# 17 #
"okay mark, so, give me a quick recap of what i told you." donghyuck declared, giving a glance at his sister from outside the house.
donghyuck had self-assigned himself as mark's teacher the day before, and he had spent all the time they were together explaining mark how to properly kiss his sister if he didn't want to be dumped in two weeks.
both boys were currently outside of donghyuck's house, the younger waiting for mark to repeat everything one last time before they would enter and join dahyun whose classes had already finished more than an hour ago.
"okay, huh..." mark thought for a while. "so... i kiss her lips against lips at first, but instead of just pecking, and keep my lips against hers..."
"keep going." donghyuck nodded.
"then... huh... i open my mou- "
"you forgot something!" donghyuck slapped the back of mark's head – he had been repeating this over and over again the past hours.
"oh, yeah!" mark exclaimed. "huh... what?" his brows furrowed.
donghyuck's eyes rolled to the back of his head.
"come on, you don't go opening your mouth first. you have to somehow warn her that you want to go further than just pecking. and that goes by placing your hands adequately on her body." donghyuck explained.
"right! on her butt- "
"no, no, and no!" donghyuck groaned, pulling onto his hair. "mark, you seriously need to listen to my advice if you don't want to end up being accused of rape."
donghyuck sighed, placing his hands on mark's shoulders to make him face him.
then, without any warning, donghyuck sneaked his hand to mark's butt cheek, making the older boy flush red and let out a gasp as he stepped back.
"w-w-what did y-you do t-that?!" mark asked bewildered.
"see, touching her butt directly will feel like violation." donghyuck told, grabbing mark's hand and pulling him closer again.
"waist first." donghyuck cut him, one of his hands finding a place on mark's slim waist.
mark's cheeks were still red as he looked at donghyuck's hand resting tenderly high on his waist.
it was pleasing. in fact, it made mark's heart race in his chest, and the feeling was almost euphoric. woah, if only he could make dahyun feel the same as he felt right now...
"then, hips..." donghyuck continued, his second hand joining the first to caress mark's hipbones in circular motions over the boy's jeans.
mark's whole body tensed up, suddenly feeling hot. his eyes were still focused on donghyuck's hands that were gently massaging his body.
"don't look at your hands when you're doing that." donghyuck almost scolded, making mark lift his head up immediately to look into donghyuck's eyes.
donghyuck and his faces were so close that mark could feel donghyuck's breath on his chin.
it was calm and steady, as if what he was doing was as banal as playing games on your phone. mark wasn't in the same state. he could heart his heart beating madly inside his chest, and his breathing was irregular and too loud for his own liking.
"and only then..." donghyuck whispered, his body getting closer to mark's as his hands slid against his jeans to rest on his butt. "...you can touch her butt..."
mark gulped loudly, his eyes blinking uncontrollably.
donghyuck was making him feel things that he didn't know was possible to feel.
it was so powerful and reviving.
mark almost felt like he should be placing his arms around donghyuck's neck, as if this was the right thing to do. but he didn't. not that he didn't want to. donghyuck had just pulled away, making his butt cheeks suddenly feel cold despite the two layers of clothes he was wearing there.
"now, understood?" donghyuck asked, his arms crossed over his chest and his brow raised as he looked at mark.
"y-yes..." mark nodded, his stutter giving out the way donghyuck's touch had messed up with everything inside of his head.
"what's the order then?" donghyuck tilted his head.
mark gulped again, suddenly feeling scared of what could happen if he came to mess up.
"s-so..." he sighed. "simple kiss... then... my hands on her waist. and then... huh... as i slide down my hands to her hips i slightly open my mouth."
donghyuck nodded, almost proudly. "and then?"
"t-then... huh... i make my tongue turn in her mouth with hers." mark explained. "and i can lower my hands to her butt cheeks and pull her closer."
"and what if she doesn't open her mouth?" donghyuck's brows furrowed.
"w-well, t-then... i pull back, and i don't force her." he said, giving donghyuck a side glance to make sure he hadn't said something stupid. and he was relieved when he saw donghyuck's frown disappearing to be replaced by a smile.
"perfect." donghyuck pulled him in a brief hug before pulling away and patting mark's shoulder. "now, you're ready for a real make out session."
"really?!" mark exclaimed.
"yeah. do exactly those things, in this order and you'll be good." donghyuck nodded. "let's go?"
mark sighed before smiling shyly at donghyuck, making the younger understand that he could open the front door.
donghyuck did so, making his presence known immediately.
"we're here!" he exclaimed, catching the attention of his sister who was watching tv.
"hi guys!" she exclaimed, pausing the show and standing up.
"not now, wait for me to be away." donghyuck muttered to mark before walking to his sister.
"how was your day, boys?" she asked, approaching mark and pecking his lips quickly.
"great." mark answered with a smile.
"meh." donghyuck shrugged. "i'm going to my room. i need to study." he declared. "have fun together."
mark gulped for the nth time, glancing at donghyuck who mouthed him a small 'fighting'.
"i was watching the show i told you about. want to watch it with me?" dahyun asked, tilting her head to the side.
mark noticed that she looked exactly like donghyuck when he had asked him to repeat everything a few minutes before – she was less scary, though. "sure." mark smiled before plopping on the couch next to her.
seconds and soon minutes passed, almost making it an hour since the two boys had come back from school.
mark and dahyun were still both sitting on the couch, facing the tv, and they were started to get bored by their current activity.
"i'm going to grab some water, do you want something as well?" dahyun asked.
"huh, water too, thanks." mark smiled at her as she stood up and headed towards the kitchen.
donghyuck – who hadn't been working but rather spying on the two since they had gotten back – rushed inside the living room to pull mark up from the couch.
