.four ⁱ ˡⁱᵏᵉᵈ ʰᵉʳ
"Everyone dressed up last year." Dustin continued to complain on the bike ride home.
"Dustin, it's fine okay? You guys look cute." Clover said as she cycled next to Mike.
"No we looked like idiots." Mike corrected her.
"Hey guys." Dustin said as they look behind them, seeing a car coming full speed at them.
"Go! Go!Go!" Mike shouted as they picked up on their speed before swerved off the road.
"You okay?" Mike asked while he helped Clove stand.
"Yeah, you good?" she asked while he nodded and let go of her.
"Wait is that..." Dustin began out of breath as he looked down the road.
"Mad Max." Lucas breathed out as Clover frowned her eyebrows and watched the car fly down the street .
"Okay, one more big smile." Levan said as Clover stood in her costum next to the stairs as she smiled big.
"Okay, and hands on the hips." he said as Clover did so and flashed a wink while her Dad laughed before the door bell rang.
"That's probably the boys." Clover said as he smiled.
"Go get them so I can give them some oranges."" Levan smiled as he jogged to get the bowl while Clove laughed and swung the door open.
"Where's you costume?" Lucas as with frowned eyebrows as Clover raised her eyebrows.
"I'm Sam." she announced.
"Sam?" Dustin asked in confusion
"From Sixteen Candles?" Clover questioned, hoping they'd catch on.
"Wasn't she a redhead?" Mike questioned while Clove sighed.
"Yeah but-" she began but cut herself off with a eye roll.
"Come in, and please be nice to my Dad. You know he's sensitive." Clove said as she let them in.
"Why wouldn't we be?" Dustin asked.
"You look great Clove, I knew you were Sam."Will smiled at the girl.
"Thank you for the kind words, Byers." Clove smiled at him, considering they were the same hight
"Hey you guys!" Levan grinned widely as he walked over to the five with a bowl.
"Hey Mr.Reyes." Lucas greeted.
"Okay, bag open." he said while the four boys held them out, Levan dropped the round oranges in their pillow cases.
"Oranges?" Dustin asked with his mouth slightly aggaped.
"Yeah, healthy halloween. You get it?" Levan asked with a giggle while the four boys stared at him before Clove cleared her throat loudly.
"Thanks so much Mr.R."Mike began.
"Yeah we love them." Will added in with a forced smile.
"We better get going, bye Dad." Clover said as she drug the boys out the house.
"Bye you guys!" Levan shouted back .
"A healthy halloween?" Lucas asked.
"Shut up." Clover said with a grin while they began walking down the street.
"Trick or treat." they all said why coming up to a ladies house.
"Aw aren't you cute? A prom queen and little exterminators." she gushed while all their smiles feel before taking the candy and walking off.
"If I get along three muscaters i'm gonna kill myself." Lucas rolled his eyes while they walked out the drive way.
"What's wrong with three musketeers ?" Dustin asked in a some what defensive voice.
"No one likes three musketeers." Mike shook his head .
"It's not the best." Clover shrugged.
"Yeah it's just nougat." Will nodded along .
"Just nougat? Just nougat? It is top three for me." Dustin said.
"Are you kidding me?" Clover asked him with a scrunched up face.
"Nope." Dustin shook his head while popping the P.
"Top three?" Lucas asked in disbelief .
"Top three." Dustin confirmed.
"My god, give me a break." Mike rolled his eyes.
"I could eat like a whole bowl of nougat straight up." Dustin went on before someone dressed as Michael meyers jumped out at them, causing the five to scream loudly.
"Holy shit, you should have seen the look on your guys faces." Max laughed.
"Max, you could have gave me a whole heart attack. " Clove scolded her while she held a hand to her heart .
"Sorry ankle bitter, but you! Who screams like that? You sounded like a little girl." Max said as she looked at Lucas before walking forward.
"Hey you guys coming or what? I heard we should hit up Lock Nora, that's we're the rich people live right?" Max asked while pulling Clover with her.
"I'm glad you came out tonight." Clover smiled at her.
"Couldn't leave you all along with a bunch of boys right?" Max grinned while looking down at the girl who looked away with a grin.
"I have always been the only girl, except for-" Clover began but cut herself off.
"Except for what?" Max asked as they walked side by side.
"Nothing.. so michael myers? A classic." Clove said quickly to change the subject.
"Samantha Baker, didn't know you had it in you bite size." Max teased as they walked with a laugh .
"Rich people are such suckers." Dustin giggled as the group left a large house.
"Wait you're not rich right?" he asked Max suddenly .
"Dustin." Clove scolded him from where she trailed back with Mike.
"Nah, I live off of old Cherry road." Max laughed
"Oh." Dustin said as he looked away.
"No it's fine, I mean the streets good for skating." Max nodded as her and Dustin began discussing other things, Clove couldn't help my sigh as a pang of jealously hit her, a feeling she was very use to .
"What's up with you?" Mike asked while elbowing her side.
"Nothing, what's wrong with you?" she asked quickly as he gave her a odd look.
"Did either of you agree to this?" he asked while looking between Clover and Will.
"What?" Will asked him.
"To her, joining our party." Mike said which made Clover roll her eyes.
"Just because she's spending a holiday with us doesn't mean she's trying to join our party, Mike." Clover sassed him.
"They should have checked with me." Mike mumbled.
"Well they were excited, I guess they thought you'd be okay with it." Will shrugged while Clover nodded in agreement.
"She's ruining the best night of the year." Mike glared at the back of the redheads head.
