𝒳𝐼𝐼𝐼. The Drama Of It All
"Get in the hot tub with us," Maddy told the tall boy as she fixed her hair to be a messy bun. Eliana and Kat were already in the tub, Eliana's hair sitting on top of her head to avoid it getting wet, while Kat's short hair was pulled back in an adorable baby ponytail. Secretly, Eliana wished Nate tripped and drowned on the way in.
"I don't, uh, I don't, I don't really feel like it," he stammered.
"It's my birthday, come on," Maddy insisted.
"Yeah, Natey," Eliana mocked, but deep down she was filled to the brim with sickness for him. She wanted him out of her sight immediately. Despite her obviously mimicking tone, Maddy didn't mind it, and Nate seemed to actually contemplate staying, so that backfired.
"Ooh, this feels so good."
"I know."
"Cheers, compa," Eliana smiled, trying hard to remember what today was about; the birth of her best friend. The rest of the girls smiled in harmony with her, even Cassie, who was stumbling towards the tub, laughing. Promiscuous played softly in the background.
"Hi. Hi," the blonde announced her presence as she sloppily hopped into the hot tub.
"Are you, are you okay?" Eliana asked first.
"Oh, oh. Oh, oh. It's okay," Kat said.
"Oh, shit," Cassie said to herself. Was she that drunk already?
Nate agreed. "Yeah, it's okay."
"Happy birthday," Cassie smiled at Maddy from across the tub.
"Thank you," Maddy welcomed the sentiment, although weird.
"I'm so glad you guys are back together," Bb said, earning a deathly glare from Eliana. "Yeah!" she said, completely unaware of how Eliana was done with this group tonight.
"We're not back together," Nate said. Thank God.
"You're not?"
"I mean, I was gonna say no, but why are you saying no?" Maddy asked.
Eliana groaned softly. "Ugh, just leave it alone," she closed her eyes as if wishing her problems away. She prayed that when she opened them, Nate would be gone and Cassie would be less drunk and Bb would be less annoying. Maybe it was the incoming PMS talking, but she was getting to be done with them.
Nate ignored her too. "Um, because we're not."
"I know, but why do you sound so definitive about it?"
"I wasn't being definitive."
"It sounded like it," Maddy pushed.
"No, I mean, she just asked a question..."
"That you didn't have to answer."
"Oh, okay, yeah."
"But you did."
"I don't understand what we're arguing about," Nate furrowed his brows, almost looking to Eliana for help. That makes two of us, she tried to tell him with her facial expressions. But to hell, if she was speaking up right now.
"You and your tone."
"But we're not back together. Uh, yet."
"I mean, why don't just say that we're working it out?" Maddy asked.
"You literally just said you were gonna say no," Nate countered.
"Right, but that's me."
"Meaning what?"
"Meaning that when I say it, it means something totally different than when you say it."
"Okay. It might seem that way in your head, Maddy, but it's the same word," he argued.
"Yeah, but it's also the speed with which you said no," Maddy leaned forward, getting a little agressive. Eliana had seen this look on her friend many times.
"Aw, gimme a fuckin' break," Nate sucked his teeth.
"It was quick."
"It wasn't, no."
"It was like a reflex."
"It wasn't like a reflex at all," Nate began raising his voice. That was the part that always scared Eliana when they fought around her because it always lead to things being thrown and harsh words being yelled. The Romano girl wasn't equipped for that at all. In none of the relationships, including friends and family, had Eliana ever had that.
"It was like his natural instinct."
"It wasn't."
Maddy looked to Kat, who was looking at her lap, like she was supposed to say something. "It was hasty," she agreed.
"You see?"
Eliana loved Maddy, she really did, but she hated how she always did that. As if bringing your friends into the fight was supposed to make things better or somehow make her argument stronger. "You really think she's gonna disagree with you?" Nate furrowed his eyebrows at the raven-haired girl.
"If I disagreed with her, then I would," Kat countered.
"Okay," Nate said after a quick half-second.
"What, you don't think I have a mind of my own?" Kat asked.
"No, I'm sure you do," he said in a monotone.
Maddy clapped her palms together harshly. "Ooh, he's such a cunt!"
"What the fuck is your problem?"
"You see, I'm not crazy, right?" Maddy turned to Kat, Bb and Eliana as if rallying a gang. "Because he's always tryin' to gaslight me."
"Look, I don't wanna argue about this," Nate brought his tone down, which honestly surprised Eliana. Still, she couldn't shake the feeling in her stomach.
"You see, this is why I don't believe you when you make all these promises, and you're like — Oh, let's get back together. You're the only person in the world I care about. You're a Goddess, and it's my fault for not treating you like a Goddess. I promise, Maddy. I'll change. I'll grow. I'll be better. I don't deserve you. But I love you. Please, when I go to college, move with me. Marry me. Have my babies."
Whatever Maddy said or maybe the thousand drinks Cassie had downed had finally realized her stomach couldn't take it, because suddenly she started gagging, throwing up immediately into the tub. The other girls screamed.
It took Eliana a second to register what was happening, since she had barely let Maddy's speech about Nate sink in, unable to believe that Nate and Maddy were actually capable of having a family together. But after a moment, Eliana's face also contorted into one of disgust as she realized this was real: Cassie was throwing up into the hot tub as everyone scurried to get out of it.
"I'm so sorry!" Cassie cried out. "I'm so sorry, Maddy! I'm sorry, Maddy!" she went on, crying, heaving, making a mess on herself. "I'm sorry, Maddy. I'm so sorry."
"It's fine," Maddy said, even though she was grossed out.
"It's not fine. I ruined everything, Maddy. I'm sorry." Little did Eliana know she ruined more than just the water that night.
"It's fine."
"It's not fine."
"It's fine."
"You're my best friend, and I'm sorry."
"What's going on?" Suze came outside, bewildered to see her daughter puking her guts out. "Sweetie, it's okay. Oh God. You threw up."
"I'm so sorry..." Cassie continued wailing.
"Just get outta the, get outta the tub.
"Maddy. I didn't..." Cassie trailed off, crying to herself. "Maddy, you're my best friend."
"Just get out!" Suze grabbed her daughter by her armpits, trying to drag Cassie out as best as she could while the rest of the girls gathered themselves.
"Oh my God," Lexi walked out of the house, equally confused as her mother. "What happened?!"
"Cassie threw up on all of us," Bb explained to the brunette.
"Can somebody help me, please?" Suze asked no one in particular, but before she was even done talking, Eliana was rushing to her side, the small girl doing her best to help Suze. Even though Suze had her problems, she always opened her doors for Eliana which was something she could never repay her for in her eyes. Just basic human kindness.
"She's so heavy," Eliana grunted as she tugged at Cassie, unaware of the throw up stuck to her leg.
"I'm sorry, Maddy," Cassie kept crying.
"Nate, get me a fucking towel!" Maddy ordered, sending the boy off on an errand. Eliana and Suze finally got Cassie out of the tub, so Eliana dropped her arms from the blonde, already exhausted. Ironically, Nate's eyes met hers in passing and almost for a brief moment, it was like both parties understood each other and that this wasn't the end of whatever drama was to be had. Unfortunately, because Eliana had enough Nate Jacobs and Co to last a lifetime.
"Maddy, I'm sorry!"
Eliana joined Maddy where she was standing. "I have never been so confused in my life," she noted, watching through the windows as Suze hauled Cassie upstairs. Cassie and Nate made brief eye contact, but Eliana didn't think much of it at the time. She just thought Nate was grossed out with her like the rest of them were.
"Ditto," Maddy nodded.
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