# 11 #
"so, guys... how do you think about that?" donghyuck asked, a beaming smile decorating his face as he had just explained in detail his devilish plan to his best friends.
the five other boys stayed silent for a while, all exchanging glances and thinking about everything donghyuck had told them just now.
"are you... are you sure about that?" jeno asked with a brow raised.
"100 per cent. i'm so ready to do it." donghyuck nodded determined.
"but... isn't it a bit... extreme?" chenle's brows furrowed as he looked at his older friend.
"guys. i need to be better than him." donghyuck repeated the sentence he had been telling them for three years now.
"yeah but... can't you find another way to do that?" jaemin joined the conversation.
"why are you suddenly doubting me?!" donghyuck huffed.
"we're not doubting you but... i mean... he's your sister's boyfriend..." renjun sighed.
donghyuck snorted. "and what if?!"
"this doesn't change the man he is. this just makes things easier for me." donghyuck argued.
the tanned male looked successfully at his friends, tsking when he noticed their unsure looks.
why couldn't they trust him?
his plan was flawless, from beginning to end.
there would be no obstacle.
everything would be perfect.
and in the end, donghyuck would be better than mark.
and that was it.
sure, it would take donghyuck some effort to cope with it, but nothing impossible.
donghyuck was sure to win this time.
"what's the problem, guys?" donghyuck asked, crossing his arms over his chest.
"i'm not sure it's a good idea..." jisung declared, glancing at donghyuck, but not maintaining eye-contact.
"why isn't it a good idea?" donghyuck frowned.
"because you'll hurt him. a lot. and idon't know..." jisung continued.
"and what if i hurt him?" donghyuck rolled his eyes. "he'll be too troubled to get good grades and win his matches. this benefits me."
"yeah but..." this time renjun spoke. "what if you end up hurt as well..."
"hurt? me?!" donghyuck snorted. "how can i get hurt while seeing mark losing to me?"
"it's not that... you don't understand..." renjun continued.
"no, i clearly don't." donghyuck approved. "i can't understand why you aren't supportive of me."
"you're going to get hurt." jeno intervened.
"i am not." donghyuck spat. "i know what i'm doing. and i know that this is the only way to my happiness."
his five friends lowered their heads, looking at their laps while donghyuck scolded them.
they knew better than angering the boy. donghyuck was scary when he was mad.
"you guys are my friends. you are supposed to have my back." donghyuck told, glaring at the five of them.
"we are your friends, meaning that we should also stop you when you're about to do a mistake."jaemin declared, making donghyuck raise a brow.
"you refuse to see what i see. you don't want to admit that this will make me happy. beating him is the thing i want the most in the world." donghyuck continued, his eyesnow fixed into jaemin's.
"donghyuck- "
"no. i understood." donghyuck rolled his eyes as he stood up. "i'm leaving. i'll deal with things on my own since my friends aren't supportive of me anymore." he added, taking a few steps.
"we don't recognise you anymore..." chenle spoke, making donghyuck stop in his tracks. however, he didn't turn around, he kept his back facing his friends.
"i don't recognise you either." he spat before walking away.
donghyuck had his back leaning against the wall, just next to the door leading to the gymnasium where the basketball courts were located.
he was waiting patiently for basketball practice to be finished to start his devilish plan to beat mark. oh, he couldn't wait.
the tanned male straightened up as soon as he noticed the doors of the gymnasium opening, a wave of hope taking power of his body as he approached the person that had exited the place.
however, he was quite disappointed to meet eyes with his twin sister.
"oh, it's just you..." he mumbled before going back to leaning on the wall.
"hello to you too." dahyun rolled her eyes. "can i know what are you doing here exactly?"
"waiting for someone. why?" donghyuck pulled his phone out of his pocket and opened a random app.
"oh, really? who are you waiting for?" dahyun raised a brow. "i'm curious. did you find yourself a boyfriend?"
donghyuck tsked.
what's with his sister trying to make him gay?!
she kept doing that these days!
"hyun, no, i didn't find myself a boyfriend, and i'd like you to stop assuming things like that." he told.
"assuming things? like what?" the girl tilted her head to the side.
"like the fact i could be gay."
dahyun stared at donghyuck for two seconds before bursting out laughing really loud.
donghyuck clicked his tongue, staring at his sister laughing her ass out in the middle of the school's corridor.
sometimes, he really wanted to be an only child.
"stop making a fucking scene..." donghyuck rolled his eyes when he noticed a few people at the end of the corridor staring at them.
"excuse me, but... you're asking me to stop assuming that you're gay?!"
"yeah." donghyuck nodded.
"but you clearly are." dahyun looked at him from head to toe. "school bad boy, waiting for his cute little innocent perfect boy to fall into his arms."
"this will never happen." donghyuck glared at her as she started laughing again.
"it eventually will..." dahyun smiled devilishly.
"and why couldn't it be a cute innocent perfect girl?" donghyuck raised a brow.
"i have never seen you around a girl." dahyung crossed her arms over her chest, thinking about all the times she had seen donghyuck at school.
