The door to (Y/N)'s apartment swung open, and quick footsteps strolled inside.
"(Y/N)?" Said a voice.
"Go away, I want to sleep, Dipper." A muffled voice yelled out of one of the rooms.
"How did you know it was me?" Dipper asked, walking inside and sitting on her bed. She groaned and turned away.
"You have a copy of my key."
"What if an axe murderer broke in?"
"Then you'd be sad, single, and lonely."
"True." Dipper mumbled. He started to pick her up.
"Where the fu- fish are you taking me?" She tried to reach for her bed.
"The bathroom, princess." Dipper rolled his eyes. "Wash up, we're going out."
"No." She said stubbornly, her words muffled by his chest.
"What?" Dipper said, smirking. "You sure about that?"
"Yes. I am."
Dipper moved her hair away from her face and leaned down. His face was inches from hers, and her face visibly became red.
She started to lean forward, but he jerked his head back, smirking. "You'll get a kiss after you bathe, (Y/N)."
Grumbling, (Y/N) hopped out of his arms and stalked into her bathroom with a fresh pile of clothes, slamming the door.
Chuckling, Dipper lay on her bed and started texting someone.
BigDipper: u hav it ready?
Zalora: Yes. Do you want our Delivery man to give it to you personally?
BigDipper: yea. 3pm k?
Zalora: Yes, Mr. Pines. Thank you for shopping with us, and good luck.
He shut off his phone and leaned his head against the headboard, daydreaming about his future until (Y/N) came out, her (H/C) hair still damp.
"Good." Dipper hummed, standing up and kissing her before dragging her outside.
"Where are we going?"
"You'll see." Dipper mumured, holding out his arm. (Y/N) looped hers through it and blushed.
"Woah." (Y/N) gasped. She spun around.
"Woah indeed." Dipper hummed, taking her hand and leading her to a beautiful willow tree.
Under it, a red picnic blanket was spread out and a large wicker basket decorated with fresh flowers sat there, waiting to be opened. Wine glasses were set out, and instead of wine, a large bottle of Pitt Cola was sitting unopened. (Dipper didn't want to get drunk for this.)
"Dipper!" (Y/N) breathed. She grabbed his chin and pulled him down, his lips meeting hers.
When they finally pulled apart, Dipper's cheeks were red, and (Y/N) was struggling to catch her breath.
"Come on!" Dipper said, taking her hand and seating her on the blanket, smiling. He glanced down at his watch. 2:58. "I have to take care of something, just a second."
Dipper ran off, leaving (Y/N) to smile at the beautiful scenery.
"I'm back!" Dipper gasped, clearly out of breath as he collapsed onto the blanket.
"Hey, Dipper!" (Y/N) kissed his nose and pulled him closer. Together, they opened the basket and poured themselves Pitt Cola.
After half an hour of mindless chatter, Dipper nervously looked into the wicker basket and fiddled with something inside it.
"What are you doing?" (Y/N) asked.
"Just trying to grab some extra bread." Dipper hastily replied, pulling out another packet of bread and putting it down.
Dipper took out his phone and started to play a song from it. (Y/N) gaped up at him.
Dipper took her hand and stood up. He gently placed his hands on her waist, as if he was afraid that she might break into half with the slightest touch.
"Dipper..." (Y/N) mumured. She wrapped her arms around his neck as they started to dance.
They continued dancing until Dipper let out a pained gasp.
Dipper fell to one knee and clutched his stomach.
"Dipper!" (Y/N) gasped loudly. "What happened!?"
"I fell. Hard." Dipper whispered. "I fell hard for you, (Y/N). Your (E/C) eyes, the way you stood up for me in eleventh grade when Dom and his gang bullied me for my birthmark. I fell for the way you laugh, the way you say something sarcastic when I ask you what you want for dinner."
Tears pricked at (Y/N)'s eyes. "D-Dipper?"
"I fell for the way you make terrible puns when you're trying not to cry. I fell for the girl who met the Pines family in Gravity Falls, and immidiately became one of them instead of running away screaming."
Dipper held out a (F/C) box, his eyes full of love. "(Y/N)..." he whispered, opening it.
A small gold ring with the words 'I fell for you' engraved into it came into view. (Y/N) started to cry.
"Will you marry me, (Y/N) (L/N)?"
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