COACHELLA: I'm so overwhelmed rn
COACHELLA: to many people are complimenting me
COACHELLA: like I'm honestly the ugliest person on earth I don't get this
Ivebeengettinmoney: Baby don't say that you're the most amazing, beautiful, crazy, boyfriend any man could have.
COACHELLA: your only saying that cause I'm your boyfriend
Ivebeengettinmoney: we both know that's not true.
Ivebeengettinmoney: I could write billions of pages about you
Ivebeengettinmoney and COACHELLA have gone offline...
VAPEKING: honesty I hate that they are cuter than us
VAPEQUEEN: yeah smh
mooMMY: I'm actually so jelly of them wtf
mooMMY: Marcy lets be extra cute tomorrow
Basicallyidodad: I gottchu baby 😘😘😘
Krii7y has gone offline...
"Jonathan. " Evan said, taking his lovers face in his hands. The other looked away, his face wet. Jonathan stayed quiet, and Evan sighed:
"Why do you feel like that about yourself? People would still love you if you where 50 pounds more, or 50 pounds less." Evan said, starring into the others eyes.
"Because... it's true, I mean look at me. I'm fucking ugly... even my dad thinks so! " Jonathan said, pulling away from the other, who sighed.
"You think your really ugly? " Evan asked, getting up with Jonathan.
"Yeah... " the other said, and Evan grabbed Jonathan's hands.
"Come with me, let's go. " Evan pulled Jonathan.
The two walked, the spring air chilly. The sun glazed through the leaves of the tree, making light shadows.
The two arrived at the destination, and Jonathan looked around. "Is this? " Jonathan looked at Evan, who smiled.
"Yeah! Now let's go! " Evan said, and Jonathan smiled. The tree sat high up, and the house on it hung from the tree, the birds chowing on some food.
They walked up to the play ground, and Evan sat on the swing, as Jonathan ran around. Evan smiled, this spot had always cheered him up, sometimes a dog would come by.
Jonathan smiled widely, as the owner-less dog ran towards him. It knocked him down, and Evan walked over laughing as the dog licked his face.
"I want this dog so bad! " Jonathan said, as It jumped at Evan.
"Hi buddy! " Evan said, as he pet the pup. It rolled around, and they pet the fluffy buddy.
The two laughed, and Jonathan had forgot about the whole situation. The two looked at each other, and Evan kisses Jonathan's check.
"You wanna go home? " Evan asked, the dog and Jonathan nodded.
Evan smiled, and the three walked away.
8:34 pm
Your: guys
VAPEKING: what's up?
Deadchannel: ??
Ivebeengettinmoney: what's up
COACHELLA has changed their name to Wet
VAPEQUEEN: what's up Tyler?
copycat: ??????
Syndicate: huh?
Your: Nogla was rushed to hospital
Ivebeengettinmoney: WAIT WHHAT
thefluffybunny: What the fuck?:!:)?/$/$/$&/9,
Basicallyidodad: GHAGSUSJC
copycat: what happened
Your: he tried to kill him self
Your: and I can't stop crying, someone please drive me to the hospital near by I can't take this
VAPEKING: me and Smii7y are closest
VAPEKING: We'll be there in a few
The Vapes have gone offline...
Ivebeengettinmoney: Tyler why'd he do it
Your: Hes bipolar
Your: sometimes he's the happiest person in the world and other times he's the saddest person in the world
copycat: is he okay
Your: I wish I fucking knew, or else I wouldn't be a fucking waterfall right now
Your: fuck you, you stupid cheater
Your: it's all your fucking fault
Your: fuck you
copycat: ...
Syndicate: don't fucking talk like that, not to my boyfriend
Syndicate: so he cheated? It's not his fault your boyfriend tried to kill himself
Syndicate: fuck off with that
Syndicate and copycat have gone offline...
Wet: can we all just chill
Your: whatever
mooMMY: Thank you Jonathan
Ivebeengettinmoney: me and Jon are going btw
Basicallyidodad: yeah, Brock and I are heading over soon
VAPEKING: tyler come on we're here
VAPEKING and Your have gone offline...
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