"what are you doing?!" mark whisper-shouted.
"go and make out with her! she's been hinting it for the past hour and you've been doing nothing about it!" donghyuck replied on the same tone.
"she did?!" mark blinked in confusion.
"you think her placing her hand over your thigh and kissing your neck and jaw was just for entertainment purposes?" donghyuck raised a brow.
"go! and remember not to mess up with the order!" donghyuck pushed mark towards the kitchen, making the older boy stumble.
"mark, i was going to bring the glass of water, you know?" dahyun giggled when mark appeared in the kitchen.
"y-yeah, well..." mark rubbed his nape, making donghyuck almost slam his head against the wall at mark's awkwardness.
"here." dahyun handed mark his drink.
mark grabbed the glass, gulping the whole liquid down in two seconds before placing the glass on the kitchen table.
dahyun drank half of it more calmly, and placed it next to mark's glass after.
"let's go back on the couch?" she asked, ready to walk away.
"wait." mark stopped her.
donghyuck smiled, feeling somehow proud that mark was finally finding some courage to kiss his sister. he was still wondering how he would initiate all of this, though.
"yes? is something wrong?" dahyun asked.
"n-no..." mark shook his head. "it's just that..."
"that...?" dahyun asked, stepping closer to mark with brows furrowed – she really looked like donghyuck when he frowned.
"i-i wanted t-to kiss y-you..." mark stuttered.
donghyuck slammed his hand full force against his forehead, wondering how it was possible for a human to be this miserable when it came to love.
seriously, donghyuck had absolutely no experience either, but he knew what to do, and he had some kind of feeling! how come mark was so bad at this?!
however, it seemed like donghyuck's judgement was a bit harsh because dahyun only chuckled before stepping closer to mark and placing her lips against his.
donghyuck immediately forgot every ounce of awkwardness he had been feeling the past second to concentrate on the kiss and to make sure mark had respected his teacher's orders.
the kiss started as any kiss would. lips against lips, eyes closed, and breathing in the other's scent.
and then, the simple atmosphere transformed into something hotter. mark's trembling hands wrapped around dahyun's waist as donghyuck noticed his sister smiling in the kiss.
the tanned male watched carefully as his hands slid down on dahyun's body, stopping too low – at the top of dahyun's thighs.
donghyuck groaned, wondering what was wrong with mark's head not to understand such simple directions, but he let it go because his sister seemed to be enjoying it.
he concentrated on mark and his sister's mouths that were still pressed together, only to regret having done it because of the second-hand embarrassment he was suddenly hit with.
mark's mouth was wide open while his eyes were shut close, sign that he wasn't enjoying it at all. donghyuck almost gasped out loud when he noticed mark's tongue poking out of their stuck mouths.
it was a disaster.
donghyuck couldn't bear watching this horrifying show anymore, so he searched in his mind for a reason to stop all of this as well as a reason to have mark alone facing him so that they could have a serious talk.
giving one last glance to the two persons kissing inside his kitchen, donghyuck took a deep breath, walking to the end of the corridor to put on his act.
"mark! mark!" he exclaimed, running loudly towards the kitchen. "i had forgotten that we really needed to work on..." he entered the kitchen, making a surprised face at the – awful – sight of his sister and mark kissing. "oh... did i disturb something...?" he asked.
mark and dahyun both pulled away immediately when donghyuck came into view, and donghyuck even noticed dahyun wiping her mouth with her hand. disgusting, but judging by the way mark's tongue had been licking not only the inside, but also the outside of her mouth, it was totally justified.
"s-sorry..." he said, faking his expression.
"it's okay." dahyun coughed. "what were you about to say?" she asked, now wiping her hand on the fabric of her trousers.
"well... mark and i have this project for tomorrow, and i had completely forgotten about it... we should work on it as soon as possible if we don't want to have a bad grade, since it's due tomorrow."donghyuck explained, glaring at mark.
"really?" mark asked confusedly. "in which- "
mark stopped once he noticed donghyuck's glare intensifying.
"o-oh, yeah!" he exclaimed. "i remember."
"do you mind if i borrow him? we'll be the quickest possible, i promise." donghyuck asked his sister.
"it's okay, go on." dahyun nodded. "i really need to call choonhee."
donghyuck pulled mark by the hand towards his bedroom, pushing the boy inside and slamming the door shut behind their back before crossing his arms over his chest while glaring at mark.
"w-was i bad...?" mark had the audacity to ask, making donghyuck fume in anger.
"bad?!" he repeated. "you weren't bad, you were awful!"
mark gulped, lowering his head.
"what the hell was that?! hips are fucking there, and when kissing with the tongue, you have to keep it inside of the mouth, and not try to lick the outsides of your girlfriend's mouth!" donghyuck scolded, pacing around the room in an attempt to calm himself down. "at this state, my sister won't even wait for your 8th month anniversary to dump you!"
"it's not my fault i don't know how to do it!" mark whined, his cheeks red.
"i fucking explained everything to you..." donghyuck grabbed mark's collar and shook the boy rather violently in frustration.
"well, it wasn't clear enough for me, that's all..." mark told, making donghyuck sigh.
the tanned male let go mark's shirt and walked to his bed to sit down.
he stayed silent for a few minutes, trying not to think about the horrible kiss again, and instead find a solution.
he had one in the corner of his mind, but he would rather find another one.
however, as nothing was coming, he didn't have much choice.
"alright, so... as much as i hate it, we need to go next level..." he told not looking at mark.
"next level?" mark repeated, not understanding what it could mean.
"yeah." donghyuck stood up again, his eyes locking with mark's. "you're making out with me. and perhaps that you'll finally understand what to do."
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