"Mr. Howell pretty cute, huh?" Maci asks with a dreamy look on her face. I don't know why that statement makes me jealous.
I have a free period before lunchtime. I want to take this time to go to my room and rest but Maci has other plans. She invites me to her room to talk about Mr. Howell. She seems to have some sort of obsession with him, she wouldn't quit talking about him in Music class. I was kind of glad that we didn't have the same schedule after that.
"I can't wait until the lesson about sexual education, I'll be sure to ask various questions." Maci tells me with a devilish look. We're sat in her bed, unlike me the other bed in her room is occupied by her roommate.
I hear my own stomach grumble due to the fact I missed breakfast."Are you hungry, Omera?"
"Just a little bit. I didn't have breakfast." I admit a bit flustered remembering the events that took place. I was still sore from it, it's hard to even sit on Maci's bed.
"Ms. Wickenburg was that bad?" Maci questions.
"It wasn't Ms. Wickenburg." I say with confusion. Had she not known?
She stares at me before it dawns on her. "Mr. Howell? He only spanks the girls who are very bad. How could he be assigned to spank you on your very first day? Did it hurt? How could this happen?"
The questions were overwhelming. "Mrs. Wickenburg had a meeting, I think."
"Not during breakfast." Maci argues and this makes me think. Why was Mr. Howell sent? Maybe Mrs. Wickenburg really hates me and wanted to make sure I get the worse.
"Who knows? Maci, I need to get my phone back." I tell her wanting to change the subject as quickly as possible.
"Mrs. Wickenburg probably has it." Maci says and I sigh. I need to get to my parents and tell them about this whole situation. Will Mrs. Wickenburg even give me my phone back? I don't think I could get into trouble for just asking. I'll probably just get a set time that I'll get it back.
It's worth a shot.
"Well I'm going to go get it." I announce but Maci stops me.
"She won't give it to you. Last year she took my phone and I didn't get it until a month later." She tells me and my heart sinks. I can't stay in this boarding school, facing Mr. Howell is embarrassing enough. I need to contact my mother as soon as possible. I get off Maci's bed, grabbing my bag and room key.
"Where are you going?" Maci asks.
"To get my phone." I announce. I open Maci's room door but she stops me.
"If you act mad about it, you're done." She warns me with a pleading look.
"I'll be polite, don't worry. Wish me luck." I say walking to my room to drop off my bag. Once I unlock it I fling my bag inside and lock my room. I grip my key in my hand and I quickly run to Mrs. Wickenburg's office.
"Your phone?" Mrs. Wickenburg repeats.
"Yes, I need my phone back to call my parents, Ma'am. I'm sorry for breaking the rules, I assure you I will never do that again. My parents must be worried sick, Mrs. Wickenburg. Please allow me to call them." I politely ask her, taking Maci's advice. She smiles with pride at my respectful tone.
"You may have your phone back. Go ask Mr. Howell for it. He has a free period right now, he must be in his room. Go retrieve it." She says patting me on my head. "Run along, Ms. Williams." She says pushing me toward the direction of his office.
Mr. Howell's room? No way.
"But Mrs. Wickenburg I-" She cuts me off by slamming her office door close.
I can't possibly be forced to go to his room. Why does that jerk have my phone anyways? Worst of all he's in that room alone. I blush madly but regain my confidence as I march to his room. He can't hurt me, I have Mrs. Wickenburg's approval to have my phone. After that, I'm on out of here and on my home. I close my eyes and pretend I'm back at my old school. I imagine the dirty smell in the hallways, and the random yells in the middle of class. I feel like my old self again.
I'm going to go get my phone, there's nothing he can do to me. I'll just pretend I've never seen him before. I'll get my phone back, call my parents and then I'm out of here.
I don't have to ever look at Mr. Howell again after that.
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