wow gays
1:45 am
Basicallyidodad: Taco Bell, almost two in the morning, the best boyfriend in the world, two puppies in the backseat, who else can this road trip get better??
mooMMY: kids.
notsominiladd: he got you good
Basicallyidodad: yes he did
mooMMY: Marcy I want more k I d s
mooMMY: I'm almost 30 just three more years 😭😭😭
Evanlover1: a n d I m 2 7 a s w e l l /incorrect, plz don't hatez/
Delilover1: 26 h a
Evanlover1: shushdefucqup
Nite: I work hard every motherfuckin' day-ay-ay-ay
Nite: yet I still get hate for playing a game that actually gives me inspiration to keep doing YouTube even when it's shit
Fort: I know Brian posted one fortnite video and all hell breaks loss
VAPEKING: where is the broken hearts club?
VAPEQUEEN: John stfu
VAPEKING: sorry you got me into the song
Forever-single has unmuted the chat!
Forever-single: I'm sorry, the old Scotty can't come to the phone right now.
Forever-single: why? Cause he's dead!
mooMMY: how'd he die??
Forever-single: his heart was to broken to function
Forever-single: and now he's dead and I came to say I'll be gone for a little while while I contemplate suicide :)
Forever-single has muted the chat...
Forever-single has gone offline...
mooMMY: I have some guy to give a piece of my goddamb mind
mooMMY has gone offline...
Basicallyidodad: I love him so much
notsominiladd: we know
Fort: we know
Nite: we know
SAMI-BOI: we know
VAPEKING: we know
VAPEQUEEN: we know
Bigjiggles: we know
Deadchannel: we know
Evanlover1: we know
Delilover1: we know
Basicallyidodad: just tryin express myself while im in the hotel dudes
wow gays have gone offline...
Private messages between mooMMY and Kubzscouts
2:14 am
mooMMY: why the hell did you do that to my friend??
mooMMY: actually, he's my fucking family, so why did you do that to my family member???
Kubzscouts: I don't know
mooMMY: I told you he could fall into hopelessness and depression when a break up happens but no you didn't listen
mooMMY: he's had it hard his life and now you just made it worst
Kubzscouts: you don't think it's hard for me too? You don't think I fucking regret it everyday of my miserable life?? You don't fucking think it makes me cry every time I hear his favorite song or something he left here or something dumb we joked about?
Kubzscouts: sometimes I can't even look at my own couch cause that's the first time we met
Kubzscouts: now leave me the fuck alone cause it's hard for me too.
Kubzscouts: I'm sorry. I didn't mean too I just got sad about thinking of him and let me emotions go if yuh see him tell him I'm sorry and he'll find someone great for him
mooMMY: no I'm sorry but I'll leave you be again I'm sorry and I'll tell him
mooMMY and Kubzscouts have gone offline...
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