if I called him Mr. Howell in front of all his fiends.
"Just call me Dan." He shrugs.
I never really did get permission to address him by his first name. I stare at him, watching him to see what he would do. He lightly whistles before he notices me staring.
"Do you need something?" He questions.
"No." I smile as I turn to look forward again.
I really like him.
"So, this is your apartment?" I look around, the house looked spotless, and a bit untouched. It seems like no one has been here during the day.
"Yeah, you could look around while I go get a jacket for you." He motions toward the vacant apartment.
I look around, walking over to what seemed like the living room. I notice a few pictures on the shelf. A picture of an unknown man, standing in front of a restaurant. Right next to it is a picture of Mr. Howell, graduating from college. He looks young, his hair was messy and long.
I scan the shelf, looking for more pictures of him. There's one of him with an older woman, who I assume is his mother, they both are smiling widely.
He's younger in this, he looks as if he's my age.
The observation makes me shiver.
"What has peaked your curiosity?" He calls out as he enters the living room.
"Nothing just..." I look away from the picture, it hasn't occurred to me how much older Dan is. He was once my age, graduating high school, living with his parents.
"Just...?" He looks like he wants to question it but doesn't.
He hold up the small jean jacket, I couldn't imagine it belonged to him. The jacket is small, and seemed to fit a woman's frame.
"Where did you get this?"
He suddenly looks sad. "It's...it's my cousin's."
He's lying.
"Okay." I grab the jacket, slipping it on. He stares at me for a minute, as if he's reliving a memory. He rests his hands on my waist, looking at me, but staying silent.
"You look like her." He whispers, but I feel like I wasn't supposed to hear that.
"Look like who?" I snap him out of his trance.
"My cousin." He lies, grabbing my hand and leading us out.
I don't question him.
"Took you long enough." A dark haired boy greets us. I see the small group of adults conversing and I suddenly feel like I'm a kid Dan is babysitting.
"Hey." Dan rolls his eyes.
"Hello, I'm Phil." The man looks towards me, bringing his hand out.
I shake his hand. "I'm Omera."
"You look very beautiful, Omera." Phil compliments, I see Dan stiffen a bit, narrowing his eyes at Phil.
"She does, thank you." He answers for me. Phil gives him a bored expression, he seems used to this.
Is Dan jealous? The thought makes me want to flirt with Phil even more just so he could wrap his arm around me and display more affection.
"Thank you." I nod, offering Phil a smile.
"Well, make yourselves comfortable. Food's on the table. I'll be there in just a second." Phil promises, motioning towards the group of people.
I really isn't feel like interacting with anyone in this place. The dread that fills me doesn't occur to Dan, he only pulls me towards the group.
"Dan? I haven't seen you in so long." Another man springs forward, shaking Dan's hand with a smile.
Everyone seems plain and boring, I wish this was a one-on-one date instead of a party. I didn't know a single soul here.
"Oh, Michael. I haven't seen you since last year." Dan responds. Gosh, he sounds like such an adult. How bland.
"Who is this lovely lady?" Michael asks, looking at me with a look you would give a kid.
Fuck this party.
"This is Omera." He nods towards me.
"She's your date for tonight, I'm assuming." Michael doesn't look at me anymore, only at Dan.
"You'd be correct."
They continue conversing, suddenly I feel bored with the topic of politics they were on. I turn towards the table filled with food, and decide to eat a cupcake.
I take a seat at a table and pretend to be throughly interested in my cupcake just so I don't look too out of place. I observe everyone carefully, no one seems special at at all.
"Is this seat taken?" A man motions towards the seat next to me.
"I don't know, I just got here." I shrug, licking the cream off my cupcake. The man is covered in tattoos and is very attractive, I feel intimidated.
He sits down, he has a taco on his plate. "There's tacos?" I say to myself.
"Yeah, they're at the end of the table. Want mine, dear?" He slides his plate toward me.
"No, you can have it." I try not to converse too long. Only focusing on my cupcake.
"Who are you here with?" He looks around at the group of people. Dan blended in perfectly, it's kind of strange looking at him in a place other than school.
"My boyfriend." I speak with hesitance, is he my boyfriend? I mean we are dating, but are we official? I choose not to question it because it would only start more problems.
"You seem so young. How could any of these people be your boyfriend?" The man questions.
"I'm not that young." I state. Am I too young to be here? Maybe Dan is too old for me, how could I have not noticed? There's almost a decade gap between us.
"How old are you?"
"Nineteen." I lie. Adding a year is nothing, plus my birthday is a few months away.
"How are you here with a bunch of people in their late twenties?" He seems surprised.
I shrug.
"You're going up too fast, enjoy your childhood kid." He advises.
Am I?
"Omera." Dan calls out to me. I don't look at the man again, I walk over to Dan with my cupcake in hand.
"There's cupcakes." I tell him with a smile as I approach him. I offer him my own, he gladly grabs ahold of my hand and takes a big bite.
"You practically ate the whole thing, big mouth." I pout as I look at it.
He chuckles, pecking my cheek. "Sorry, baby girl."
"I forgive you, Sir." I blush, forgetting all my doubts for a second.
58.65 % edited
I'm sorry this is super late. This week has been completely horrible, but I'm not here to bore you with my stories.
I'll make sure the next chapter is up by Tuesday. Bear with me.
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