"What are doing, young lady?"
I quickly jump off the desk and slam the book shut. It's the man from the staircase. What is he doing here?
"Well?" He asks. He glances at the book in my hand and then back at me. I feel a lump in my throat as he shakes his head in disappointment.
"Reading my lesson plans, aren't we?" He smirks as he walks over and snatches the book from my hands. "How far did you read?"
I stare at him and he looks at me, waiting for my response. "Just the first lesson."
"Oh?" He looks a bit doubtful of my words. "Then what are the four dimensions of health?" He questions me and my eyes widen. I remember reading about it but nothing is coming back to mind.
"Um...emotional?" I felt myself blush when he steps closer.
"Let add up your offenses. You didn't address Mrs. Wickenburg correctly even after I told you how to address your teachers and principal. You come late to breakfast, used your phone after I told you the rule, sat on my desk, read my lesson plan and lied to me." He says and I sigh. How could I get in that much trouble in less than an hour?
"I'm sorry." I say hanging my head low. "I'm just not used to these rules. I've never been to a boarding school. I've only ever attended public school."
"Address your teachers and principal as 'Sir' and 'Ma'am', wasn't that what I told you?" He questions me and I nod. "Use your words."
"Yes." I say and he looks at me in anger before I remember. "Sir."
He walks over to his desk and opens the first drawer. "Sit down there." He tells me, pointing to the desk I was at earlier.
"Yes, Sir." I say walking over and sitting. I don't see the usual graffiti scribbled within the desk. They are...surprisingly clean and well kept.
Back in my old public school curses and very interesting drawings were written in the desk. I haven't seen a clean desk in ages, is this what boarding school is like? The desks were tilting either.
"You are Omera Williams, correct?" He asks snapping me out of my thoughts. I look up and nod. He gives me a glare before I remember the rule.
"Yes, Sir." I say quickly and he looks back down at the file he pulled out. He takes a pen out of his cup and begins writing something down.
I try to think of way to get out this, is he going to spank me? I'd much rather prefer that old principal do it, it would ease my humiliation.
I play with my fingers as I go through my options. Should I ask him what he'll do with me? It would probably lead to him getting mad but it's worth a shot.
"Sir?" I question looking at him. His eyes flick up to me, I feel my heart skip a beat.
"Yes, Omera?" He asks, I feel like melting when my name rolled off his lips.
"What will you do to me?" I question feeling a bit embarrassed as I ask. I look towards my fingers and away from him.
"I don't like spoiling surprises." He says. "But since you ask I'll tell you."
"Oh please just let me leave." I plead looking back at him but he chuckles. He gets up from his desk and walks over to where I sit.
"Ms. Williams, come bend over my desk." He orders me in a smooth tone. I shake my head and he seems visibly annoyed. "That was an order. Unless you want this to be worse, I suggest you listen to me."
"I'm sorry, I won't do it again. Just please don't-" I try pleading with him but he only grows angrier.
"I am not changing my mind. Now hurry up before I make it worse." He threatens and I know I have no choice. I get out from the desk and walk over to where he wants me to be. I look at him one more time with a pleading look.
He ignores it and forces me to bend over. "Now Ms. Williams, can you tell me everything you've done?"
He places one of his hands on my lower back and his other rests on my bum. I jump but reply anyways. "I didn't address you properly, I used my phone, and I was late to breakfast."
"You forgot to mention that you were reading my lesson plan, you were sitting on my desk, and you didn't listen to me multiple times." He states and I bite my lip. "If you were not a new student I would give you a harsh 100, but since this is your first day I'll give you 30, is that okay?"
My heart sinks and I lay my head on my arms. I have no choice, if I disagree he'll just add more. "Yes Sir."
"Good girl." I could hear the smile in his voice as he flicks my shirt up. I curse under my breath when I remember the panties I'm wearing. The white lace only makes me want to melt into the ground and never return.
"I want you to count each one and thank me after." He says and I can't help but think of this as some type of porn. His possessive words just make me want to relieve the feeling between my legs.
Before my thought could continue his hand came flying down harshly."One, thank you Sir."
"Address me as Mr. Howell when I'm spanking you." He corrects me and I blush. Is he implying there is going to be a second time?
Another smack comes down. "Two, thank you Mr. Howell."
It began getting more painful as the hits went on and I begin squirming around. "Would you like another ten, Ms. Williams?"
"No please, Mr. Howell." I got so used to reciting his name that I feel like it is branded in my memory. I feel my insides tingle, as I suppress a moan.
"Then I suggest you stay still." He seethes and I nod still confused by the dampness between my legs. He continues and I try my best not to scream out by the time he reaches 25, my nails claw at his desk. I mentally curse my parents and hope death upon them as he gets ready for his last slap.
"Will you misbehave again?" He rubs my bum as he asks. I squeeze my eyes shut as I answer.
"No, Mr. Howell." I cry out as he lets down the last slap, this one is the hardest of them all. "Thirty, thank you Mr. Howell."
"No problem, babe." I hear him smirk. Babe? Maybe imagined he said that, why would he address me that way? There no way. I get off the desk holding my bum as my skirt falls back down. "Thank me for the spanking." He orders with the smirk still on his lips.
"Thank you, Sir." I say quickly before running out of the room.
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