Hiding the Littleness
*this is before the present*
"Seaweed brain!" A females voice called to him
"Percyyyyy?!"Another voice but male?
"KELP HEAD WHERE THE FU-"And another...she sounded really annoyed
"SHUT UP THERE ARE KIDS AROUND" The male voice again.
"KELP HEAD WHERE THE FRICK ARE YOU?!"And finally the annoyed one.
Percy giggled quietly, sitting 'criss cross apple sauce' as he called it.
He slowly dipped his hand in the water again, feeling the fishes tickle his hand made him giggle more and pull his hand out. The fishes all called out to him, they were the only ones that knew he was a little...with the exception of his mom and Paul.
'CC! Are you back in littlespace again?!' One exclaimed, using his favourite ,other than pet names, nickname.
'Oh come on, Master's always in littlespace. He just pretends to be more mature around others!'
Percy just giggled more, letting all the other fish swim near his hand.
'Master CC! Have you been eating candy again? Your hand tastes like-'
Percy pouted cutely, making baby seal eyes. So, yes, he did eat some candy.
But it was too good to deny! It was sitting right there....so tempting.
"Im sorry but it was so....tempting!"He whispered to the fish
He reached into his bag, which was really just a toy bag from a play doh kit, and took out his phone and headphones.
He looked closer at the phone and realised that it was a toy phone.
He giggled, amused with himself, and reached back in the bag.
When he finally found his real phone, he plugged in the headphones, put them on, and put some kpop on.
"Wi arae, wi wi arae, wi arae, wi wi arae" he sang along happily.
Suddenly he heard some leaves russle, he barely heard them because of the song but still, he heard them.
Quickly he changed his kpop to a song called 'Im not a vampire' which he also, really liked. He hid his toy bag, put on a fake , mature, smile , and pushed his little thoughts into the back of his head.
Percy acted like he had just heard them, and turned around with his eyes wide.
"Oh, guys?" He took his headphones and put them around his neck.
"What are you doing here?" He innocently asked, his eyes getting seal like without him even noticing.
Annabeth, Jason, and Thalia came out of the bushes that were surrounding him, and took deep breaths.
They took one look at him and decided that they couldn't even be mad at him, he was too adorable with seal eyes.
"Seaweed brain....do you have any idea of how long we've been looking for you?" Annabeth looked up at him.
"Hm..." He looked at his watch.
8:57 am already? He got up at 4 am, was supposed to only spend about 3 hours with the fish, and then go to breakfast at 8 am after training a bit.
He completely ruined his schedule, but at least he had fun with the fish :)
"GUYS!WHAT WERE YOU THINKING COMING TO THE LAKE?! NOW WE'RE LATE!" He childishly got up and chuckled, sarcastically exclaiming.
Before they could face palm or punch him in the arm *COUGHCOUGHTHALIACOUGHCOUGH* OR judo flip him *COUGHANNABETHCOUGH*, he quickly sprinted back to the camp giggling , not forgetting his toy bag.
"KELP HEAD GRRRRR!"He faintly heard as he sat down at his table.
Then he remembered about the food, and thought of some blue bacon and some (alot) of eggs with hotdog and two pieces of toast.
He took some of the eggs and threw them into the fireplace, for Poseidon and Apollo (He technICALLY MADE MUSIC LIKE KPOP-).
He ate a piece of his bacon, put some on the toast, then put some eggs on the toasts, and made a taco shape of the toast.
'BREAKFAST TACOOOO' He thought childishly
He put it in the air, made sure no one was looking, and flew it down into his mouth.
He felt somebody sit down next to him and glanced over.
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