Interview courtesy of Addison Pryce and Lyndon B. Johnson High School.
Addison : Hello, hello, hello, everybody! I'm Addison Pryce and welcome back to the LBJ News Flash! I'm here with a wide variety of guests. Everybody, say hi!
Everybody : Hi!
Addison : Alright, alright, alright! Now, we all know Whitney Rush.
Kate : *scoff*
Katelyn : OMG, yes! Whitney is the best!
Addison : Well, you'd think so. Our very own captain of the chess club, March Grossman, has the story.
March : So, uh, I was at that one pizza restaurant, you know, over on the crossroads of Jake and Gavin Lane, and I went into the bathroom, and you'll never believe what I saw! It was Whitney, making out with that guy Sage on top of the sink!
Addison : That's ay-mazing, March. Did you happen to get a picture?
March : Yeah, in fact. Check it out!
Everybody : *gasp*
Addison : Let's hear what our other special guests think of this!
Katelyn : I can not believe it! I know Whitney, and Whitney is not the kind to cheat!
Ezra : I'm a bit surprised that Whitney cheated, but I just wish she had cheated with me instead! Wink, wink!
Kate : Ugh, you're disgusting, Ezra!
Ezra : You know you love me.
Kate : Ew, no. I personally thought it was just a matter of time. A girl like Whitney was bound to cheat sooner or later.
Heather : I never thought Whitney would cheat. Never!
Max : I agree with Katelyn and Heather. She just doesn't seem like the kind. Not to me, at least.
Suzy : Who's Whitney? Who's Sage? I'm only here because I used to date Tom, aren't I?
Mitchell : Um, can we not talk about Whitney?
Alan : Sounds like the captain of the football team doesn't want to talk about his ex!
Mitchell : Shut up.
Ella : I don't know who any of these people are!!
Alan : Then what are you even doing here?!
Ella : I'm hoping, if I guest star on all of Addison's podcasts, divine inspiration will strike, and, with the high school drama, my writing can appeal to a younger, or rather, simpler audience.
Mitchell : Just one question : What?
Griffin : I'm a bit worried about how Tom is doing.
Addison : I already tried to check. He is apparently 'unavailable for comment'. So, that's all for today. I'm Addison Pryce, and I will see you next time on....
Everybody : LBJ News Flash!
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