Have You Ever Been Murdered?
>YOU: Really bad? What is that even supposed to mean? What did you all do???
>JEREMIAH: Different things I think. We don't really talk about it.
>RYUU: Stuff we are NOT just going to open up and tell you about noob.
>YOU: Did you just seriously call me a noob?
>YOU: Wow. How old are you? 12?
>RYUU: 16 actually.
>YOU: Wait...you're seriously only 16? How old are you all?
>SUSAN: 14.
>BLOCKED: 01110011 01100101 01100011 01110010 01100101 01110100
>JEREMIAH: We all died teenagers. There must be some sort of connection there.
>YOU: Wow, no shit sherlock.
>YOU: Uuuugh, I just want to figure out how to get out of here so if I really am dead (though I'm still betting that this is all some weird ass dream) I can go to heaven or something.
>SUSAN: Pfft, I love the newbies. Always so filled with hope.
>JEREMIAH: I've been trying to find a way out for as long as we've been trapped here but nothing I do seems to make a difference. Every time I open the door it's always black.
>RYUU: It's not always completely boring in here though. I tried to sext in the chatroom once. Remember that guys????
>JEREMIAH: How could we forget? It was terrible.
>RYUU: They wouldn't respond again till I stopped. The only thing worse than being stuck in here is being stuck in here alone.
>SUSAN: True!
>RYUU: We're pretty sure that B was here loooong before Jeremiah arrived and that maybe all those years of isolation is what fried their brain.
>JEREMIAH: Could be. It's a working hypothesis.
>BLOCKED: All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. Hehehe, what a good line I could quote it all day.
>SUSAN: Oh my GOD B you're sooooo weird.
>RYUU: Hey, noob. Are you a boy or a girl? And, if you are a girl...are you cute?
>YOU: Are you serious?
>JEREMIAH: Ryuu, be respectful!
>RYUU: Sorry I'm just super curious. I just want a hot girl. The wiener count is already way too high in this chat. I don't know how to cope!
>YOU: Oh poor you.
>RYUU: One sexy girl! That's all I ask. A sexy girl with nice tatas. That's it.
>RYUU: Omfg Jeremiah stop, I can practically feel you judging me through the computer screen.
>JEREMIAH: I just find it distasteful that you so openly talk about these kinds of vulgar things.
>RYUU: Well I'm sorry we weren't all raised in some uppity religious farming cult, I'm surprised you even know how to work a computer. I mean seriously dude, god damn!
>JEREMIAH: Don't take the lord's name in vain.
>YOU: Is this what you all do all day? Bicker? If that's the case maybe I really have gone to hell.
>SUSAN: Hehe, wow that was savage.
>YOU: Thank you.
>SUSAN: I would high five you if we weren't all stuck in different rooms.
>RYUU: Wow, the noob thinks they're so cool and badass:P I'll tell you what noob? You ever been murdered?
>SUSAN: Jfc Ryuu.
>RYUU: CAUSE I HAVE! I WAS MURDERED. It don't get any more badass then that.
>JEREMIAH: We all know the story Ryuu, you've told it a million times.
>RYUU: He hasn't heard it yet though. Okay...so it's the start of my junior year of high school. I'm in the marching band and it's home coming. We're all sitting in the bleachers, you know how half time is, we play when the other team makes a goal, play the national anthem, ect, ect.
>SUSAN: What instrument did you play?
>RYUU: Xylophone.
>SUSAN: Pfffffffft.
>RYUU: Shut it. Anyway, we're all sitting in the bleachers and we see this figure moving across the field. I think he went to the school and was a grade above me. I still remember what he looked like even though I couldn't see his face. He was tall and skinny and unbelievably pale. He was wearing this big black trench coat. And then all of a sudden he pulls out a gun and opens fire on everyone. He went for the cheerleaders first. The football players didn't even try to stop him, they just ran for their lives. Chaos broke out, everyone started running for their lives. The girl next to me got shot dead fairly quickly. I tried to hide under the body and pretend to be dead too, I heard somewhere that's what you're supposed to do. I covered my face in her blood and lay under her. I'm not sure how many people he killed before he got to me but it had to have been at least 50. I Remember seeing his feet moving down the bleachers. He was wearing these shiny black dress shoes. Then he suddenly stopped right in front of me. I must have given away some hint that I was still alive...I must have tensed or something cause just like that he fired another shot and then boom...I was dead.
>YOU: Wow, quite the story.
>RYUU: See, come talk to me after you do something as badass as getting murdered.
>YOU: Do you know who else gets murdered? The dumb blondes in horror movies.
>SUSAN: Savage. Newbie: 2, Ryuu: 0
>RYUU: Fuck you both.
>JEREMIAH: Is anyone else hearing that?
>RYUU: Hearing what?
>BLOCKED: Ding dong I love a song.
>RYUU: Oh for the love of...SHUT UP B.
>JEREMIAH: It's some kind of shrill sound...like a siren maybe.
>SUSAN: Wait...I hear it too.
>JEREMIAH: I think it's getting louder.
>RYUU: I HEAR IT NOW! What the hell???
>SUSAN: What is this? It's so loud I can hardly think.
>JEREMIAH: The lights in my room just started flashing.
>SUSAN: Mine too.
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