Craig is slightly straight
12:33 am
notsominiladd: who up???
VAPEQUEEN: your boy
deliboy has changed his name to oceanboi.
oceanboi: this might not stick idk
Ivebeengettinmoney has changed his name to owldini
owldini: owldini boys
owldini: and girl
Scooter: what about hoodini???
owldini: old. Owldini is the new trend
Noglasass: I should be asleep but meh
mooMMY: same
Basicallyidodad: Brock my eyes
mooMMY: Sorry honey
Basicallyidodad: it's fine but put the brightness down so I can cuddle in peace. Thank you and bye.
Basicallyidodad has gone offline...
Tylersdick: Tyler's such a cuddle bear smh
Noglasass: Nogla stfu
oceanboi: I miss Evan 😭😭😭
owldini: I miss you too 😭😭😭
mooMMY: you too aren't with each other???
oceanboi: I came to visit family in nc and Evan can't come rn 😭😭😭
owldini: I'll be there later today 😕😕😕
notsominiladd: Aww, whos cuddling rn tho??
oceanboi: I'm cuddling with my teddy cause Evans not here 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
owldini: awwwww baby 😘😘😘
oceanboi: 😍😍😍
mooMMY: Marcy is cuddling me rn lol
VAPEQUEEN: johns sleep
Noglasass: Nogla don't you
Tylersdick: Tyler's cuddling me 🤤😍😊
Noglasass: cursed text
Tylersdick: shut up and cuddle meeeeee
Noglasass has gone offline...
Tylersdick: bye bye Tyler told me to go tooo
Tylersdick has gone offline...
VAPEKING: Lucas come to beddd plz
VAPEQUEEN: okay okay
The Vapes have gone offline...
owldini: me video chatting Delirious at like 3 am there when its 12 here
oceanboi: :((
oceanboi: me no understand why I can't sleep
oceanboi: I could sleep all day 🤤🤤🤤🤤
owldini: he can and will sleep all day
mooMMY: omg gOALS
mooMMY: shut up Brian
copycat: what'd I do
mooMMY: be born
copycat: rude
mooMMY: I'm kidding :D
copycat: I expected that
Tacobellismylife: wait one second here
Tacobellismylife: I think I heard the special word what's taht???
Tacobellismylife: it's time to sleep it says???
Craig is slightly straight has gone offline...
Private messages between thepregobunny and Daddy-Devil
4:58 pm
thepregobunny: Luke?
Daddy-Devil: yeah Ryan?
thepregobunny: I just talked to the doctor and well...
Daddy-Devil: yeah???
thepregobunny: theres triplets in my stomach. Three children are in there Luke.
thepregobunny: I love you omg
Daddy-Devil: I love you too, what's is their genders????????
thepregobunny: that's what a baby showers for silly
thepregobunny: now see you in the lobby :)
Daddy-Devil and thepregobunny have gone offline...
Craig is slightly straight
6:29 pm
VAPEKING: me and Smii7y just binge watched all of the 100
mooMMY: all four seasons?!!?!
Basicallyidodad: well damm
VAPEKING: I haven't slept in 2 days
mooMMY: John Kryoz you go to sleep right now! You too Lucas Smii7y
The Vapes have gone offline...
owldini: the truth of my name is that Hoodini was taken 😭😭
Scooter: I knew something was up
oceanboi has changed his name to Evanlover1
Evanlover1: hmm
owldini has changed his name to Delilover1
Delilover1: this is okay
Evanlover1: yeah u-rite
Scooter: this kinda weird to ask but have any of you seen panda? We were supposed to hang out today and well he hasn't showed
mooMMY: Legion???
Tacobellismylife: I saw him yesterday but he left for something
Scooter: oh shet it's a missing panda
Bigjiggles: um hello???
Scooter: ayy my boi
Bigjiggles: um I don't know who you are I just found this phone on the ground
Tacobellismylife: who are you?
Bigjiggles: I'm Jay
Bigjiggles: from the mother fucking Kubz Scouts
to be continued cause I wanna continue watching The 100
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