Ending B
James began to tremble as he heard Freddy's slow footsteps come nearer to the office. He felt hot tears streaming from his eyes. What would his girlfriend, Miya, say when she found out he was killed. She had begged him earlier to quit his job but he didn't listen. Now it was over. I'm dead! He looked at Breanna, who was barely visible in the dark. She was shaking, too.
Freddy's footsteps stopped outside. His eyes began to illuminate the dark hallway as he played his tune. James could hear crying and he looked back at Breanna, trying his best not to move his head from the bear. She wasn't crying and James realized that he was the one crying. "I'm so sorry, Miya." The image of Miya's beautiful face, her black,greasy, hair on her tanned skin. Then he pictured Breanna. What would happen to her? Would Freddy find her small hiding spot? James hoped not.
Freddy's song stopped. His eyes were gone and the rooms were pitch black. Freddy's silhouette was coming closer to him. Then he could finally hear the animatronic screech. "EEEEIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!" Both of the humans in the room screamed.
James couldn't feel Freddy's fabricated hands grab him. He opened his eyes and cried out in rage and fear. Freddy was holding Breanna up in the air, while she was kicking at his face,with one arm and his other coming after him. Quickly, the teenage boy dodged the hand and fell to the ground. He tried to find something to throw at the animatronic bear but it was hard to see in the dark.Swiftly, he took his shoes off and began to throw them at the bear. Then he felt the cardboard boxes from earlier. Those flew at the bear too, followed by the monitor. Finally, Freddy was furious. He jumped at James,who dodged the attack. Then, James noted that Breanna was silent.
The power came back on. He saw that Breanna was unconscious. She was looking down and her arms and legs were limp. Freddy grabbed James' leg. " Wh...WHAAAAAAAAAAAA!!" Soft footsteps were barely audible. Then another screech rang in the office. It was Foxy. James could barely see an iron hook swing across the air and land on Freddy's left arm. The bear quickly let go of James, who landed on his back. Another swing went across the sky and landed on Freddy's other arm. Quickly, Foxy grabbed Breanna. Then he threw her to James, who barely missed her. "YAAARRR!! Ye best be gettin out of here lad," Foxy said. Then he turned back to Freddy, who was holding his paws over the holes Foxy caused in his costume. "Killin' security guards be one thin' but hurtin' wee lasses be another." Freddy growled. Quickly, James ran out of the room while carrying Breanna. Soon he reached the Dinning Area. Quietly, he laid Breanna on the nearest table and sighed. Bonnie and Chica was nowhere to be seen. Then he heard a door creak open from the Backstage door.
Breanna felt as if she had just woken up from a dream. Her head was dizzy and her vision was blurry. Soon it cleared up. She was in a small room with two doors. One in front of her and one behind. The doors looked like the ones from the office. Soon, something began to knock heavily on the door behind her. Breanna jumped and looked back. The thing knocked again. The young girl stepped back until she felt a button on her hand. She pressed it and the door that was beside her opened. She quickly ran out.
Then she arrived in a room that looked exactly the same. The door closed behind Breanna. Then the cycle happened all over again. It repeated several more times until finally something changed. She was in the same room but the door wouldn't open. Quickly, she pressed the button several more times until it did. Then she ran inside. The room was pitch black. The door behind her closed. The lights flickered on. Freddy,Bonnie and Chica was staring at her with no eyes and devilish grins.
Bonnie and Chica was staring out from the door, looking stragiht at James. "Is this where you wanna be?" Chica asked. "I just don't get it. Why do you want to stay?" Bonnie said, slamming the door open. Breanna woke up, moaning. Everyone paused. The little girl looked back at James. "James....I had a bad dream..." She was shaking all over. "Not...now,kid!!" "I want to go home," she cried. Then she saw Bonnie and Chica. "Eek!!" Their dumbfounded stares snapped back to normal. Chica groaned and Bonnie growled. "Last chance, friend," Chica said, "come and join us! We just want to be friends." Suddenly, the chicken animatronic began to violently twitch. "After all..." Chica continued to twitch for another minute. "We're poor little souls, who lost all control and we're forced here to take that role." "We've been all alone, stuck in our little zones since 1987." "Breanna!" James yelled at her, "get away from here! NOW!" "But-" "NOW!!" He looked at Bonnie, then Chica, then back at the clock. it was 5:53.
Breanna began to slowly back up. James continued to look back and forth from Chica and Bonnie. Then he heard Breanna shriek. Quickly, he turned back to Breanna and gasped. Freddy was standing in front of the petrified girl.
Breanna shrieked when she ran into Freddy Fazbear. There was blood and mucus coming from his eyes and nose. The six year old was petrified. She tried to talk but she couldn't move her lips. Something wasn't right. She could hear James' panicked breathing. "Kid...step away from the bear." She couldn't move. "Get away from him now!" She still couldn't move and she couldn't hear him. All she could hear was a low, grumbling, mixed up voice. "It's Me!" was flashing in front of her eyes, along with images of Freddy's face with human eyes, Bonnie with pure black eyes and him with small white eyes staring right at her. Was Freddy doing this to her? To Breanna, it felt as if her entire world was spinning around her. Suddenly,she let out a terrified scream and Freddy flinched.
Sparks began to fly from where Foxy ripped holes in him. Breanna backed up and held onto James' arm. "Goodness..." he said. He sighed. "As much as I love this happening to him, I'm going to have to pay for that, aren't I?" Freddy fell to the ground and deactivated. Suddenly, Bonnie and Chica let out a scream and charged at the two. Bonnie grabbed James by the head, lifting him up from the ground. Breanna tried to run but Chica was to quick for her. "Ack!" As if by luck, a bell rang out across the building and the clocked turned to 6 a.m. The two animatronics dropped the two and ran to the stage. Bonnie picked up his guitar and Chica picked up her cupcake.
It was another hour til the doors opened. James spent the time comforting Breanna from what she experienced.
Finally, an unknown man walked in. He was furious. "JAMES??WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS??" He pointed to the broken Freddy on the ground. "Uhh..." James looked blankly at the man. "I can fix him." "You better! We have kids comming in the building in less that an hour!" Then he noticed Breanna. "You found her? Alive?!" James nodded. "AAAAH!! She'll tell everyone about our secret!" He let out a sob. Then he wiped a tear away and looked at Breanna. "Listen kid, if you keep what you saw in here a secret, I'll give you a...lollipop or whatever you want! Okay?" "Okay!" she said. Then her parents came through the door.
(A/N: So im going to go ahead and work on the 2nd book but I will STILL post the last two endings. okay?okay. case closed.)
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