# 23 #
"what the hell went through your heard you stupid asshole?!" donghyuck whisper-shouted as he repeatedly slammed his head into his pillow.
mark had left his room a few seconds ago, just after a very intense make out session – that donghyuck had initiated, he may add.
the tanned male didn't know what went through his head when he had leant forwards and placed his lips on mark's ones while the older boy was rambling.
donghyuck had no idea why he had done that. it just seemed like it was the right thing to do. almost as if he needed it. and, well... once his lips had been on mark's, he felt so much better...
but why?!
donghyuck couldn't like mark.
it was impossible. and more than impossible, it was forbidden.
mark was his rival. he needed to keep that in mind.
donghyuck was supposed to crush mark. he was supposed to show the whole world that the perfect image mark showed if him wasn't really him. he wanted to show that mark was a cheater.
this was his plan. and he couldn't make it fail because of stupid feelings.
everything had been going according to the plan.
he had befriended mark, and made him believe that they had gotten closer.
he had made sure mark trusted him with his secrets.
and he had managed to make mark cheat on his sister, proving that he was a cheater.
but now, things had gotten more complicated.
dahyun wanted to break up with mark, and donghyuck's plan would fail if this came to happen, because how can you cheat on someone who isn't your girlfriend?
so, donghyuck had to make sure dahyun stayed with mark for long enough, just enough time for them to be happily together again, so that the impact of mark cheating can be really devastating.
but there was a second problem. a second not negligible problem.
and that was donghyuck's feelings.
why the hell had he started to feel things for mark that weren't hatred and annoyance?
why couldn't he contain his smile whenever mark would look at him confusedly?
why couldn't he stop himself from staring at mark when he was around?
why couldn't he live without looking around for the older boy?
why couldn't he have a peaceful day, without images of him kissing mark coming to his mind?
why couldn't he think about anything else but mark?
why couldn't he be the same as before?
donghyuck truly wondered.
but there was no need denying it. not when he knew it was real. not when he could see it happening. not when he actually enjoyed it.
as much as he tried fighting against it, he couldn't.
donghyuck was starting to enjoy mark's company.
and more than that, he was slowly getting attracted by mark.
i mean, that boy was perfect, so it was justified... well, almost perfect; he still knew nothing about love and cheated on his girlfriend.
but other than that, mark was flawless, and this was supposedly why donghyuck hated him so much. but, jokes on him, this became the reason donghyuck liked him...
"no, no, no!" donghyuck slapped his forehead violently in an attempt to reset his mind. "i don't like him!"
donghyuck tried pushing aside his feelings, letting out his frustration by screaming into his pillow – because he didn't want the subject of his mental breakdown to hear him being so vulnerable.
he tried getting rid of these annoying thoughts.
he tried getting rid of the images of mark's smiling face, flashing in his mind.
he tried getting rid of the sound of mark's voice, resonating into his ears.
he tried getting rid of the sweet smell of his perfume mark had left floating in the air.
he tried getting rid of the feeling of mark's lips, still lingering on his own.
but he couldn't. he fucking couldn't.
because as much as he hated it, all those things made him so happy.
mark's smile could heal any wound, and donghyuck would do anything to make sure the older smiled brightly.
mark's voice was so melodious, and donghyuck could kill to hear mark giggling or laughing carelessly.
mark's smell was divine, and donghyuck was almost sure that this wasn't thanks to the perfume he was wearing, but just because of his sweet body odour.
mark's lips were a blessing, and donghyuck couldn't get enough of having them glued against his own while his hands roamed around mark's body to feel every inch of the boy's body.
"i fucking like him, oh my god..." donghyuck groaned, rolling on his bed and hugging one of his pillows tightly.
there was no use lying to himself.
he couldn't ignore the way his heart was beating whenever mark was with him.
he couldn't ignore the way his lips curved in a smile whenever mark was around.
he couldn't ignore the way his dick reacted whenever mark and him would kiss.
yeah, he couldn't deny those feelings.
they were present.
they were a pain in the ass.
but they were real.
and donghyuck had just acknowledged them.
"mark, are you sure you don't mind? i don't want you to feel left out or uncomfortable. please, you can tell me if you don't want..." dahyun spoke, holding mark's hands into her own.
"dahyun, it's fine, don't worry." mark assured, tucking a lock of her hair behind her ear. "she's your friend, and she needs you."
"but you're my boyfriend..." dahyun pouted. "i really don't want you to assume that i don't want to be with you or anything..."
"i told you it was okay, dahyun." mark chuckled. "don't get worried like that."
"but- "
"we've been a couple for the past seven, almost eight months. and we've been living together for the past week. i think you spending one night without me won't change anything between us." mark explained, caressing the girl's sides to reassure her.
"yeah... that's true." dahyun nodded.
"now, go spend to night at choonhee. she is going through a lot with her break up. she needs you. i'm sure you'll know how to console her and make her think about something else." mark smiled.
dahyun looked into mark's eyes; tears forming in her own as she lunged forwards, wrapping her boyfriend into a tight hug.
"thank you, mark..." she whispered, sniffling. "you're such a perfect man... i'm not even sure i deserve you..."
mark sighed, one of his arms holding dahyun's waist securely while the other caressed the back of her head.
he tried staying still and pushing away all the thoughts of donghyuck far away from his mind. he couldn't think about him when he was literally consoling his sister. this was even worse than cheating.
but, fuck... he couldn't control himself... donghyuck was so... perfect...
