𝐼𝐼𝐼. Whatever, Bye
Eliana was absolutely over the moon to be partying with her best friends for the first time in months, except Cassie was nowhere to be found.
Cassie was also acting weird ever since Christmas, Eliana had noticed. Even when they exchanged gifts, Cassie seemed monotoned and uninterested, barely giving Eliana's gift a second glance as she seemed deep in thought. Eliana didn't want to push her into giving up what was obviously troubling her, but she hoped that she would soon.
"If I don't find a bathroom, I'm gonna spend New Year's with a fucking UTI," Maddy said, stressed.
"Come on babes, we'll find you one," Eliana offered, taking Maddy by her forearm and turning her around. They were currently at the party that had been the talk of their groupchat all morning, the party where Kat tried betting on Eliana actual money depending on Eliana going home with someone or by herself. She wanted so badly to tell them about the secret she had been harbouring, Fez. But she was afraid they'd judge her because even though they were her friends, they tended to be a bit harsh.
"Where's the bathroom?" Maddy asked someone.
"That way."
"Thank you."
"Maddy, have you seen Cassie?" Lexi came up to them, obviously concerned.
"I thought she was with you," Maddy replied. This was true, because they'd all been talking about the party this morning, and Cassie was supposed to be coming with her sister. But Eliana knew she was having a hard time staying single.
"No, we like got in a screaming fight and she got out the car in the middle of the road," Lexi shook her head, blinking rapidly.
"Wait, what?"
Eliana furrowed her eyebrows, able to feel the brow gel in them as she did. "That doesn't sound like her."
"What were you fighting about?" Maddy asked.
"She was drinking while I was driving."
"How long ago was this?"
"Like an hour and a half."
"Did you call her?"
Lexi shook her head. "She's not answering."
"She always answers," Maddy and Eliana noted at the same time.
" I know. It's fucking weird. I'm actually worried. She was, like, very drunk," Lexi said.
"I'm sure she's fine. There's no way Cassie's gonna miss a New Year's Eve party," Maddy said before walking off, still needing to pee.
Eliana looked to Lexi. "Look, we were all planning to get drunk and have a good time tonight, right? She's probably around her somewhere getting fucked up without us," she forced a chuckle, even if she herself was concerned for her friend. "I'm going to go see if Maddy found the bathroom, text me if you find her," she said, Lexi nodding.
Maddy was in fact down the hallway banging on the door to said bathroom, Eliana walking up behind her, not wanting to leave her alone just yet as she wasn't familiar with this person's house. "I'm using the fuckin' bathroom!"
Eliana rolled her eyes. "Great."
"Uh, just a sec," he said from behind the door as Maddy grabbed the knob, rattling it. "Hold on! Yo, just a minute!"
"Open the fucking door, Nate! I have to pee!"
In all honesty, Eliana knew Maddy and Nate had been dating forever and very close no matter if it was healthy or not, so she was really curious as to why he wasn't letting her pee even if he was busy. "Maybe he's measuring his dick or something," Eliana muttered, Maddy throwing her a look. "Sorry, I forgot it's an inch long."
"Can you open the door?" Maddy continued to bang on the door. "I have to pee, Nate! Open the door! Open the door! I need to pee!"
"I'm just usin' the bathroom! Just a second! Fuckin' pee outside!" he yelled back.
Maddy stopped, leaning her ear against the wooden door. "Are you taking a shit at a party?"
"I can't believe you ever dated him."
"Sure," Maddy replied half-mindedly before repeating to bang on the door. "You're so disgusting. I can smell it. I hear you taking a shit. Hurry the fuck up! What are you fuckin' doing? Wipe your ass and come out. I need to pee! I'm gonna break this fucking door, Nate. Open the fucking door!"
Eliana leaned her back against the hallway, noticing Fez walk in and take a seat on the couch, the two locking eyes for a brief moment. "Do you need backup?" she asked Maddy, never taking her eyes off of Fez. "I'm sure we could take the door off the hinges."
"We fucking might have to," Maddy gritted, leaning her back against the wall, waiting for Nate to come out. Eliana then took her eyes off Fez, leaving the boy with a pit in his stomach. With Maddy wearing a black cutout dress, Eliana decided to go for the opposite and wear a pastel blue babydoll t-shirt with tight and dark high-rise jeans along with a blue crossbody bag to match. Her half-up hairstyle and white heels stole the show though, yet another moment where both girls looked gorgeous separately and stunning side by side.
"You waitin' for the bathroom?"
"Do I know you?" Maddy asked the guy who had crept up to them.
"A lot of people know me."
"Do you know me?"
"Yeah. You're the girl I met on New Year's Eve standin' in line for the bathroom," he replied cooly.
Maddy turned to Eliana, who couldn't hold back a smile. Even she had to admit that it was pretty smooth, even if Maddy thought differently. "Oh, God."
Eliana smiled at her shoes, unaware Fez was still watching her intently even as Grace Smyth ⎯ who was easily one of the hottest girls in the senior grade ⎯ tried talking to him.
Then, finally, Nate came out of the bathroom, wearing his usual stupid expression. "Wait, did you not wash your hands?" Maddy looked him up and down.
"What the fuck are you talking about, Maddy?"
"I can't believe you took a shit at a party, and you didn't wash your hands," Maddy said in disbelief, which was pretty in character because Maddy was the cleanest person Eliana had ever met. Even Eliana had a hard time not making a face at the idea of not washing your hands, especially at someone else's house.
"Yo, wassup? My name's Travis. I would shake your hand, but I don't wanna get Hepatitis," the guy behind Maddy said, which caused Eliana to finally crack, a snort coming out of her nose as she laughed into a fist, crossing her arms over her chest.
Nate gave Eliana a quick look before turning his attention back to Maddy. "Yo, can we talk somewhere in private?"
"No, because I have to fucking pee," Maddy put her hand on his shoulder, pushing him aside. "Move."
With just Nate, Eliana and Travis (who wasn't even paying attention) standing there, Eliana realized she was uncomfortable and no matter how much she loved Maddy there was no way she would be able to stand waiting around for her with Nate. When he tried opening his mouth, probably going to say something stupid to her, Eliana couldn't help but roll her eyes. "Whatever, bye."
god is a woman and her name is eliana
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