# 20 #
mark's hands were sweating hard.
he was sitting next to dahyun on her sofa as they were both looking for a movie to watch, and mark absolutely hated it.
not that he didn't like being next to his girlfriend to watch a movie, he was just perturbed by dahyun's choice of movies. you see, she had been implying – a bit too much to mark's taste – that she wanted to watch something like 'fifty shades of grey', and mark had never watched such a movie, and he knew he would be uncomfortable watching it on his own, let alone watching it with a girl. but he didn't want to hurt his girlfriend's feelings by saying no.
"are you okay with fifty shades of grey?" dahyun looked at her boyfriend.
"i-isn't donghyuck going to come back from soccer practice soon? it will be awkward to have him entering when this is playing, don't you think?" mark hesitated.
"i'm not sure donghyuck even cares about those movies." dahyun shrugged.
"yeah but- "
"are you shy to watch it with me?" dahyun cut him, suddenly approaching her face from mark's.
mark gulped. their faces were close, and he could feel the tension.
this made him think that he should try making out with dahyun now that donghyuck had taught him.
and he realised that making out right now would make him dodge the awkward movie watching.
and so, he didn't need too long to decide on his next move.
mark leant forwards, gluing his and dahyun's mouths in a sweet kiss.
dahyun was surprised at first, but she eventually melted in the kiss, letting her body rest into mark's arms as he wrapped his hands around her waist.
as much as this was wrong, mark thought about the kiss him and donghyuck had had and decided to copy donghyuck's moves.
mark's tongue came caressing dahyun's plump lips, and it seemed like dahyun understood immediately the purpose of this, because her mouth opened, and mark could make his tongue fight with hers.
soon, his hands reached dahyun's hips, sliding a bit too low, but finally settling on his hips when he remembered donghyuck's scolding.
and yeah, mark was making out with dahyun – properly this time.
as air started to lack inside their lungs, mark realised that the kiss didn't feel amazing, or not as amazing as the one he had shared with donghyuck.
but it seemed like he had been doing everything right, so he couldn't understand.
his tongue had danced with dahyun's in a similar way his and donghyuck's had.
mark had made sure to pull dahyun's body against his to have some friction, and he had even heard dahyun letting out small noises.
he had also placed his hands everywhere he should, and dahyun had liked it judging by the way her own hands had roamed across mark's body.
but then, how could you explain mark didn't have a boner like he had had when him and donghyuck had made out? this was all so weird.
"oh my god, go to your room to fuck!" donghyuck exclaimed as he opened the front door, his eyes falling on the two lovers first thing.
mark and dahyun pulled away out of breath, looking at the boy who was still in his soccer attire.
"sorry..." mark mumbled.
"don't apologise, mark. it's my house, i do whatever i want." dahyun replied.
"yeah, well, i already had a shitty practice, and i really don't need to witness my sister and her boyfriend having sex to top it all." donghyuck informed. "now if you excuse me, i need to finish my homework or i'll have a zero on my assignment. you may finish your sex in silence, thanks." he declared before walking away.
mark and dahyun looked at donghyuck heading to his bedroom and both flinched at the sound of his door slamming shut.
dahyun sighed loudly, catching the attention of her boyfriend.
"is there a problem?" he asked.
"i hate it when he's like this. when his day has been tough, he's always super angry, and it doesn't get better until he has a long night of sleep." she explained.
"oh..." mark let out.
"yeah, i should start preparing him something to eat. you have to be extra careful when he's like that, because if you happen to do or say something he doesn't like, it gets even worse." dahyun stood up from the couch heading to the kitchen. "and you'll see, he'll be too angry to do his homework properly, so he'll give the teacher a 'bad' assignment and then he won't have the best grade and be angry again. it's like a vicious circle." she continued speaking, opening the fridge to search for something to eat.
"wow..." mark nodded, looking at his girlfriend. "i didn't know he could be like this... i mean, when i see him in class, he always looks happy and content with himself. i had no idea he could have bad days... i mean, he seems to have everything... the looks, the girls, the good grades, the position of team captain... but i guess everybody has their bad days..."
dahyun hummed, pulling some meat out of the fridge before gasping in realisation.
"mark, you and hyuck are in the same class, right?" she asked, looking at her boyfriend.
"yeah, we are." mark nodded, approaching her. "why?"
dahyun placed the pack of meat on the counter before plunging in mark's arms as the older boy caught her waist.
"can you help him with his homework, please...?" she asked, resting her chin on mark's chest and looking up at him with puppy eyes and pouty lips. "you're so good at everything, and this way he won't have a bad grade, and he won't be angry when the teacher will give him his grade. pretty please...?"
mark blinked a few times, thinking about it. "h-huh, i guess i could." he nodded.
