Chapter 11
When Betty woke up, she still had pains in her stomach but but she was feeling a lot better. She could feel jughead and Archie still sat beside her, and slowly opened her eyes. "Hey you" Archie smiled when he saw she was awake. "Hi" Betty said, sitting up and rubbing her eyes. "How are you feeling?" Jughead asked, stroking the hair from her face. "A lot better" she sighed, settling back down. "That's good" he smiled. "How long was I asleep for?" Betty asked and Archie checked his phone. "A couple of hours" he told her. "I'm hungry" she said after a few moments and the guys laughed. "Do you want dinner?" Jughead asked and she nodded. "Please can I have a grilled cheese?" She asked, she loved jugheads grilled cheeses. "Of course, arch do you want one too?" Jug asked, standing up. "Yes please" Archie grinned. When jughead stood up to go to the kitchen, Betty moved and snuggled into Archie's side; Archie's arm automatically came around her and he pressed a kiss to her head, making her smile.
After eating, the three milled around the trailer doing there own things. Betty was sat on the couch reading when her phone buzzed with a text from Kevin:
Kev: hey B! Do you want to get mani pedis tomorrow? <3
Betty smiled and responded:
Betty: sure! Is 12 okay? <3
Kev: perfect! I'll see you then <3
"Who was that?" Archie asked from where he was playing video games. "Kev, were going to get our nails done tomorrow" Betty told them. "Sounds fun" jug teased and Betty playfully stuck her tongue out at him.
The next morning, Betty woke up in between her boyfriends and stretched out. "Morning" she heard jug mumbled and she smiled, kissing him lips before doing the same with Archie. "Why are you up so early babe?" Jughead asked her. "I want to go for a run" she said. "Can I come with you?" Archie asked and Betty grinned and nodded. "Juggie? Are you coming?" Betty asked and he smirked at her. "Not a chance" he said and Betty and Archie laughed as he pulled the covers back over his head. Betty and Archie changed into their workout clothes and left the trailer. "Where do you want to run too?" Archie asked. "Sweetwater?" Betty suggested and Archie nodded, both of them stretching before running. Once they reached the river, they both stopped for a rest. "It's so beautiful in the mornings" Betty sighed, looking at the view. "Just like you" Archie smirked at her and Betty giggled. "Cheesy" she smiled and Archie pulled her into his arms. "Nooo I'm all sweaty" she said and Archie just held her tighter. "So am I babe" he laughed. They stood like that for a while until Archie asked her "was there any reason you wanted to come for a run today?". Betty sighed before taking a step back. "I need to keep in shape" she told him and Archie quirked an eyebrow. "I...I'm a Cheerleader now and I need to look the part" she said quietly. "Betts.." Archie said, looking at her. "You are in shape. And you're beautiful but most importantly you're healthy baby" he said, taking her hands and making her look at him. "I know it's hard and you can't change how you feel, but please promise me when you feel like that you'll talk to me or jug?" He asked her and Betty nodded. "Okay...i promise" she whispered and he leant down to kiss her. "I love you" he said. "I love you too".
When they got back to the trailer, jughead was sat up in bed. "Hey" he grinned. "Hi" Archie smiled. "Betts, why don't you jump in the shower first babe?" Archie said and Betty nodded, walking into the bathroom. "How was your run?" Jughead asked Archie once Betty was gone. "It was good but I need to tell you something that Betty said" Archie said and sat down, explaining what Betty had said about keeping in shape and needing to look a certain way. "I hate that she feels like that..." jug sighed, running his hands through his hair. "But I agree with you, she needs to talk to us when she feels like that" he added. "I don't know how to make her see she's beautiful" Archie said. "We'll figure it out" jug said, kissing him. Just then, Betty walked back in, fresh clothes and hair wet. "Showers all yours arch" she said, brushing her hair. "Thanks betts" he smiled, kissing her cheek as he walked by her. "Hi baby" jug smiled, standing up and kissing Betty. "Hey" she smiled. "Can we talk?" He asked her and she nodded. He sat them down on the edge of the bed and took her hands. "Arch told me what you said" he said, and lifting her chin up when she looked down. "I'm sorry you feel like that betts, but you're beautiful and I'll tell you everyday until you believe us" he grinned and brought a small smile to her face. "I'm sorry" she said, but jughead shook his head. "You don't have anything to be sorry for. You can't help how you feel, I just wanted you to know that you don't need to worry about that" he said. "I love you" she said, wrapping her arms around him as he held her. "I love you too" he said against her hair.
After getting ready, Betty left with Kevin to get their nails done while the boys stayed at the trailer. "So how's life living with jug?" Kevin asked Betty. "It's good, but I feel like we've all been living together forever so it's not that much different" she giggled. "And how are you doing? About your mom?" He asked and Betty sighed. "It's...a process. It's just the whole what to do next thing?" She said and Kevin looked confused. "What do you mean?" He asked. "I know I can stay with Archie and jughead and that's okay but my mom had my college fund" she sighed. "You can always get a job?" Kevin suggested. "I heard pops hiring" he added and Betty nodded. "I'll go and speak to him after this" she said.
Back at the trailer, the boys were watching a movie when the trailer door opened and Betty walked back in. "Hey guys" she smiled. "Hi baby" "hey babe" the boys said, pausing the movie. "How was your day?" She asked, sitting in the middle of them. "It was good, we missed you though" jug smiled, as they both kissed her. "How was yours?" Archie asked. "It was nice" she smiled. "Let's see your nails" jug smiled and Betty showed them her freshly painted light pink nails. "Very cute" they grinned and Betty giggled. "Erm, I have something I want to talk with you two about" she said, sitting up so she could see them. "I asked pop if there was any jobs going" she said and they both were confused. "Why?" Jug asked. "After I cut my mom out that means my college fund" she told them. "And also...I would like to make my own money and be a little independent" she told them. "I understand baby, but you can get a scholarship" jug told her and she nodded. "I know and I will try and get one but I still think it will be good for me, and pop said I can just have a couple of shifts a week" she said. "I want something for myself" she said. "We support you betts, with whatever you want" Archie said, wrapping his arms around her. "Always" jughead said.
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