"let's go prepare your things, okay?" mark asked, pulling away from the hug and wiping dahyun's tears with his thumbs.
dahyun nodded slowly, smiling at mark. "okay."
"dahyun's not here?"
mark lifted his head from his phone, turning around to look at the man that was running through his thoughts that had just appeared in the living room.
"no, she's going to spend the night at choonhee's. apparently, she had a painful breakup." mark informed, his eyes falling onto donghyuck's bare chest for a few seconds before flicking up again.
"oh, yeah. her girlfriend was a bitch. but she loved her, so i get that it hurts a lot." donghyuck hummed.
mark's eyes stayed focused on donghyuck as the boy walked to the kitchen and grabbed a glass that he filled with water.
the older boy admired donghyuck's body, lit by a ray of late-afternoon sun that illuminated the kitchen. donghyuck was looking ethereal like that, and mark didn't even feel sorry for checking him out. he felt like such a body shouldn't be hidden by clothes; it should be bare for everyone to see and use as an example of what perfectness looked like.
danhyuck coughed, placing the glass on the drying rack and walking back to the living room, trying to ignore mark's eyes that were all over him – it made his heart beat so much faster, and yeah, maybe it made him want to just jump on mark too.
the tanned male shook his head, throwing that thought away.
"if you need me, i'll be in my room." he explained, quickly walking away from mark before he would do something he'll regret later.
yeah, it was too beautiful to be true... mark had called him back...
"yeah?" donghyuck turned, around, facing the older boy who had flushed cheeks.
"huh... i need to ask you something..."
donghyuck sighed, walking to the couch mark was sitting on and plopping next to him.
"tell me." donghyuck said, avoiding to look at mark for too long.
"well... dahyun has been... trying to convince me to watch a movie with her... and... i know that if i want to keep her, i'll need to watch that movie with her, but... well... i know that i won't be comfortable watching it with her for the first time so... well, i wanted to watch it now that she's not here but... well... i was wondering if you wanted to watch it with me, so that you could help me with... like... you know? teaching me and stuff... like they'll do in the movie... so... yeah..."
donghyuck had completely lost it halfway through mark's speech.
his mind refused to focus on mark's words, and instead, concentrated on mark's lips and the way he was biting them because of nervousness from time to time.
it was hot. very hot in donghyuck's mind, and let's be honest, he wanted to be the one biting mark's lips right now.
"h-huh, what?" donghyuck blinked as mark tapped his shoulder.
"would you like to watch that movie with me?" mark asked, tilting his head to the side.
donghyuck didn't even know what movie he was talking about, but if it meant he'd have a valid excuse to spend the next two hours with mark, he wouldn't let it slip. "sure."
"thank you." mark smiled at him before picking the remote control and switching the tv on.
donghyuck's eyes fell onto mark, admiring him as the older boy nervously pressed the buttons of the remote to select the movie.
he looked truly beautiful, his ash blonde hair falling in front of his eyes, obligating him to pass a hand through them every now and then, his long lashes that caressed his prominent cheekbones each time he would blink, his straight nose that he would scrunch from time to time, and his pink plump lips that he seemed to love biting.
"i-it started." mark stuttered, his eyes catching donghyuck staring at him.
"oh, right." donghyuck coughed, flustered that he had been caught in the act. he focused on the screen anyway, leaning against the backrest of the couch.
donghyuck concentrated on the movie, watching almost uninterestedly as a business man wore a shirt and chose a tie to wear, and as a girl walked out of college, then preparing for an interview. it seemed like a normal teen movie, the type of cliché romance that made donghyuck want to throw up at the way the love story was exaggerated and the characters were oblivious about everything.
the movie kept going slowly, the college student facing the powerful businessman in her office and embarrassing herself a few times.
donghyuck didn't get why mark was so nervous to watch this movie. it seemed normally boring.
as if he was utterly nervous about what would happen next, mark kept shifting on the sofa, the noise he made covering the stupid cliché conversations going on between the billionaire and the dorky college student.
"why are you moving like this?" donghyuck asked, looking at mark for a while.
"s-sorry, it's just... huh..." mark bit his lips again. "i don't know..."
"come here." donghyuck signalled, patting the space closer to him.
mark hesitated, looking between donghyuck and the empty spot next to him.
"come on..." donghyuck rolled his eyes, gripping mark's arm and pulling the boy closer.
mark let out a small yelp as he was brought almost on donghyuck's lap.
"now, you stay here, and you stop moving, okay?" donghyuck asked, wrapping an arm around mark's waist while the other rested on his thigh.
"o-okay..." mark stammered, leaning against donghyuck's body shyly.
for the next minutes, donghyuck had a hard time concentrating on the movie.
he could barely catch the words they were saying because of the boy that was by his side, snuggling closer to him every now and then.
not that he hated it, it was quite the contrary actually, but he needed to hold himself, and he didn't know how to do that when mark was literally pressed against him.
he tried his best to concentrate on the movie, and at least look at the pictures if he couldn't hear what they were saying – at that point, his heart beat so hard in his chest that he couldn't hear anything else, and he was sure mark could hear it too.
anyway, donghyuck managed to forget about his obsession for mark and actually enjoy the movie – well, it was so cliché and awkward that he found it rather boring, but he stayed here watching for the sake of mark who has his eyes focused on the screen.
and well, donghyuck contented of watching the scenes unfolding uninterestedly, wondering when the movie would become quite interesting.
yeah, because watching the man entering a dark room filled with an assortment of sex toys and bondage accessories, exposed around a red leather couch and a huge bed wasn't as interesting as-
"wait! what the hell are we watching?!"
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