EDIT/YOUR ONLY WARNING: Like I used to be horny af when I wrote this, not gonna lie. I still am but not as bad. So this book starts off really kinky. (haha don't bully me, I'm fragile) I'm a freak that should be locked away for my crimes. Like if you're young or very religious close your eyes or something.
If you read chapter 2-3 sarcastically and can handle that then you're good. This is not the Bible, I mean it could be but I'm not Christian ha. I mean Dan is kinda a nerd (to the public at least). Maybe he's a freak in private? If he is he can slide me his number lowkey, haha jk. (Not really).
(The further you get the less kinky it becomes kinda like real relationships)
I straighten my navy skirt, pulling up my knee socks. I look in the mirror again, wondering if putting my hair in a bun was the best idea. This is my first day at Gwen Allen's Boarding School. Not to mention that I'm a senior and have only ever been to public school before.
I've only been sent here because my mother found me sitting next to someone doing cocaine at a party. To be fair, I wasn't participating, you had to pay some money to do that.
Nonetheless, it didn't matter my side of the story. My parents were quite sexist as well, they did not want their precious daughter being ruined or tainted by drugs. Which is quite funny considering my brother smokes weed with his friends every weekend. I roll my eyes at the thought.
I looked at my singular bed, I never lived in a dorm room before. I thought I would have a roommate but sadly everyone stays in the room they were assigned to in Freshmen year. I am in the senior floor so there wasn't a possibility for me to room with a freshmen either.
The bell rings loudly and I check my watch. Well it's time for breakfast. I grabbed my room key, swiftly locking the door behind me. I noticed how empty the senior floor is, am I late? The thought makes me rush.
Halfway down the stairs I bump into someone. I drop my room key as well as my phone.
"Oh I'm sorry." I blush as I see the man. He'a tall and his features were shaped to perfection. His eyes caught sight of mine and his expression turns to surprise. He briefly scans me as I bend down to grab my things.
"There are no cell phones allowed outside your room." He says ignoring my apology from earlier.
"What? I didn't know that." I honestly tell him, hoping he would let me go.
"Are you a freshmen student?" He questions me with a bit in doubt.
"No, I'm a senior." I respond.
"You just know the rules by now." He points out but I shake my head.
"Today is my first day." I argue.
"I'll let you off with a warning this time but I hope from now on you address your teachers as 'Sir' and 'Ma'am.'" He narrows his eyes at me as if he's expecting me to bite back.
"I'm sorry, Sir." I quietly mutter and he smirks in response.
"Good girl." He mutters, I bite my lip as he says that. It just sounds hot rolling off his tongue. I mentally slap myself as he walks off, he's a teacher. I shouldn't be thinking of him this way. I couldn't help it, he is irresistibly cute. If he was a student at my old school I would already be all over him. I should have asked for directions to the cafeteria or asked what subject he teaches. Perhaps I should've let him take my phone so I had an excuse to go see him again.
I snap myself out of the trance, I shouldn't be thinking of my teacher like we're in a porno. This is reality, but oh how I wish it wasn't.
I hear another bell, signaling that I am late for breakfast. I gasp and quickly rush down the stairs, I feel dread within me because the cafeteria is on the other side of the damn building.
"Mrs. Williams, late on your first day?" I hear the Principal say when I burst through the doors. My cheeks burn as I see the entire cafeteria is dead silent. I look towards her, she is the only one standing. How does she even know my name?
She is standing near a table of teachers, I could tell due to their lack of uniforms. I spot the teacher I met in the staircase and see him staring directly at me with a smirk.
"Ms. Williams?" The principal calls my name again. I turn towards her and look confused.
"What?" I ask, the cafeteria erupts in giggles from the school kids. The principal only shushes them.
"Address me properly Ms. Williams." She demands but I forgot her name. It starts with a 'W' from what I remember.
"B-But I forgot your name." I pathetically call out and everyone bursts out in laughter. I don't understand what's funny. The principal tries to shush them but they ignore her.
"Quiet or no one in this cafeteria gets breakfast." She spits in anger. Everyone begins to quiet down and all eyes are on me again. "Ms. Williams I would order you to come into my office but unfortunately I have a meeting after the breakfast. So go to room 204 after breakfast to meet with Mr. Howell."
"Okay." I shrug and she shakes her head in anger. Perhaps because I didn't address her properly.
"Sit right here where I can see you." She motions to an table with only two girls sitting in it. I walk over and take a seat, the male teacher I bumped into looks as me as I make my way there. I feel my heart flutter, I wish I put more effort into my look.
"The final announcement I want to make is about the new punishment policy. If any girls slip up this year we will not be as forgiving. If you slip up more than three times you will get spanked." She says, my eyes shoot up to her. What? Everyone gets up to go get lunch and I'm too shocked to move.
This school does spankings? No one else seems surprised, I look to the girl sitting next to me who looked at the long line in distaste.
"This school does spankings?" I question her and she nods.
"Yeah, they weren't very diligent with it. You only got spanked once maybe twice. Mrs. Wickenburg getting more serious now it seems." She tells me in a low whisper. I nod as a thanks and try to make sense of this. How could my parents send me here? This is terrible. I have to call them immediately so they could take me right out. I pull my phone out of my pocket and unlock it. I click my mothers contact number and begin a text.
"Did you really send me-" my text is cut short when someone snatches my phone from my hands.
"Ms. Williams, you come late to breakfast, you don't address me properly, and now you're on your phone? How many strikes is that Ms. Williams?" Mrs. Wickenburg asks me and my heart drops. I feel myself pale, she cannot be serious can she? The girl next to me kicks my shin.
"Three." I say and the girl kicks me again. I furrow my eyebrows, what else am I missing?
"You still do not address me properly? Make your way to room 204 right now." She yells and I shake my head.
"Please don't make me go there. I'm sorry, I don't know the rules I just-" I try exposing looking at her hoping she would let me off.
"Ms. Williams do as I say." She seethes and I hang my head low as I get up. I walk out of the cafeteria, what even is this school? I miss public school even thought it always smelled like sweat and frozen chucked nuggets.
I hesitantly stand in front of the door marked
"204- Mr.Howell." I open the door and study the room. The desks are set up in pairs and on the chalkboard the words "Sit down quietly" are written. I remember from my schedule that this is my Health Class. I decide to follow the directions on the board even though they aren't meant for me. I take a seat in the front and wait patiently. Too bad the principal took my phone, I could have called my mother.
Five minutes pass and there is no sign of Mrs. Wickenburg. I begin to think she is just having breakfast while I wait. What an old bitch.
I get up from my desk and decide to kill time. I grab the notebook from the teachers desk and read it. I better get ahead of the lesson while I wait.
"The four types of health. Physical, emotional, social, and spiritual."
I skimmed past the first few units and read the one titled "Sexual Education." I take a seat on the teachers desk and begin to read the lesson. I notice little doodles in the corners of the page, stick figures and stuff. On the second page of the lesson another catches my attention.
I begin to focus on it, it's a picture of a boy staring at a house that's on fire. A big 'X' is drawn on the doodle as if to erase it. I see something scribbles out, I assume it's words. I try to make out the words but I'm stopped by the sound of the door opening.
"What are doing, young lady?"
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