Thursday, 2015
Dipper and Mabel high fived. "Guess what today is?" Mabel lowered her voice as she walked downstairs with her twin.
"The day where we finally learn..." Dipper smirked mischieviously.
"Trigonometry!" The siblings hooted, startling Waddles, who was at the bottom of the stairs.
"Finally! Triangle studies!" Mabel giggled. "It's just like we're studying Bill! Not really, you know, but I mean..." she shrugged.
Dipper peeked out of a window. "Kinda snowy." He commented. "I'll just grab our jackets from upstairs."
Dipper ran upstairs, tripping on a step and regaining his balance. He grabbed Mabel's favorite snowy day sweater, and his own black hoodie. He glanced around and threw his
Pine Tree hat that Wendy gave back on his bed.
Finding the beanie he wanted, he ran downstairs, pulling on his jacket on the way.
"Eat up." Dipper's mother told him, gesturing at Mabel, who was already on her second cup of hot chocolate.
"Alright!" He nodded, kissing his mother on the cheek and sliding into the seat beside Mabel.
"This is awesome!" Mabel cheered, shoving a waffle into her mouth.
"You say that every breakfast-time-morning-thing." Dipper told her, stuffing a waffle into his mouth.
"Yeah, that's because Dad's cooking is the best!" Mabel said. Her mother laughed and ruffled her hair.
"What about me?" Their mother fake pouted.
"Well, your desserts and drink are the bomb!" Mabel said truthfully, her brother nodding eagerly.
"Yeah, well, you better get to school before your time goes 'the bomb'." She said, using air quotes. "You're going to be late. Quick! Hurry!" She rushed them, shoving a piece of Dipper's waffle into her mouth.
"Alright! Bye!" Dipper laughed, grabbing his bag and bolting out of the door, Mabel right behind him.
"I don't have Trig with you." Mabel pouted, glaring at the schedule tacked on the notice board.
Dipper nudged her. "No, but you do have it with Dan."
Mabel perked up immidiately. "You're right!" She scanned the schedule. "And guess who you have Trig with..."
"Hayden?" Dipper asked hopefully, naming one of his closest friends.
"No! (Y/N)!" Mabel cheered.
Dipper walked into the classroom, glancing around. He noticed (Y/N) talking to Nadia, and he smiled.
"Hey, guys." Dipper said, approaching them. They turned to face him and Nadia waved at him.
"Come sit with us, Dipper!" Nadia said, motioning to the seat beside (Y/N), her southern accent clear.
"This is so exciting!" (Y/N) said, grinning at Dipper. "Once you've learnt Trig, you've finally actually-officially become a teen!"
"Yeah!" Nadia grinned. "Fourteen-dom, here we come!"
Dipper laughed. "So, Nadia, hows Nick?" He asked, reffering to Nadia's older brother.
"Same as usual. He's getting better But..." Nadia leaned in closer. "That isn't important right now. The important thing is..."
Nadia got up from her seat and whispered into Dipper's ear, (Y/N) looking on curiously.
"Listen, Dip." Nadia said lowly. "You can't hide your feelings for (Y/N) any longer. You have to tell her how you feel! And you have to do it ASAP." She whispered.
"What if she doesn't like me? It'll be Wendy all over again..." Dipper said quietly.
"Who's Wendy-? Okay, nevermind that. Anyway, you have to confess. Here's the plan..."
Nadia murmured into his ear. "If you're not doing it offline, you're doing it online! Chatterbox dot com, where you guys met." She sighed dreamily. "Now that's romantic!"
Dipper opened his mouth to argue. "Bu-"
"No butts!" Nadia scolded. "You'll get plenty of those once you and (Y/N) are together."
"What!?" Dipper's face was on fire.
"'Yer being more obvious than a pig in a haystack!" Nadia grumbled. "Now when I stand up, here's our alibi for whispering." She mumured something into his ear.
"It's true!" Nadia suddenly straightened, flicking her blonde hair over her shoulder.
Dipper glared at her, shaking his head. Nadia glared at him and he gulped.
"Oh? Dan has a CRUSH on Mabel?" He said loudly. (Y/N) seemed to buy it.
"Yeah!" Nadia said, strutting back to her seat. "He SO totally does, now."
(Y/N) laughed just as the teacher walked in.
"I think it was pretty obvious that he does, Nads." (Y/N) smiled at Dipper. "Can't believe you were surprised."
"Oh, really? You're going to be surprised after tonight!" Dipper mentally shot back. He blushed and looked down at his notebook, willing his burning cheeks to cool down.
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