Chapter 2
Chapter 2
“Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep” The sound of the alarm clock annoys me, so I grab it and throw it to the floor. Every morning I check my phone before getting out of bed. I check my phone and I have a text message from Carmen. It reads “Hey come over today booboo!” “I will if I can Hun!” I respond. I take a shower then get dressed to go into the kitchen to grab a poptart. “Ding Ding” The text message from Carmen reads, “You better come over! I need my best friend.” I send a smiley emoji. I look in the living room and see my dad passed out on the couch again. He is always too drunk to function. I wish he wouldn’t drink so much every single day. “Is dad asleep again Max?” Said my little sister Cassie. “Yeah, get ready for school I’ll drop you off.” Cassie is like a diva for her age. I think Diva is the right term. She is Only 12 and is more popular then me. We gather our stuff and before we walk out my dad says “Where the hell are you going?” “We have to go to school dad.” Replied my sister. Go out to the car, I’ll be there in a sec. “Dad, you need to stop being a drunk and actually do something with your life. Mom would have been so disappointed in you right now if she was here. And you know that for a fact.” I said and slammed the door behind me.
“Is dad ever going to stop drinking?” Asked Cassie. “If I could stop him, you know I would. He's just so in denial about everything and he will get mad. But I won’t let him hurt you never again. Once was enough. Ok?” I tell Cassie. She turns on the radio to “Love me harder” By Ariana Grande. The wind blows threw the windows. Cassie waves her arm like a dolphin gliding through the wind. We drive about 5 minutes and finally made it to school. I park in right hand corner where no one will hit my car. Well moms car. It was hers and she left it to me when she died. “Can I go over to Alex’s after school?” Cassie asked. “Sure but make sure your home by 6.” Dad is always sober for a few minutes at that time. “Ok bye!” She yells and walks across the parking lot to the middle school. I walk inside the school and head to my locker. Everyone just stares at me like I’m the odd kid out. I don’t even know why. I get to my locker and put in my combination. As I open my locker, and bunch of ping pong balls come tumbling out. “Really? Is that necessary?” Said the school counselor. Across the hall is a group of people laughing. Mrs. Larson walks across the Hall and Yells and says “Zach my office now!" She says and points towards her office. "And for the rest of you, detention after school. Now get to class.” She demanded. I start cleaning up the ping pong balls and Mrs. Larson walks over. “Max, no need to do that, they will be doing that in detention. But we have our meeting first period. So head down to my office.” “Yes, Mrs. Larson.” I reply. I gather my books for my second period and third period classes and head down to the office. “Max!” Yelled Carmen and pulls me over. Carmen is the somewhat popular girl in school and also is my best friend. Carmen and I have been best friends ever since we were babies. My mom and her mom were best friends also. “So are you coming over after school?” Carmen asked. “I think I can fit you in my very busy schedule.” I laugh and walk away. She starts laughing and says “Please the only thing your busy at is being the queen.” I walk into the hall right by her office and I hear her yelling at Zach. It is a good thing he is getting yelled at. But he is better off in detention with the rest of them. “Mom, ok I’m sorry I will apologize ok!” Yelled Zach. He opens the door and looks at me then walks away. I did nothing to him and his group of friends. I don’t see why they have to keep bothering me for. I walk into her office and sit down in the chair. “I’m sorry Max. I don’t know what has gotten into him lately. Around his friends it’s like he is a whole different person. Hopefully one day he will find someone that changes him.” She gestures. I try to put a fake smile onto my face. “Now how’s your sister? How’s home?” She asks. “She’s ok. Every time he is drunk or we are about to argue I tell her to go to her room, or when we leave, I tell her to go outside. Ever since mom died, He keeps drinking more and more. Then when he is drunk he is mean. He hit Cassie a couple weeks ago, and I keep telling her that I won’t let that happen again. Because he bruised her ribs.” “Max, you need to get out of there. Because it is only going to get worse and worse. I know you don’t want me to do anything about it, but if you don’t do something, I will.” “It’s my Last year of high school Mrs. Larson. After I graduate, I’m taking Cassie with me. Even though she doesn’t want to leave, I still have to take her with me because I can’t risk her getting hurt again. If mom was still here she would want me to take her with me. Before she died she told me to watch over her, and that she will rely on me to do so. I dropped everything for her.” “Max, if you can’t take her, then let me know and I will get her out of there. Ok?” “No, I can’t let you do that, then she will end up in some fostering home and I’m not going to have that happen.” “No, Max honey. I mean I will take her in. She will live with my family. Until you get a steady job and can handle her. I want you to go to college and get a future. Do something with your life. Me and your mother was Best friends in high school, she told me before she left that if anything happened to her to watch over you guys. Your dad didn’t like me, so he told her to stop talking to me. So we talked secretly. My promise to her is to watch over you two and I am going to keep that promise.” “I know, Mom told me about you. She told me that dad didn’t like you because you tried to split them apart.” “Ok, I did try to because he was the type of guy that was sleeping with every girl in high school. But I was wrong because your mom changed him. I had no idea how she did it but she did. We still stayed friends. But now she is gone, your father is out of control. He needs her. We all need her. But she was ready to go. And you need to change your father. If you can’t then so be it. Just don’t get hurt.” She says. “Ok, I’ll think about it.” I replied. “Ok, so let’s talk about your college applications. Have you done any yet?” She asked. “No, and that’s because I don’t know where I’m going. Nor what I want be.” “Well, I would recommend North Carolina. I mean that’s where Zach is going, and you two could try to get along. Then you will have each other.” She smiled. I thought in my head, is she crazy? He and his group of friends put balls in my locker. Imagine what he would do in college? “You’re kidding me right?” I replied. She laughs. “I know you guys hate each other now, but when he is not around his friends he is actually a nice kid.” “I’ll find somewhere else Mrs. Larson and I’ll let you know.” “Alright but if you change your mind, the application is ready.” She informs. “Ding, ding, ding, ding.” The bell rings and I gather my things. “Ok, so next week, Tuesday morning I’ll see you again...” She shouts. I don’t even need these counseling sessions what so ever. I’ve had them since freshman year. I think it is time for them to end. I walked out and head to my second period Trig class.
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