4:30 pm
Tacobellismylife: I think I'm in love with Anthony???
mooMMY: What about your girlfriend?
Tacobellismylife: I wasn't feeling it with her... I kept thing about Anthony
Basicallyidodad: me @myex
mooMMY: well tell him!
Tacobellismylife: But He has so many doubts when in relationships... that's why he said to only be friends
Tacobellismylife: he didn't want to be with someone he could lose, which he won't
Gay: gayyyy
notsominiladd: says the one with gay as their username
Gay has changed his name to Noglasass
Your has changed his name to Tylersdick
Devil: Jesus Christ
thefluffybunny: luke come back to bedddd
Devil: I'm making food?
thefluffybunny has changed his name to thepregobunny
Devil has changed his name to daddy-devil
thepregobunny: omg, also I agree with Brock, you should just tell him how you feel!
Daddy-Devil: ^^ that's what I did and I'm gonna be a father soon
Tacobellismylife: what if he says no
Deadchannel: cry about it, crying always makes you feel better
Droidd: But there was a mixup in our situation
Wet: Evan and I forgot to mute the chat omg y'all text like mad men
Wet: now back to my lovely vacation!
Wet and Ivebeengettinmoney have muted the chat...
VAPEQUEEN: definitely say your feelings
VAPEKING: yes, how do you think I got my queen 🤤😫🤤😘😍😘❤️❣️💘💘😭💓💙💞💖😫😫🤤🤤
VAPEQUEEN: I love you❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️
VAPEKING: I love you too milk boiii❣️❣️❣️❣️
Tacobellismylife: in person or text?
mooMMY: definitely irl! Irl just works more so you can really express your feelings, like how I wanna get married and have more kids
Basicallyidodad: good to know, good to know
VAPEQUEEN: e x p o s e d
Basicallyidodad: behave
VAPEQUEEN: sorry dad
Daddy-devil: can we talk about noglas and Tyler's names tho
Tacobellismylife has gone offline...
mooMMY: everyone shut up so they can confess in peace, children!!!
Bigjiggles has been un-muted...
Krii7y has gone offline...
"Just do it, like Shia... " Jordan gulped, and knocked on the door. The door opened to tired Panda, who blocked when he saw the person with flowers and a panda plushy.
"Hello? " The groggy voice said, as they rubbed their eyes.
"Hey! So um I really like you, and I mean... I want you to be mine? " Jordan said, and Panda blinked.
That was his chance to not end up dying alone... or he could end up with a broken-hearted...
He looked around... he couldn't say no, but he couldn't say yes. "What if we break up? " The voice cracked.
"I'll try my best to keep us together. " Jordan said, and Panda looked away.
"What if- " "Stop with the what if's! Life isn't about 'what if' it's about living it now, not something that could, and probably not happen! " Jordan cut the other off, and the other nodded.
"Your right... okay I'll go out with you. " Jordan smiled, "With one exception! "
"That is? " Jordan asked, worried.
"Buy me some Pokémon cards, baby! "
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