Chapter 2 - Lazette
(The picture above is of Comet. That is not my art but he is my character)
LeeAnn took her time eating like she usually does, this time with new purpous. Usually she ate slow to enjoy the meal since the food here at The Pride Lion was always delicious. This time, however, she wanted to make sure she had enough time to chat with the new Employee, Lazette.
LeeAnn was about halfway finished eating when Lazette walked up to her and sat across from her on the table.
"So, Comet tells me that you're a friend of the employees here?" Lazette asked with a slight annoyed tone in her voice. LeeAnn nodded
"Yeah, I started coming here regularly a few years back and got to know the waitresses fairly well! I dont know what they told Comet but he came to me and got to know me a little. Ive kind of become a part of the little family here at The Pride Lion along with a few other regulars. You'll get to see us quite a bit!" LeeAnn explained cheerfully. Lazette paused, looking over LeeAnn a bit before raising a brow.
"You're one of the Oran kids, aren't you?" Lazette questioned, tilting her head slightly. LeeAnn's eyes shot open as she looked at Lazette.
"How'd you...?" LeeAnn started. This caused a chuckle to erupt from Lazette.
"Its kind of hard not to notice it! Your family is well known here in town, and the only other person I've seen with white fur, black and grey tipped ears, and purple stripes along multiple parts on their body, has been your dad. It also doesn't help that you have the same purple marks in your hair as your mom and the same color eyes as her," Lazette explained.
LeeAnn let out a sigh as she started to slouch in her chair. She put her ears down and her hair covored her face in embarrassment. Lazette tilted her head slightly as she leanes closer.
" embarrased to be a part of that family? I don't see why, I mean, your family is rich and powerful. And they are like, the prime example of how parents should be!" Lazette mentioned. LeeAnn let out a huge, fake laugh as she sat upright and put her elbows on the table.
"Prime example of how parents should be? Thats a joke, right?" LeeAnn asked. Lazette, who was obviously confused, shook her head.
"Oh please! The only kid they treat well is my older brother Kaiden. Hell even Aiden is treated better than me, and he's the youngest. Kaiden gets anything and everything he wants. Aiden doesnt get anything but can go outside and have fun. I have to stay inside 24/7, have to go to a specific room whenever guests are over, talk crap about me to the guests about how "bad of a daughter" I am. And I'm 25! I shouldnt even be living there but im stuck there cuz they wont let me do anything! I only ever have the time to come here and eat before they go to that damn room or my room to check to see if I'm there. If thats the "prime example of parenting", I dont think I ever want kids cuz I'd never treat them like my parents treat me. Im just lucky enough that my bothers like me. If they didn't, I would have been stuck in the manor all the time." LeeAnn ranted.
"Damn..." Lazette replied, not really knowing what else to say. Her eyes searched the table for what to say before she let out a small laugh.
"I dont think i could see them the same now..." Lazette chuckled. LeeAnn let out a small, relieved sigh.
"Sorry about that. But...thanks for letting me rant. I dont think I've had anyone to talk about this for a while now..." LeeAnn mentioned.
"Hey, its cool man! Everyone needs a stress reliever here and there. But I think I can think of some way you could stay out a little longer." Lazette stated with a smirk. LeeAnn squinted slightly and raised a brow.
"What do you have in mind?" LeeAnn questioned. Lazette's smirk became a little more like a smile.
"If your parents love and trust Kaiden so much, you could have him suggest to them that he could check up on you so they dont have to take the time out of their precious day just to see if you're still at home. Then he could walk over, check, walk around a little, then report back to say that you're still there even though you're not!" Lazette suggested.
LeeAnn's eyes seemed to sparkle at the suggestion. The thought it over for a moment before nodded and smiling widely.
"That...might actually work! You're a genius Lazette!" LeeAnn stated excitedly, grabbing ahold of Lazette's hands and squeezing them gently.
"Eh, I have good ideas and I have bad ideas. Just be glad that was one of the good ones!" Lazette laughed slightly. LeeAnn joined the laugh before they were interrupted.
"Lazette! We need you!" Comet called from a few tables down. Lazette let out a small sigh before turning to LeeAnn.
"Well it was fun talking to you! I'll see ya later LeeAnn!" Lazette explained before getting up. She tightened that little hip apron that all of the waitresses have and she made her way over to other tables to take orders.
LeeAnn quickly finished up her food and paid for it before making her leave back to the manor. Luckily, she made it just on time and was able to change into her dress right before her mom poked her head in.
"Little shit..." LeeAnn heard her mother mutter before she left. LeeAnn just rolled her eyes and looked out the window.
"'Prime example of parenting'. Yeah right."
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