Chapter 3
"Do you think he likes me?" she says with a slight spunk in her voice
"Who?" I look over to Lucy in utter confusion, we are on the way home
"Branden, that's who of course!" she shouts in disappointment
"Why would you think that?"
"He, say by me at lunch being I looked 'Lonely'"
"True that...But he may just have the slightest nice side to him, that's all"
"Do you know many 'Lonely' people are in our lunchroom Chen? A lot of people Chen, a lot of people!"
"I know I know, but he may do it cuz you're a girl and you're normal cheerful when in there"
"Still, think he's into me..." she'd huff
"In your dreams" I laugh a bit and playfully punch her arm, We get to the bus stop this time it didn't actually jolt, my head is safe from slamming into the chair again. We both we the bus and part our ways. I start to walk home, I'm still worried about Lucy she's never posted death related things my worry turns into fear. I just hope today at the house is a lot better than it was at school, I hope Cin and Soka are at home arguing about ice cream flavors or something.
I see the sight of my mustard yellow two story house, with my window slightly broken, oh the time when Lucy tried to play baseball and threw the bat at the window. I laughed so hard that day
"CHEN GET INSIDE YOUR FATHER IS HERE!" wait a second the devil's at our house no thank you women
"Like I'd want to...."
"JUST GET IN HERE RIGHT NOW!" her voice snapped, causing my skin to jump.
"Fine..." I get into the house, seeing my good for nothing "father" sitting on the couch and would be drinking some coffee my mother had brewed up.
"Chen, It is so good to see you"
"Yeah, like you actually mean it..."
"Chen I know you don't really like me or something, I don't really know at this point" my father lying eyes shot a glance at me when he took a sip of the coffee.
"No wonder, I don't flipping like you..."
"Sorry Mom..."
"Chen I know you don't but me and your mom were talking about how you're not doing well at school"
"Geez, you just noticed" I mumbled under my breath
"Okay Chen listen, I heard that you're friend Lucy parents just broke up"
"WAIT HOW DO YOU KNOW!?" I jump up nearly hitting my head on a chair 'Wow chairs really don't like me today'
"I'm friends with her father, don't you know that?"
"I never wanted to mention you near her family" I snarl out the words. There was a long period of silents, I stand up and walk back outside and sit down on the front step. I look up into the heaves hoping, I would meet the man who lives up there and give me his hand in faith.
I'm christen along with my mother, my father seems to be pantheism or something I can't tell by now. But my mother always says
"You're father is still apart of the 'family' so please give him some respect that he needs"
half the time I don't even know how i'm related to him. I look around seeing many people pass my home with many of lives and interest I'd sigh
"I wish I could tell tales of happyness.... Ones with love friendships that last longs, ones is little lies. I wish I had a life of a child with a family who was pure but stable one with no lying and leaving and moving, oh wouldn't that be cheerful" I goran out the words laying back on the steps down start to close my eyes. 'SPLASH' the sprinklers go on and get in my face
"Oh sorry Chen, I forgot you were out there. I'll turn them off"
"Thank you..." I growl
"DON'T ACT THAT WAY TO YOU'RE FATHER!" I stay quiet and stand up
"Like I consider him a 'father'" I am able to growl out until my mother comes out and slaps me
"Now I don't any more of your trashy attitude anymore, GOT IT?" my mother snapped once more
"Yes mother..."
"What now?"
"I SAID YES!" I stand up I crossing my arms I continue to yell at my mother even though she told me to stop being sassy. She slaps me once more, storm away "Like I even like my family I know Evan Hansen had it worse or even Jeremy Heere, BUT STILL!" I mumble to myself as I reference of two mucials that I love. I wish things were "normal" well at least my definition of normal.
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