"you don't know my every move." donghyuck tackled back.
"you never brought a girl at home." dahyun smirked.
"you brought mark after months." donghyuck tried defending himself.
"your group of friends is full of gays." dahyun said immediately after.
"which doesn't mean i am." donghyuck retorted.
"neither that you aren't."
donghyuck groaned at his sister's words.
she would never leave him alone.
"so, if you're not gay and that you don't bring a girl at home... does that mean that you fuck random girls in motels after school?" dahyun asked after a while, staring at her nail polish.
"i'm the school's heartthrob, not fuckboy." donghyuck hit her head.
"just making sure." dahyun shrugged. "so, who are you waiting for?"
"mark." donghyuck replied nonchalantly, making his sister's eyes widen.
"mark as in... my boyfriend? the guy you aren't friends with?" she raised a brow sceptically.
"yeah. there are not dozens of mark in here." donghyuck rolled his eyes.
"and... why are you waiting for him?" she asked again. "no, because i remember you saying that you couldn't bear him."
"well, he's my sister's boyfriend, so might as well get used to it." donghyuck explained.
dahyun stared at donghyuck for a few seconds, her eyebrows furrowed.
a ding from her phone caught her attention, making her pull her device out.
"fuck, i'm super late!" she exclaimed. "i have a dentist appointment, i got to go and dad is waiting for me. whatever you're doing with mark, bring him home, i'll be waiting for him after the dentist."
"sure." donghyuck nodded as he watched his sister running away and leaving him all alone in the corridor again.
donghyuck sighed.
he hated the way his sister would keep questioning him about his sexuality.
donghyuck was absolutely not interested in romantic relationships.
wether they were boys or girls.
he didn't see the point of them.
but his sister didn't seem to understand that, which was a pity because she kept assuming bullshit concerning donghyuck.
"bye guys, enjoy your night!"
donghyuck turned around at the voice he knew so well.
mark was standing in front of the gymnasium's closed doors, saying goodbye to his teammates.
donghyuck swallowed his pride as he put on a smile.
he had a plan to execute, and he didn't intend making it fail on the first day.
"mark!" he called, catching the attention of the basketball player.
mark was still wearing his basketball attire, and his whole body was covered with a thin layer of sweat.
"donghyuck?" he furrowed his brows. "i though there was no soccer practice on thursdays..."
"yeah, i didn't have practice." donghyuck told, readjusting his leather jacket on his shoulders.
"then... why are you here? not that i mind! it's just that... you're never here usually..."
"well... i was just passing by and i told myself that i could wait for you and yeah, hang out." the bad boy explained.
mark blinked a few times, his eyebrows knitted.
"hang out?" he repeated slowly.
"yeah. like, grabbing something to eat and just... you know?" donghyuck explained, his hands sliding into his pockets.
mark sighed, crossing his arms over his chest. "donghyuck, what do you want?"
"what do i want?!" donghyuck sounded offended. "i want to hang out. is that too much to ask? you're friends with the whole school and you're refusing to hang out?"
"i sure am friends with the whole school, but i remember you not being fond of me." mark explained. "not being fond... not respecting me... being rather harsh in your answers..."
"who even told you that?" donghyuck rolled his eyes.
"you." mark replied simply, staring at donghyuck right through his eyes.
donghyuck raised a brow.
yeah, he had been the one saying all those thigns.
but he couldn't back away now.
he needed to find an answer and make mark do what he wanted him to do.
"well, yeah, it was me..." donghyuck admitted. "but maybe- "
"look donghyuck. i don't know what you're planning right now, but i'm really tired. like... basketball practice was hard and i still have to revise for tomorrow... so, please, don't lie to me and tell me what you're trying to obtain."
donghyuck almost snorted loudly.
poor mark was tired? his basketball practice had been too difficult? and he still had to learn his lessons for tomorrow's test?
how cute...
perfect boy had his weakness moments...
but thankfully, he didn't snort.
no, this would have ruined his plan.
yeah, instead, he looked at his feet, taking a few steps to approach mark – swallowing his pride for good.
"mark... i know i haven't been the kindest person with you and... i'm sorry... i... i know a sorry will never be enough but... you're my sister's boyfriend now, and i'll have to see you more often, and out of school so... yeah, i fugured out that we shouldn't be fighting... for the sake of dahyun, and just... for ours, you know?" donghyuck told, forcing himself to sound sorry and kind. he even placed a comforting hand on mark's – very sweaty – shoulder to show him his sincerity.
"o-oh... i didn't expect that..." mark lowered his head. "i'm sorry for assuming you were going to do something bad... i'm tired and- "
"no, it's okay. i understand." donghyuck shook his head. "so... how about we go back to my house and you can take a long warm shower before spending the evening with dahyun? she has a dentist appointment, but she told me she expected to see you at our house."
a smile soon appeared on mark's-tired face, making donghyuck internally congratulate himself for his acting skills.
"sure, let's go." mark nodded.
and so, both boys walked side by side, in a very peaceful way, to donghyuck and dahyun's house.
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