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"Clove! Max is here!" Stella shouted from the living room
"One second!" she called out before the bathroom door swung open
"Hey" Max greeted while quickly shutting the door behind her
"Jesus, what if I was naked or something?" Clove asked as Max laughed
"You don't think to lock the door?" she questioned with a wiggle of her eyebrows as Clove threw the toothpaste at her
"Is it happening again?" Max asked as she saw the side of Cloves arm start to turn a weird purplish color
"Yeah, it should go away soon though" Clove nodded while wrapping it with a cotton wrap as Max began to help her
"I wish the doctor would just figure it out" the redhead sighed
"There's not much to figure out, can't just say a Demodog bit me and this has been happening ever since" Clove shrugged while Max cut the end of the wrap and tucked it in
"Still not hurting or anything though?" Max asked as Clove shook her head
"Stop worrying about me please, it's summer. Summer is supposed to be filled with love and excitement not worry and a million question" Clove teased while wrapping her arms around Max's shoulders as hers went to the Reyes girl's waist
"Can't help it" Max said as she leaned over to peck Clove's lips with a grin
"Well you need to help it, c'mon, Lucas will have a fit if we're late again" Clove said while grabbing the girls and pulling her out the house
"Hey, do you guys need money? If you didn't know, I got a raise" Levan teased
"That is only the fifth time you've told us this week" Max laughed
"We're okay, Steve's gonna get us in. Thanks anyway Dad" Clove gave him a smile as Stella walked in
"What about snacks?" she question
"Robin has it covered" Max said to her as the two parents stared at them, Butterclub running past them to jump up on the couch
"What?" the girls asked at once
"Max you got a little something" Levan said as he pointed toward Max's mouth where the girl quickly wiped it to see a sparkly pink, the same shade that matched Cloves lip gloss
"Oh my gosh, we're leaving" Clove said quickly as she grabbed Max and pulled her out the house
"Don't be out to late, you filthy teenagers!" Stella called out as the girls laughed and peddled to the Star Court
"Nice of you to finally show up" Clove crossed her arms as Mike pulled up fifteen minutes late
"Yeah, you're late" Lucas said as he stood next to her
"I'm sorry" Mike quickly apologized as he got off his bike
"We're gonna miss the opening again" Will said as they all began to walk fast through the mall
"Yeah if you guys keep whining about it, let's go" Mike called out as he lead the group
"If you guys keep whining about it" Lucas mocked him
"Just please stop talking dude" Mike said annoyed
"Let me guess you were busy" Lucas teased as he made kissy faces as Clove rolled her eyes
"Oh real mature Lucas" Mike rolled his eyes
"We wouldn't be mocking you if you could at least make it on time" Clove rolled her eyes
"Oh yeah i'm sure that's why you're mad right Clove?" Mike asked the girl, Clove wanted to be honest with Mike about her old feelings for El when they both got into her relationship , it was soon after that when Clove and Max finally got together, but now mike just held it over her head.
"Shut up Mike" Max rolled her eyes
"Oh El, I wish we could make out forever and never hang out with our friends" Lucas began to mock again to get the attention off Clove
"Lucas stop" Max said to him
"Will thinks it's funny" Lucas said as he nodded toward Will who laughed
"Because it is" Will agreed
"Oh yeah it's so funny that I wanna spend romantic time with my girlfriend, Max and Clove do it all the time" Mike said as he pointed backwards at them while the whole group shhed him
"Jesus Mike, would you shut up?" Max asked him in a whisper
"Not everyone is cool with that" Clove added in as a whisper
"Sorry, sorry" Mike said as he put his hands up
"Excuse us, sorry" the group all said as they ran down the escalator toward the bottom
"Watch it" a older girl sassed as Mike bumped into her
"Yeah watch it nerd" Lucas's little sister Erica said as she looked at the group from a table with her friends
"Isn't it past your bedtime?" Lucas rolled his eyes toward her
"Isn't it time you died" Erica said causing Clove to hold back her laugh as Max slapped her arm slightly
"Psycho" Lucas said with wide eyes
"Butthead!" Erica shouted back
"Mall rat" Lucas kept on
"Fart face!" Erica yelled as Lucas just made a sound with his mouth
"Oh wow how lovely" Clover said to him
"Real mature" Max rolled her eyes as the two girls pushed Lucas along with them. As they made their way into the ice cream parlor Mike rang the small bell many time
"Hey dingus your children are here" Robin called out as Steve swung the window open
"Again? Seriously?" Steve asked them while they all just gave him a look and lead them to a door
"Catch" Robin called out as she tossed Clove two packs of sweet tarts
"You're the best!" Clove called out to her as she threw the other pack toward Max as they quickly caught up with their friends as they ran into the movie theater
"See Lucas we made it" Mike whispered to Lucas as they got their seats
"We missed the previews" Lucas argued back as he looked past Clove
"Still made it, fartface" Max teased while Cove couldn't help put let out a laugh as the people in the row before them shhed her, causing the girl to shh them back while Will passed them drinks from his bag
The movie began to play as the group all watched intensely. They had been planning on coming to see Day Of The Dead since the previous came out a couple months back. Just as it started to get good again, the projecter went out as everyone booed. After a few minutes the projecter started up again as everyone cheered loudly, as did Clove before she felt a weird and moving motion in the scar on her arm. The girl held it as she shut her eyes and took a breath
"Hey, everything okay?" Max asked as she looked to Clove and then to her arm
"Yeah, yeah just cold" Clove quickly made to excuse while letting her arm go
"It is kinda chilly huh?" Max asked as she looked around before resting her arms over Clove's shoulder and pulling her closer
That night as Clove slept in her bed the memories from months back haunted her mind. She saw the demodog bit her and the memories of the doctor sewing her up. She saw it over and over again until before she sat up quickly and took a deep breath and hurried to flip her light on. She looked down at her arm, seeing as it was turning the weird purpleish color again as she looked away quickly, seeing as something on the inside of her skin was pushing against it and moving in a odd direction. When she looked back down the motion was gone and the color began to fade. Clove took a sip of her water as she turned the light off and went back to sleep, holding her blanket close to her body
first chapter and we finally have the cutest girlfriends
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