I shrug. "Oh, cool. See you around."
Today was the day, the day I go into the woods and completely embarrass myself. I decided not to wear the uniform, instead I dressed casually in a olive green shirt and black jeans, not to mention a cap to hide my face. I didn't think today was a day for confrontation, at least that's what my horoscope said.
I drag my suitcase behind me as I talk to Maci, she's excited for the whole trip. She even attended the meeting where they discuss what happens in each event. On the other hand, I'm a bit tired because I was worrying about Mr. Howell's decision all night. Do I approach him or does he approach me?
"Hey Maci, Omera." Tia greets as she walks up to us with a proud smirk. What has she done to make her look so happy? This isn't even a regular smile.
"Tia? Where have you been?" Maci looks a bit shocked as she hugs Tia.
"Oh just had some family business to attend to." Tia waves it off, she gives me a smile. "And you, Omera?"
"What about me?" I question her. Something strange is going on with her and I feel like it concerns me by the way she keeps looking at me.
"How are you?" She clarifies.
"Fine..." I trail looking at her with narrowed eyes. I see Mr. Howell finally exit the building, and Tia's eyes also focus on him.
"Oh excuse me, I have to go ask Mr. Howell something." She excuses her quickly, she walks over to where he stood. I can't help the jealousy that boils inside me.
"Bïtch." I mutter under my breath.
Maci ignores my comment. "There's something off about her."
"Are you guys friends or something?" I curiously ask her. From the way they talked and hugged, I assume they have some sort of friendship.
"Yeah, she was apart of my friend group last year." Maci explains. What? Maci had a group of friends? I have not seen her with anyone this year besides me. Before I could ask Mrs. Wickenburg calls for silence.
"Everyone on the bus. Sophomores on bus one, juniors on bus two, and Seniors on bus three." Mrs. Wickenburg announces. I peer over to where Tia and Mr. Howell stood, he casually stood with his hands in his pocket. After the announcement he turns to Tia and says something to her before they both walk towards the Senior bus.
"Maci, I'm about to kill someone." I whisper to her, clenching my fists. I need an outlet for my jealousy and maybe Maci would understand.
She looks over to where I'm looking. "That's what I wanted to tell you, Tia has-" Maci says quickly, but sadly we're cut off.
"Ms. Williams, where is your uniform?" Mrs. Wickenburg screeches as she comes closer.
"You don't expect me to enter a camp ground in a white shirt and a plaid skirt." I point out, she considers my statement but shakes her head.
"It was written as a rule for all students attending the trip." She argues back.
"Are you going to leave me behind now?" I ask trying not to sound excited. I'd much rather to stay here, but I do need to find out what Mr. Howell decides.
"No, as punishment..." She looks around so an idea would spark. "You must get on the bus with Morrison boarding school instead." She smiles evilly.
Oh my god, lord help me right now. I need to see what Tia does with Mr. Howell on the bus and hear what Maci has to say about Tia. Plus, I don't want to sit with those boarding school boys.
"Ma'am can you just let me off just this once?" I ask her with plead. She shakes her head and looks pretty proud of herself.
"No, come Ms. Williams we will drop you off." She denies.
I was on the bus for five minutes, sitting next to Mrs. Wickenburg sadly. I did have a minute with Maci but not too long.
"This makes no sense, don't you want our school to stay away from boys." I protest as Mrs. Wickenburg attempts to kick me out of the bus, the principal from Morrison patiently waits for me outside.
"Ms. Williams, teachers are on the bus and I know you will not do anything bad." She strictly says as she points outside.
"I don't know how this is a reasonable punishment, what am I going to learn? How to deal with teenage boys? I already know how to do that." I argue back, crossing my arms across my chest. Tia giggles from her spot right next to Mr. Howell. I throw a dirty look in her direction, which seized her laughter. Mr. Howell looks a bit distracted, he only smirks a bit at my actions but his smile drops when I mention teenage boys.
"Ms. Williams." Mrs. Wickenburg tries again.
"Fück this school." I accept defeat as I walk off the bus. I make sure I have my phone, I already told Maci to text me everything she sees concerning Tia and Mr. Howell.
"I got her, see you at Clear Waters." The principal from Morrison's says to Mrs. Wickenburg. She nods and the bus drives off, leaving me with the fossil of a principal. I roll my eyes when I see his suit, who wears a suit to a camping trip?
"Hello, I am Mr. Terry, the principal of Morrison Boarding School." He introduces himself.
"Whatever." I say as he leads me to the bus. He doesn't strike up any conversation as we walk to the bus.
"It smells horrible." I say when I step into the bus, the smell of cologne mixed with sweat isn't pleasing at all. The principal only smiles a bit before speaking.
"Everyone welcome Omera Williams to the bus. She will be accompanying us instead of Gwen Allen's boarding school." Mr. Terry introduces me.
Well, he just made it worse. I want to be undetected on this bus. Obviously this isn't the case now because the bus interrupts in a chorus of whispers. I adjust my cap so I don't have to maintain eye contact with any of them.
I hate boys.
"Choose a seat." Mr. Terry motions to the students. I furrow my eyebrows and look around, where the hell am I suppose to sit?
"Sit here." A guy yells, his group of friends laugh and I roll my eyes. They look like a group of horny teens, no thanks.
"How kind of you, Gregory." Mr. Terry smiles brightly. He puts his hand on my arm and lead me over.
Oh no.
"I don't want to sit with Gregory." I snatch my arm away. The boy only chews his gum, looking me up and down with a smirk. I admit he's a bit attractive but he doesn't seem appealing in the slightest.
"Why not? He's a marvelous student." Mr. Terry says.
"He looks like creep." I refuse but Mr. Terry rolls his eyes.
"You will have to, we are getting late." Mr. Terry says, I groan and walk over. What's the point in fighting? I go and sit down next to this Gregory, setting my bag down.
He immediately slings his arm around me. "Hey gorgeous."
I give him a look as I push his arm off me. "Don't try me." I warn him, I grab my phone out of my bag to see if Maci has said anything.
"Come on, don't be like that." Gregory says as he puts one of his hands on my lap, and the other on my shoulder. His friends who sit in front of him have turned their gaze away after I gave them a glare.
"I can't sit here." I push his hands off me and get up from the seat. He grabs me from my belt loops and pulls me back into his lap.
That's it.
I dig my nails into his hands and he loosens his grip, pushing me off his lap. "Ow." He yelps as he immediately inspects his hand.
"Don't touch me." I threaten as the bus begins driving away.
I wish Mr. Howell was here, he'd notice how uncomfortable I am and offer me a new seat. This just confirms I don't connect to boys my age anymore, they're too immature.
I hate them.
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