"thank you so much my love!" she exclaimed, jumping up and kissing mark's lips quickly before going back to the kitchen counter. "then go and help him quickly, i'll prepare food for the three of us!"
"okay..." mark nodded, walking away.
the older boy took slow steps towards donghyuck's room, now regretting his decision.
last time he checked, donghyuck and him were kind of awkward because of the kiss – even if they had explained themselves about it in the morning – and mark recalled donghyuck to be kind of hostile towards him when it came to school work...
plus, the fact that he had just hear donghyuck letting out a frustration groan didn't motivate him much.
but well, he had agreed to do it, so now he had to.
plus, he really needed to ask the boy if the way he had kissed dahyun was right, because it hadn't been the same as kissing donghyuck at all. hopefully, he would be able to slip this question sometime.
mark took a deep breath before knocking on the door and pushing it open slowly.
"what?!" donghyuck asked harshly as soon as the door opened, however, his glare seemed to soften when he realised it was mark. "oh, it's you." he rolled his eyes. "what do you want?"
"h-huh... i came here to help..." mark informed, closing the door behind his back – this same door he had been pinned to when donghyuck and him had kissed.
"to help?" donghyuck raised a brow.
"yeah. you said you had homework. and since you seem angry and everything, i wanted to help to make sure your anger didn't get the best of you and you didn't end up writing nonsense." mark told.
donghyuck stared at mark for a few seconds, looking up and down at the boy who was standing in the middle of his room, looking like he was paralysed.
the tanned male scoffed, standing up from his chair and approaching mark.
"and what makes you think i want your help?" he asked, venom laced through his voice.
mark gulped as he felt himself getting hotter.
was it donghyuck's room that was hotter than the other rooms of the house?
or was it just because donghyuck was standing in front of him, in his soccer wear – which looked divinely hot on him – and literally checking mark out?
he had absolutely no idea.
"i-i... e-everyone could use s-some help..." mark stuttered; his cheeks flushed as donghyuck kept taking slow steps towards him.
"well, i don't." donghyuck spat, making mark flinch.
mark felt so powerless standing in front of donghyuck.
it was incredible how small the younger could make him feel.
mark almost wanted to run out of the room and hide somewhere because of the dark aura that seemed to radiate around donghyuck.
"w-w-well... t-then... i... i-i'm leaving..." mark declared, his brain malfunctioning.
as donghyuck didn't answer, mark turned around, heading towards the door slowly.
he placed his hand on the handle, a shiver running down his spine as he recalled what had happened last time he had placed his hands on this handle.
this had been the very beginning of a hot make out session that still had mark weak in the knee. his kiss with donghyuck had been so powerful... and when he thought about his iss with dahyun again, he realised that it was nowhere near what had happened with donghyuck.
donghyuck had be rough, while dhayun had been sweet.
donghyuck had him under control, while dahyun let mark be the one in control.
and as much as he tried to ignore it, he was slowly realising that he would like to kiss donghyuck again to see if it was just because it had been his first kiss, or if it was just donghyuck who was different...
"wait." donghyuck spoke, making mark tense. "how was making out with my sister?"
my sister
those two simple words acted like a slap for mark.
was he seriously thinking about kissing his girlfriend's brother? again?!
this was so fucking wrong...
"h-huh..." mark coughed, closing the door and turning around to face donghyuck. "cool."
"cool?" donghyuck snorted. "did you manage to do as i taught you?"
"well... yeah, i mean... i think?" mark answered.
"what do you mean 'you think'?" donghyuck asked annoyedly. "you kissed her? you placed your hands in the great place? you had your tongue inside her mouth? your bodies were close? i mean, if you did all of that, then you've succeded."
"yeah... but..." mark bit his bottom lip in nervousness, not really knowing how to turn his sentence for it not to sound bad. "it didn't feel amazing..."
"what?" donghyuck asked.
"it was a kiss, it was great. and i did everything you asked me to do, but... like... it didn't feel as good as... you know...?"
"as good as what?" donghyuck questioned, completely confused.
"as good as kissing you..." mark muttered, making donghyuck's eyes widen like saucers.
mark gulped once again, realising that he perhaps should have kept that little detail to himself.
now, he had just admitted that he had enjoyed kissing his girlfriend's brother better than kissing his girlfriend.
"what the hell are you saying...?" donghyuck asked, taking another step towards mark, and looking like he was about to murder the older.
mark took a deep breath, closing his eyes for a second before opening them and staring right through donghyuck's as he gathered the courage to ask him what he had wanted to ask him.
"i'm saying that i'm not sure i really remember what i should do while kissing dahyun, so i want you to teach me again."
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