Chapter 20 - Pained
I stared at the metal capsule then looked at the guard. Ink moved in front of me to protect me.
Ink: He's not an animal. He's just like the rest of us. Either you treat him like a person or fuck off.
Guard: You don't fucking tell me what to do, Comyet.
The guard growled before pointing his gun at Ink. The sound of the gun cocking could be heard. Something inside of me snapped. I moved towards the guard and raised my fist. Without a second thought, I punched him with hard force.
He fell to the ground as I stood above him. I kept Ink behind me so he was safe. An angered voice emitted from me.
Me: Pathetic excuse for a human. You... are worthless.
I kneeled down and growled dangerously.
Me: No one hurts Ink for as long as I exist. There are consequences for your actions.
I picked up his gun. After quickly analyzing it, I was able to learn how to use it. I cocked the gun before covering Ink's eyes. I didn't want Ink to see what I was fixing to do. Even though he most likely already knew.
Aiming the weapon at the guard's head, I fired the gun. The bullet pierced through his helmet and immediately killed him. Other people that were watching gasped at my murderous act.
The loud clang of me dropping the gun was the only sound waves that filled room. I sighed loudly as I dragged Ink away without uncovering his eyes. He needed to be away from the scene.
We walked past the metal capsule. I sneered as I wrapped strings around it. The thin weapons began to tighten, eventually turning the "cage" into a metal ball.
Before I could get us to a safe area, we ran into Ink's father. He looked furious, letting me know that he knew about the murder. He suddenly pointed up. I looked up to see a second metal capsule. They seemed to have prepared themselves. A strange object was lowering the cage to the ground.
???: Get in, now.
Me: What about Ink?
???: He will be fine but you need to start obeying to your orders. I'm not giving you another chance after this.
He had the power to deactivate me so I had to listen to him. I uncovered Ink's eyes as I stepped in. Ink's eyes held sadness when he watched me comply to his father.
A door was shut in my face, officially locking me in the cage. There wasn't any window on the door so I couldn't see out. I felt the cold interior surface of the capsule. I had to the ability to break it, obviously, but increasing the amount of problems was risky.
I felt movement under my feet. I was being moved. No idea where but I just had to wait.
(Time Skip)
Leaning against the back of the cage, I thought to myself. I didn't know where we were going. The only that I did know was that we were going to war.
A loud noise and high amounts of vibration interrupted me. Gravity suddenly felt lighter. I began to panic as I knew what was happening. The machine that my cage was in... was falling.
Not minutes later, the cage made contact with the earth. This caused me to slam into the floor. If I knew where the ground was, I would have jumped to safe myself.
I started to kick the door, trying to open it. About four kick and the door busted open. Stepping out, I looked around to survey my surroundings. My eyes widened when I found Ink laying motionless on the ground. I ran towards him. He was still alive because I saw his body twitching.
Me: Ink! Are you okay?
Ink: .... Yeah. That fucking hurt like a bitch though.
He groaned as he pushed himself up.
Ink: How I survived that? No clue.
A smile appeared.
Ink: Alright, let's go fight.
I fought a group of men with Ink somewhere nearby. My strings and Blasters were my strongest weapons. We have been fighting nonstop for the past three days now.
My mind has evolved. Now, I can sense when danger is fixing to attack and then quickly figure out how much magic it takes to defeat them.
There was a small break for me as there was no one running at me. I listened to the environment. That's when I heard a scream of pain... Ink's scream of pain.
I darted my eyesight around, trying to find him. He wasn't far. I found him but, he was laying on the ground like last time.
I rushed towards him while fighting off several people.
When I made it to him, I noticed that he wasn't moving at all and a wound was in his chest. I kneeled down and pulled him into my arms. No reaction.
Me: Ink?
Nothing. This caused me to worry.
Me: Ink?!
I listened for a second. There wasn't any soulbeat. It finally set.
Me: No... no no no no.
I pulled Ink closer to me as I felt myself begin to break. Nothing could compare to what I was feeling. I felt desperation, I wanted Ink to stay with me. I felt anger because they killed Ink, the love of my life.
I let out a yell of rage and pain. All of my magic escaped me, destroying everything and killing everyone around me. I felt myself collapse to the ground due to exhaustion from letting everything out but...
I still kept Ink in my arms
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