Chapter 19
Over the next couple of weeks, Betty finally finished her art project and was a lot less stressed, and she'd finally gotten used to living with FP and jughead and in the trailer. Currently, it was Friday and she was just finishing up cheerleading practice at the end of the day. "Hey B, do you want to go and get our nails done after this?" Veronica asked, as they walked back to the girls locker room. "Of course" Betty smiled. After they were changed, Veronica called a car and they were off. On the way, Betty messaged jughead and Archie letting her know where she was going. "I'm so glad we're doing this" Veronica said when they were at the nail salon. "Me too, a girls day is in order" Betty agreed. "Maybe we should head to the spa one weekend?" Veronica suggested and Betty was quick to agree. They chatted and laughed while getting their nails done and when they were done, decided to head to pops for some dinner. "So, hows your boys?" Veronica smirked, over her milkshake. "They're good, we're good" Betty said, not able to keep the lovesick grin off her face. "I'm happy for you, you deserve all the happiness B" Veronica said. "Thank you, so do you V" Betty said, squeezing her friends hand. "So, how about you?" Betty asked. "Anyone you have your eye on?" Betty asked and Veronica leaped into conversation about reggie asking her out on a date.
After dinner with Veronica, Betty placed a takeout order or the boys and walked back to the trailer where she knew the boys were. "Hi! I'm home!" She called when she walked through the door. "Hi baby" "hey babe" the boys said, coming to hug her. "I've brought you both dinner" she told them, holding up the takeout bag. "You're an angel" jug smiled, kissing her and taking the bag off her. "Thanks betts" Archie said, also kissing her in appreciation. "You're welcome" she said, taking her coat off as the boys sat on the couch to start eating. "How was your day?" She asked them. "It was good, how was yours? How was your afternoon with Veronica?" Jughead asked. "It was good, we went to get our nails done and then went to pops" she explained. "I'm happy to be home with you two though" she smiled. "We're happy to be here too" Archie grinned. "I was thinking we could have a movie night tonight?" Jughead suggested and Archie and Betty nodded, agreeing. "Sounds good" Archie said. "I'm going to head for a shower while you eat then we can watch a movie" Betty said, standing up and heading to the bathroom.
After having a shower, Betty changed into her pyjamas and dried her hair, before putting her skincare on. "You look shiny" Archie teased when she went back to sit with them, and Betty just giggled, pulling the blanket from the back of the couch over them all, as jughead sat down with a bowl of popcorn. "So, I have to be at the community centre tomorrow, me and mad dog are helping teach the kids self defence" Archie said, as they started the movie. "That's sweet" Betty smiled. "I don't have anything to do tomorrow, do you juggie?" She asked. "I have to go and drop something off at the bar tomorrow but apart from that no" he shook his head. "Can I come with you?" She asked and he smiled, nodding. "Of course" he said, kissing her nose. After the movie, they watched another on and Betty was falling asleep half way through. "Sleepy?" Archie asked and she nodded. "Want to go to bed?" He said and she nodded again. "Come on then" he smiled, lifting her into his arms and carrying her into jugs room as jughead shut everything off. Betty waited until both boys were in bed, and their arms around her before drifting off to sleep...
The next morning, Betty made the boys pancakes for breakfast and the three of them enjoyed a breakfast together before Archie had to leave to go to the community centre. After getting ready for the day, Betty and jughead made their way to the wyrm. "You look beautiful today" he told her, lacing their fingers together as they got the bars parking Lott. "Thanks juggie" she blushed and jug laughed. "Hey boy! Betty!" FP smiled when they walked in. "Hey dad" "hey FP". After chatting with FP for a while, jughead had to do and take care of something in the back office and Betty went to sit with Toni, fangs and Sweetpea. "Hey guys" she smiled when they greeted her. "How have you been girl?" Toni smiled and they all fell into easy conversation. They chatted for a bit until jughead came back. "Hey babe" he said, placing a hand on her back as he sat next to her. "Hey juggie" she smiled when she realised he was back. "I was wandering if you wanted to head and see how Archie's doing?" Jug asked her and Betty nodded. "Yeah, id like that" she said and jug said goodbye to everyone before leading Betty back outside.
When they got to the community centre, they were surprised to find it empty. "I thought he said he was teaching kids today" Betty said, confused. "Archie!?" Jughead called. "I'm here" they heard Archie say, and they watched as Archie stumbled out of the office, blood over his face...
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