Whitney Rush. That's my name, and it's the name you'll hear all over the halls of LBJHS if you listen for even like a millisecond. And it's all because Sage Smith came into the girls bathroom by mistake. Here's my story. (My god, I sound like Addison Pryce!!)
I was on a date with Tom at the hip new pizza place right off Gavin and Jake, which is called Slice Of Life. By then, Tom was getting all over my nerves. Pro Tip : Don't date a geek, namely, Tom Shannon. At first, I didn't realize that he even was a geek. Yeah, Whitney, as if a guy in a The Punisher t-shirt asking you out to a kiddie arcade wouldn't tip you off. But, anyway, he was pushing me off the edge. So I made my daring escape to the girls bathroom to spare myself of any further torture. I powdered my nose, I splashed my face, totally redid my makeup because I was stupid enough to splash water on my face, and then I heard the door open. "Oh, oops!" Said the rugged voice of Sage Smith. I couldn't believe it! I immediately pulled him in and kissed him. So, yeah, I blame Sage. It's so totally Sage's fault.
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