Februrary 16, 2019
(Y/N) smiled at the text, her face reddening. She and Dipper had been going out for a few years now, and now that they were both in College, they saw each other less. However, every free chance they get, they go out together and spend time with each other.
(Y/N) parked her car and quickly walked towards the Sushi place, smiling at the thought of her boyfriend waiting for her, staring at his phone.
She walked in and saw a familiar mop of brown hair and smiled. She ran over to it and gave it a kiss.
Dipper gasped and moved his head away to stare up at her. "Oh! (Y/N)! It's you!" He said, hugging her tightly.
"Yes it is, Dippy Fresh." She said, kissing his forehead and earning a few 'awws' from the people sitting nearby.
He quickly stood up and offered (Y/N) his seat.
"Thanks, Dipper." (Y/N) smiled affectionately. "I've missed you."
"Yeah, it's been two days since we last saw each other!" Dipper said sarcastically. He grinned and sat down across from her. "Worst two days ever."
(Y/N) grinned and picked up her menu. She looked over it and licked her lips. "Maki rolls." She said, putting her menu down. "How about you?"
"Sashimi, I guess." Dipper smiled, picking up the menus. "I'll go and order, you want any drinks?"
"I'll get a (DRINK), please." (Y/N) said.
"Alright, (L/N)." He ruffled her hair. "Just one moment."
Dipper's Apartment
Dipper and (Y/N) were nearly dying of laughter. "And then she goes all, 'that joke is over used, and your sister is too!' and everyone were nearly falling off of their seats!" Dipper howled.
"Oh my God." (Y/N) wiped tears of laughter from her eyes. "I guess that your comedian Professor finally fulfied his Profess-sy." She joked.
"Good one!" Dipper grinned, wrapping and arm around her.
"I know." (Y/N) sang, burying her face into his chest. "I'm awesome."
Dipper blushed and kissed the top of her head. "I'm really glad you get to spend the night."
"Me too." (Y/N) mumured.
"I know something fun we can do..." Dipper said mischieviously, his smile widening.
"You do?" (Y/N) said, looking up at him, smiling.
"Yeah, just follow my lead..." Dipper whispered, bringing her lips to his.
(Y/N) collapsed on the bed, panting.
"Whew." Dipper said, wiping his forehead. "Wasn't that great?"
"Yeah, if going to the grocery store and buying heavy indgredients is fun." (Y/N) groaned.
"At least now we can eat ice cream, chips and chocolate while watching a movie." Dipper reasoned.
"True." (Y/N) nodded, grabbing the remote and turning on the TV. "Ooh, I like this one."
She climbed onto Dipper's lap and pulled the blankets over their lower bodies. She held up a chip, and her boyfriend ate it.
They sat in comfortable silence. The only sound that could be heard was Regina George bitching about onscreen.
(Y/N) switched off the TV and pushed the empty food containers away. She turned off the lights and climbed into bed, yawning.
She wrapped her arms around her sleeping boyfriend's chest, her eyes half lidded. Dipper immidiately hugged back, as if it were a reflex.
"Goodnight, Dipper." (Y/N) said quietly. "I love you."
You thought they were going to have secks you dirty fu
They were only buying groceries, and they were tired out from bringing the heavy packages to Dipper's place.
- sinfully kate
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