# 7 #
mark walked inside the classroom earlier than usual.
he didn't know why, but he hadn't had any problem waking up in the morning, which resulted in him being there before many students.
the 21-year-old walked to his desk, sighing loudly as he dropped his bag on the floor and pulled his chair to sit on.
however, his butt never entered in contact with the wooden material. instead, mark was jerked by the collar of his shirt, and he was slammed against the teacher's desk, another student hovering over him.
"d-donghyuck?!" mark exclaimed out of surprise.
"why hadn't you told me you were my sister's boyfriend?" donghyuck asked through gritted teeth.
"i-i though y-you knew..." mark stammered, feeling so small under donghyuck's grip.
"do i look like i knew?" donghyuck shook mark's body, making him hit his head against the desk.
"ouch... y-you're hurting me..." mark whined, his eyes closing shut.
with an annoyed sigh, donghyuck pulled mark back up on his feet and he let go his collar before crossing his arms over his chest.
"out of all the chicks in this school, you had to choose my sister..." donghyuck said while rolling his eyes.
"she was the one to come to me." mark explained.
"but you chose her over your dozen admirers." donghyuck raised a teasing brow.
"what are you saying? girls are all over you. so, don't get jealous that i got one myself."
donghyuck laughed loudly, openly making fun of mark.
the boy standing in front of him blinked, not understanding what donghyuck was trying to make him understand.
"of course, since all of the girls are swooning over me, you had to take the only one who couldn't because she's my sister. silly me." donghyuck continued laughing.
"what is the problem, donghyuck, i don't understand..." mark slumped his shoulders, tilting his head to the side as he looked at donghyuck with lost eyes. "you don't want me to be with your sister, is that it?"
"i couldn't care less who she is dating." donghyuck readjusted his leather jacket on his shoulders.
"then why are you like this...?" mark asked, desperation evident in his voice. "i can't understand... i'm being decent with you... i try helping you, and also learning from you... but you're always pushing me away, and doing so rather violently..."
donghyuck faked a pout, approaching mark and draping an arm over the boy's shoulders as he approached their faces, making their foreheads brush together.
"aww... am i hurting your feelings, mark...?" donghyuck asked, his eyes showing worry and concern.
"y-y-yeah..." mark gulped, trying his best to prevent his cheeks from getting even redder, but it was quite hard with donghyuck's face being centimetres away from his.
"well, i'm not your girlfriend, so, go and cry in her arms!" donghyuck replied harshly, suddenly pulling away and making mark stumble. "we may have the same face, but you'd be surprised what you'll find down there." he added, gesturing to his crotch area. "so, go away."
before donghyuck could say another harsh thing, mark had run away from the classroom.
classes wouldn't start for 15minutes, so he still had time to pass some water on his face and make the blush on his cheeks disappear.
"i didn't know mark and you were friends."
donghyuck's head suddenly shot up at those words pronounced by his sister.
"huh... i didn't know either...?" he replied, making it sound like a question.
"aren't you friends?"
"not really, no." donghyuck shook his head.
donghyuck and dahyun were sitting side by side on their living room sofa, a movie playing on the tv while they both minded their own business.
it was usual for them to have nights like those.
"why aren't you friends with mark? he's friends with the whole school." dahyun's brows furrowed.
"well, i'm not the whole school." donghyuck shrugged, his eyes diverting back to his phone.
"why? you're appreciated by almost everybody at school as well. except maybe for the boys who get jealous because all the girls' attention is on you. but there's no reason mark is part of these guys, because he's with me, and ew, i don't fancy my own brother." dahyun made a disgusted face.
"older brother." donghyuck said simply, recalling her that he was born minutes before she was.
"god dammit, donghyuck. will you stop with this superiority complex of yours?" dahyun's eyes rolled to the back of her head.
donghyuck's superiority complex...
the tanned male didn't even need to argue or to deny anything.
it was a well-known fact.
and in his mind, being first at everything was the most important, whether it is at school, at sports, or even at being born.
"i don't see you complaining about mark's superiority complex." donghyuck snorted.
"well, that's because he doesn't have any." dahyun told, crossing her arms over her chest.
"sure." donghyuck let his phone fall onto his lap as he looked at his sister. "of course, mark is absolutely not trying to get better than everyone at school, or even in sports! he's not trying to get the whole school to like him to the point he doesn't have a group of close friends! and he's absolutely not trying to become part of the 'power couple' of the school by getting with the school's inaccessible heartthrob's sister!"
dahyun let out a chuckle that soon transformed into laughter, and she laughed loudly as her brother's face decomposed right in front of her.
"what the hell is damn funny?!" he asked, irritated by his sister's behaviour.
"even when speaking about others, you manage to show yourself off..." dahyun said between laughs. "the school's inaccessible heartthrob!" she continued, laughing harder.
"shut up, you said it yourself. i am the school's heartthrob." donghyuck rolled his eyes. "and i reject all of their dating propositions, so i'm inaccessible."
"look at me, with my leather jacket!" dahyun spoke, imitating donghyuck's voice as she tried not laughing. "i'm the school's inaccessible heartthrob. i reject every girl that ask me out."
donghyuck tsked as he looked at his sister laughing her ass out.
she was mocking him, and he hated it.
"shut up!" he exclaimed, using one of the pillows from the couch to hit her hard with it.
instead of getting hurt by the sudden attack, dahyun barely felt anything as her stomach started hurting from laughing too much.
"seriously, donghyuck..." she tried stopping herself. "someone really needs to slap some sense into you and your donghyuck-centric life."
"if i needed useful advice, i'd ask for a psychologist, thanks." donghyuck dismissed her.
"want to know what i think about it?"
donghyuck shook his head. "absolutely not."
"no one has ever opened your eyes on what was real life." dahyun told him anyway. "if you try always being the best, it's because you want to be recognised by others and loved. one of your major problems is that you would have preferred being an only child and having all the attention on yourself. but you were gifted an amazing sister who took half of the love and attention you were receiving. you don't trust others. only yourself. and because of that, you reject every move someone is making to get closer to you, in fear of not being loved and recognised the way you want it to be."
donghyuck blinked after his sister's words.
was she wrong? absolutely not.
she could read him like an open book.
donghyuck wanted attention. he wanted to be placed on top of everything to be recognised.
he wanted the others to know how good he was, he wanted them to love him, and to have him as a role model.
he could have had that in his family, but sadly, a twin sister was born a few minutes after him.
and then, he wasn't the only one anymore...
he had become the big brother who was supposed to protect his fragile little sister. and he hated it. why couldn't he be alone, receiving all the love and attention he wanted?
"i told you i would see a phycologist if i needed." donghyuck rolled his eyes. he would never tell his sister that she was right on everything she had said to him.
"good thing i'm studying phycho then..." dahyun smirked, making donghyuck tsk again.
the boy didn't speak futher, simply picking his phone up from his lap and reading the messages he missed on his and his friends' groupchat.
"i think you need to relax a bit, and go out of your own world more..." dahyun explained.
"i don't need a guidance counsellor either, thanks." donghyuck nonchalantly said.
"how about you come with me to mark's basketball game this weekend? it will be a very important competition." donghyuck asked, almost leaning on donghyuck's lap.
"and watch him trying to do better than me in the national championship?" donghyuck raised a brow, making his sister smile. "never in your wildest dreams."
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