"Lose the attitude Mike, it's getting old." Clover said as he glared at her from the side.
"Oh i'm so sorry, gotta take your knew best friends side right?" he asked which made the girl turn her head to him.
"Are you serious right now? She's not all of a sudden my best friend, but if you didn't notice, i'm allowed to be friends with other people besides you." Clover said in a duh tone, making Mike roll his eyes.
"I never said th-" Mike began as the two didn't realize Will was no longer by their side.
"Sure seems that way." Clover shot back.
"You know, out of everyone i'd expect you to side with me the most. Why would we need another girl in our party? We already have you and El."Mike said as Clover stopped talking and looked down.
"Sorry." she mumbled while Mike looked down as well.
"Me too." he said back before reaching over to hold her hand.
"Hey, what's the deal with them?" Max asked the two boys as she looked at Mike and Clover over her shoulder.
"Them? Nothing, why?" Lucas asked.
"They seem closer than just friends." Max shrugged while she bit the inside of her mouth.
"Oh no that's not it, they just are going through the same thing right now."Dustin nodded.
"What do you mean?" Max asked while Lucas shook his head quickly .
"Ughh, nothing. Don't worry about it." he said as Max looked over at the two behind her one more time before a yell for Clove and Mike flew through the air, sending the two best friends into a sprint toward the direction. The trio followed them quickly.
"Will! What is it? Are you okay?" Clove asked while she bent down by the boy after finding him behind a building.
"I couldn't find you, are you hurt?" Mike asked in a panic as he also gripped onto the boy .
"Holy shit." Dustin explained while running over.
"Is he okay?" Max asked.
"I don't know, i'm gonna get you home okay? Gonna get you home." Mike said as he helped Will stand.
"Do you want me to come? I can help." Clove said as she looked at Mike.
"It's okay, i'll call you tonight." he said to her.
"Hold on-" Lucas began as him and Dustin tried to help.
"I got him! I got him!" Mike yelled while the two boys held a look of hurt.
"Mike." Dustin called out, seeing the two walk away.
"Keep trick or treating, i'm bored anywaysz" Mike called out while walking away.
"I'm sorry you had to see that, I swear they aren't like that all the time." Clove reassured Max .
"What's wrong with him?" she asked while Clove looked over to the two boys.
"It's complicated, we'll talk about it another time. It's getting late, and cold so i'm gonna head back home." Clove said as she was no longer in a good mood, worried about Will.
"Still want me to come over?" Max asked while Clove nodded.
"If that's okay?" she asked while the blue eyed girl nodded.
"We'll see you guys tomorrow." Max said to Dustin and Lucas while the two yelled out embarrassing goodbyes .
"Dad! I brought Max." Clover said as she entered her house.
"Didn't know you were rich." Max laughed while she looked around.
"We aren't, it was my grandparents house before they moved off to Texas so we got a good deal on it." Clove laughed as she heard foot steps running before her Dad squealed.
"I'm sorry, Michael Myers freaks me out." he apologized while giving a akward laugh.
"Oh, sorry." Max quickly said while putting the mask away.
"No, no it's okay. I'm Levan Reyes, i've heard nice things about you." Levan grinned while shaking the girls hand.
"Nice to meet you Mr.Reyes, you've got a sweet house." Max said as Levan raised his eyes and laughed slightly.
"Ugh, yeah yeah thank you.. thank you Max." Levan said as he blinked in surprise to her words.
"We're gonna go upstairs." Clove interrupted while grabbing Max's wrist and pulling her toward the stair case.
"No scary movies, don't want you to have nightmares again." Levan said quickly.
"Dad." Clove wined in embarrassment
while Max chuckled.
"So cute." she teased while the two entered her room.
"So pink." Max pointed out while looking at all of Clovers pink decorations.
"It was my favorite color when I was younger, couldn't bring myself to take it all down." Clove said with a grin while she sat on her bed and took off her shoes.
"And what's your favorite color now?" the girl asked while Clove studied her for a moment .
"Red." she answered while Max grinned and sat next to her.
"Wow, they looked so young." Max said as she looked at the framed photo on Cloves night stand of her and the boys.
"Times flys I guess." Clove laughed while Max grinned.
"What's up with you and Mike?" she smirked while Clove frowned her eyebrows.
"Me and Mike? Nothing, why do you ask?" Clove asked in confusion .
"Oh c'mon, I see the way you look at him. Like he's the only star in the sky or something, and you guys hold hands." Max pointed out while Clove looked down at her lap.
"We weren't always this way, here recently he's the only person that really understands what i'm feeling though." Clove said as she chewed her bottom lip.
"What do you mean?" Max asked while Clove hesitated.
"You can trust me." Max reassured her while placing her hand on top of the brunettes.
"There was this girl, Mike liked her so much. She moved here for a little bit and just clicked with all of us, and then she had to leave." Clove said as she looked down.
"And you guys are closer now because you understand his pain? Because you miss your friend?" Max asked while Clove let a single tear fall.
"No." she stated while letting more tears fall as Max gave her hand a squeeze and also giving a confused look.
"We understand each other because I-" Clover began as she looked up at Max with blood shot eyes and red cheeks
"Because I liked her the same way Mike did." Clove got out as she looked down and sobbed, Max sat there for a second, simple thinking, before she snapped back into reality and quickly wrapped her arms around the girl.
"It's okay, i've got you." Max whispered while hugging the crying girl tighter.
it's a little early for Clove to come out but i'm happy she did and that the El thing is out there now:)
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