YOU SMIRKED AS YOU SAW IAN'S EXPRESSION CHANGE WITHIN A MINUTE. His eye were as wide as saucers as you explained in detail your attempt at fixing his situation. Ian audibly huffed as he rubbed his face — clearly aggravated with the thought of even doing this.
❝ Ian please I'm sick and tired of seeing you practically moping around in your own sadness! ❞ You scolded as you crossed your arms determined to get some sense into head after everything that's happened. Ian's expression didn't even seem to waver as you recounted the times you've seen him basically choking to death on his tears.
❝ Trevor has made it completely obvious he wants nothing to do with me, y/n. I'm begging you please just give it a rest. ❞ Ian desperately tried to look for a get away from the conversation. You let out what seemed to be an offended scoff as you stared at him. Your nose flared as you could feel yourself losing what little control you have left with him.
❝ And you wonder why! Listen Ian if I was Trevor I wouldn't even give you a second thought what so ever, but anybody with eyes can see he wants you just as much as you want him! ❞ You spat out trying to get these stupid words to stick his brain.
❝ Okay Fine! ❞ Ian yelled throwing his hands up in surrender as he stared at you. A triumphant smile taking over your face as you finally got your way.
❝ It's about damn time you listen, now here's the plan! ❞
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