You sat up in your bed, stretching your arms towards the ceiling as you let out a soft yawn. Glancing over, you see KC next to you in bed, causing you to let out a sigh. You stare down at his bare chest, the covers hiding his lower region while he slept, but still giving you a pleasant view of his chest.
You sigh to yourself before allowing your finger to trail along his body before you slowly get up from bed, lifting the covers off of yourself. You glance back at the sleeping man on your bed, causing you to roll your eyes.
You walk to the bathroom, deciding to take a quick shower to wash your body. You tie your hair up to prevent it from getting wet as you lather the body wash onto yourself, removing some of the sin from the night before.
You let out a slight sigh to yourself as you think about your lack of orgasm from the night before. He was all talk and no action, leaving you disappointed and regretful of your decision to sleep with him.
Stepping out of the shower, you wrapped a warm towel around your petite frame, drying your body. You opened the door, heading back into the bedroom as you glance back at his still sleeping form. You bend over to grab a fresh pair of panties as you hear a yawn behind you.
"Damn, didn't think I'd get this good of a view." You hear a voice behind you, causing you to smirk to yourself. You glance over your shoulder back at the man who's leaning on his hand, staring in your direction. Shrugging, you walk over to your closet, grabbing a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt. Slipping the shirt onto your torso, you mumble back to him.
"Enjoy this view because it'll be gone in a few minutes." You let out a laugh.
"Ah, no round two?" He asks, arching his eyebrows in surprise. You pause your movements, holding in a laugh as you finish tying your hair up in a ponytail.
"Ah, no thanks," you start before you glance back at him, finally done dressing yourself. "I have work, so you should get going." You state before heading towards the door, grabbing his clothes and placing them at the foot of the bed.
"Alright. I had fun last night," he starts as he gets out of bed, stretching his toned body before he slips his clothes on. "We should do it again sometime."
"Um, we'll see." You say before leading the way out of your bedroom as he follows behind you. You're greeted by Jimin as you walk down the hallway. You give him a small grin as Jimin arches a brow. You give him a slight disgusted face and he lets out a small laugh, covering his face as he knows what that signal means.
You've given that signal many times before, indicating that you chose a man who couldn't satisfy you enough to give you the satisfaction you desired. This signal meant you have yet to find more than three men who were capable of relieving your stress.
Jimin steps beside you, placing a comforting hand on your arm before he speaks.
"Y/N, I'll escort this young man to the front door. Please, go eat. You look like you can use some of Jin's delicious breakfast." He states before introducing himself to KC, leading the way towards the exit.
You let out a relieved sigh as you walk towards the kitchen. The dining room table already has a wide array of food options ranging from pancakes and crepes to eggs, bacon and cereal laid out on the table. You widen your eyes at the sight of the food, your tongue tracing along your lower lip. You immediately plop onto your seat, grabbing onto the knife and fork as you begin piling the food onto your plate. After hearing a slight clearing of a throat, you pause, fork midair with some eggs hanging on the edge of the fork.
"You know, I made all of this food so you and your guest would be able to have a nice meal," you look up at Seokjin to see him holding in a laugh. "Is my cooking so delicious that you don't want to share with your playthings?" He asks as he stares down at you. You place your fork back down onto the plate and look up at him.
"Mr. Kim Seokjin, I only feed the men who are capable of feeding me as well," you start before grabbing the bottle of syrup on the table, drenching your pancakes in the sweet substance before you stuff the pancake pieces into your mouth, letting out a pleased moan from the taste. After swallowing, you look up at Seokjin and lean back in your chair. "If the men I bring into my home can't make me moan like that, then they don't deserve to have my chef cook for them."
Seokjin stares down at you before erupting into his windshield wiper laughter, nodding his head as he points down at you. He continues laughing for a few moments before he speaks again. "Fair enough. Also, don't call me by my formal name, please. You can just call me Jin."
"I just met you, Seokjin. When I get to know you better, I'll start calling you Jin." You state before piling more food into your mouth, letting out sighs of pleasure as you eat. Seokjin nods his head in approval before walking over to the stove, placing the dirty utensils and pans into the sink before washing his hands once more. You look up at him as he starts walking towards the double doors of the kitchen. "Where are you headed?" You ask. Seokjin turns around, tilting his head in confusion at your question.
"I'm heading to my room to change out of this." He states before pointing to his apron.
"Will you be joining me for breakfast?" You ask, mouth filled with pancakes. Seokjin lets out a laugh before he shakes his head.
"I already made breakfast for myself, but thank you for the offer," he replies before he starts heading back to the double doors. He pushes open one of the doors before pausing and taking a glance back at you. "Let me know if you crave a snack before lunch."
You nod your head and watch as he walks out of the kitchen. You continue eating as Jimin walks into the kitchen. He smiles over at you as he walks towards the fridge, grabbing a yogurt parfait from the fridge. You furrow your eyebrows before you shake your head.
"Jimin, a yogurt parfait?" He glances over at you, eyebrows slightly lifted as his mouth forms into an "o" shape. He glances down at the yogurt parfait before tilting his head to the side.
"Yeah... what's wrong with that?" He asks. You gesture towards all of the food that Seokjin cooked for you. He glances down at the table and tilts his head to the side before a wide smile forms on his face, his eyes squinting as he smiles. "Finally found a chef who makes more food than you can handle?" He lets out a laugh as you cross your arms, a piece of bacon in your mouth before you roll your eyes.
"Usually I only get one dish made for me. Is Seokjin really that passionate about cooking?"
"He loves food and cooking. Also he probably thought he was cooking for two people." He stated before he puts the yogurt parfait back into the fridge. He walks towards the table, plopping down as he grabs the extra plate sitting on the table. He leans over the table, grabbing some of the food near him. "Can you pass me the syrup?"
You nod your head and pass the syrup while Jimin starts eating the food with you.
I know that I said I wouldn't start publishing more of this story until Voyeurism is finished but I'm too excited to hear about your thoughts! Also it's been like 3 months since I introduced this story and noticed that more and more people are reading the prologue. So, why not post a little something since I've already finished prewriting Voyeurism and started on this story?
Speaking of Voyeurism, I'm thinking I might start updating it more often than once a week because 1) it's a distraction from the death in the family (which I really need right now) and 2) I want the story fully published around June/July if possible)
Back to this story. This story is meant to be the complete opposite of Voyeurism in the sense that this girl is more confident and well, a boss bitch, for a lack of other words!
I hope you all enjoy this first chapter!
Love you all very much. Thank you for all of your kind words as always. I appreciate all of you.
- Kim 💗
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