Chapter 3
Chapter 3
“Can you believe we got a detention for the ping bong balls?” Laughed Andrew. “I bet he’s gay.” Said Alyssa and everyone started to laugh. “Zach! Can you believe we got a detention?” Laughed Trevor. “Well lucky for you guys I didn’t. All I have to do is apologize to the freak.” I smiled. “Are you kidding me? You didn’t get in trouble?” Yelled Gretchen violently. “Shut up Gretchen, you are just pist because you actually have something on your record.” I said and everyone laughed. I look down at the ground thinking about what I did. I shouldn’t have agreed to put ping pong balls into his locker. It’s just not right. “Alright I’m going to trig so I’ll see you guys at lunch.” I walk away and head down the hall to my Second period class. I open the door and everyone stares. “You’re late Zach” Said Mrs. Yields. “Better late than never ma’am.” Everyone laughs and I sit down. “Now what I was saying, what is a trigonometric identity?” Asked Mrs. Yields. Max answers “Trigonometric identies are equalities that involve trigonometric functions and are true for every single value of occurring variables.” I stare at Max then he looks back at me and looks away. Everyone begins to laugh. “Now now everyone, he is correct.” Replied Mrs. Yields. I begin to think of what to say and blurted out, “No one likes nerds Mrs. Yields.” Everyone starts to laugh. Mrs. Yields looks at me with a look of anger. “That’s it, Zach out of my class right now!” Yelled Mrs. Yields “My pleasure.” I respond. I walk out of class and go to my locker. The halls are empty and so silent right now. Then I hear some people walking, and I look around my shoulder and it’s Max and some girl named Carmen. “Don’t tell me, a nerd is skipping class?” I asked sarcastically. “There is this thing called the restroom.” Responded Max and walked away. “Why are you going together?” I asked. “Best friend code Zach.” Laughed Carmen. They turned around and walked towards the restroom. I hear heels in the hallway, and by that sound it has to be my mother. I look around my open locker door, and I was right it was my mom. By the look on her face, she has pure anger in her and she is about to explode. “Why are you doing this Zach? You know better then that. It is all those friends you have and they have a bad influence on you.” She says and slams my locker door. “Even Trevor? You know we have been best friends since grade school.” “Well if he was your true friend, he wouldn’t have gotten you in trouble.” “It’s not his fault mom, can you just see that? We all favored to do it.” “Well, if you don’t stop what you are doing. You can kiss your license goodbye for good.” She says and walks away with a smile. Two girls and Trevor come walking by. “ZACH!” Yelled one of the girls. “Hey man!” Laughed Trevor. “So I’m having a party at my parents beach house an hour away from her this weekend, do you want to come?” asked one of the girls. Trevor is behind them shaking his head up and down. “Sorry, I can’t maybe next time.” I respond instantly. The girls grin and look at Trevor. “Start walking I’ll catch up to you girls in a sec.” Said Trevor “What the hell dude? What’s with you? Why don’t you want to go to the party?” Asked Trevor. “I’m not interested that’s why.” I responded. I close my locker and walk down the hall. “Don’t be foolish Zach you know you want to go!” yelled Trevor. I ignored him and kept walking. “Ding, ding, Ding, ding.” The bell starts ringing. I walk up stairs to my third period class. I hate chemistry so much. I don’t see how I’m going to use that in my life. I mean I would understand if I was going to do something that I needed chemistry for. But I am not. I really don’t think I need this class. I walk into chemistry and sit down in my station. People come up to me and surround me and start talking about this party this weekend at the beach house. I don’t see why everyone is going crazy. It’s like they haven’t been to a beach house before. My phone vibrates and it’s a text message from Trevor. It reads “You have to come to this party this weekend. It’s going to be one of the biggest parties this year.” I lie and respond “I’ll be throwing one here soon, so no worries.” “Ding, Ding, Ding,”
The bell rings and everyone sits.
“Everyone, please be quiet.” Said Mr. King. Everyone stops talking little at a time. Like someone has a volume button turning them down. “Now today we are going to be talking about the new project you and a partner are going to do…” Everyone starts talking. “Hey just an FYI, you don’t get to pick your own partner, and I’m picking a partner for you guys.” He adds. Everyone starts to boo in disappointment. “Ring, ring, ring.” He stops talking and answers his phone. “Hello?” he asks. People stare and try to listen to his conversation. “Yeah, ok, will do.” And hangs up. People look away soon as he hangs up the phone. “Ok, now back to picking partners…..” He says. He starts naming off partners then he says, “Zach, you are working with Max.” I look at the teacher then looked at Max... Everyone starts to laugh. I look at Max and back to the teacher again. “You’re kidding right?” I ask. “Not kidding.” Mr. King replies. I lay down my head on my table. “Now, this project does require a lot of time after school, and or before school. You’ll be spending a lot of time with your partners. So don’t hate each other more then you already hate your self.” He laughs. “Now go find a station and sit with your partner.” He adds. I grab my stuff and sit down next to Max. And don’t even acknowledged him. “Look, I don’t want to be partners with you, but I’m not doing this all by myself.” Said Max in anguish. “Ok, we will both work together on it. Happy now?” I reply. ”Ecstatic.” Max said sarcastically. “So when do you want to get together and work on it?” He added. “What about today after school at the coffee shop?” I asked. “I can’t today; I have somewhere to be after school.” He replied. “You have places to be?” I laughed. “Yes, I’m going to a friend’s house.” He responded fiercely. “You have friends?” I asked and raise my eyebrow. “If you’re going to bash me like this, then don’t bother me. I will do my part of the project. And you can do your part.” He said and looked away. “I’m joking nerd, take a chill pill.” I say. “Let me see your phone.” He puts his hand out. “Why? “Because let me see it.” He grabs my phone and puts in his number. He gives me my phone back and he hands me his. I put in my number and hand the phone back. “Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding.” The bell rings and I walk out of the class room so fast people stare. My phone vibrates, and it’s a text from Max. It reads “Why such in a hurry “Jock” with a wink face.” I grin and put my phone in my back pocket.
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