I bid her farewell as she leaves the apartment, she makes me promise to come to dinner with her and her fiancé some day this week. I agree.
Once she's gone, I immediately reach in my pocket and pull out the note Dan had given me with his number on it. After a few rings, he picks up.
"Hello?" He questions into the receiver.
"Hey, it's me." I say to him, he immediately sighs in relief.
"Phil, I'm just so-" He begins his rant but I cut him off.
"Come to the apartment, we need to talk." I say quickly, he agrees and I hang up.
I let out a breath, rustling my fingers through my hair, catching glimpse of one of the photos on my shelf. I walk over and smile slightly, it's a picture of Omera and I. We're both in front of a fountain with half-eaten ice creams, Omera's ice cream had dribbled down to her hand but she still smiled despite the mess.
An older woman had saw us sitting by the fountain and asked us if we wanted a picture, Omera had thought it was faith and agreed. She found the picture so sweet that she had it framed, I'm actually glad she did.
Is she really getting married? I can't believe how much time had passed. I'm not dumb, I know I do have feelings for her and the fact she's getting married does make me have a sinking feeling but what can I do?
I wish we had taken more pictures, they actually look nice. I remember getting rid of all the pictures of Dan one night after I had realized he wouldn't come back. I felt hurt by it, how could he just drop our friendship and leave?
I bubble up with emotions and crash on the couch that Omera and I were on not more than twenty minutes ago. I still smell that ridiculously expensive perfume she wears on the blankets, I can't believe she got engaged. I should have stepped up and told her how I felt.
I'm usually the wise one, I always knew what to do whenever Dan needed advice but I've seemed to have lost my touch. I close my eyes to think but start to drift off.
A knock at the door awakes me, I quickly get off the couch and walk towards the door. It must be Dan, I prepare myself for a conversation I haven't prepared for. Why did I even call him over?
I answer the door, Dan peers at me with a nervous expression. We stare at each other with no idea what to do.
"Hey," I manage to say.
"Hi," he replies, I step aside and let him in.
"It's been a while, Dan. I don't know where to start." I tell him, I follow him right to the couch where I just was but doesn't sit down.
"It has. I don't know why you aren't as mad as her," he says quietly, catching a glimpse of the same picture I was staring at not too long ago. "Wow, did she replace me?" He chuckles.
"Well, you did leave her here with no where to go, I wasn't going to kick her out." I reply without trying to sound too angry, my words did make him frown though.
"Phil, I know I'm a horrible person for the things I did. It started off when I got involved with Omera-" he begins but I immediately cut him off.
"You're not going to blame her, right?" I question.
"No, I meant I was wrong to get involved with her. I was her teacher, I felt like a horrible person for a while and I knew I was nothing but bad for her. Then, I thought if I left it would be better but that was just idiotic. I'm sorry." He tells me, looking me in the eyes. Once he's done talking he lowers his eyes and then peers back at the picture of Omera and I.
"I forgive you," I say almost immediately, his eyes shoot up at me. He looks a bit perplexed, trying to detect any sarcasm in my tone.
"You do?"
"Yes. Dan, I have to tell you something." I sigh as I look at him. He was my best friend at one point and that fact alone makes me trust him blindly.
"What?" He asks curiously, I motion for him to sit on the couch with me and he complies.
I sigh, "Before I say anything, why did you come back? Conveniently around the time Omera got engaged." I question him, he raises his eyebrow at my suspicion.
"Are you hinting that's the reason I came back?" He fires back with a nervous laugh.
"Yes, I feel like you knew and that's why you came back." I directly tell him, pressing him to tell me the truth.
"Phil..." He trails with a defeated expression, I take it as I'm right but he's too ashamed to admit it.
"You can't do that, she's happy and in love with someone else. You're too late." I tell him, he looks away.
"I know. I know I am. I just couldn't help but believe she's still in love with me, it's selfish and wrong but I had to figure it out. At one point, I believed we were both put on this Earth to find each other and suddenly I find out she's marrying someone else. Which she could do but..." he trails off, looking a bit sad at the fact.
"If you really believed that you wouldn't have left." I say quietly, he lets out a frustrated sigh.
"What did you need to tell me anyways?" He question, I decide to be casual about my confession about what happened between Omera and I.
"I'm in love with her too." I blurt but I want to take it back, I'm not in love with her. I'm so overdramatic, look what a mess I made.
"Love? Were you two together?" He looks at me with furrowed eyebrows as if he wants me to tell him it was all just a big joke.
"No, we lived together for so long and eventually we did get together," I explain which he immediately looks shocked about.
"You two...had sex?" He says, I quickly shake my head and blush.
"No, we kissed." I admit, he nods slowly with a look of relief.
"So, we're both in love with her and she's with someone else." He slowly says, not knowing how to feel about that.
"I guess so."
Unedited chapter!!
I been renovating and have to study for midterms! Wish me luck you guys
IG: b.ites
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