Game Session One
- currently in session-
>RYUU: Okay what do you see on the screen?
>SUSAN: Okay for one thing it's just you. Why do you have so many Star Wars posters in your room?
>RYUU: I like Star Wars.
>SUSAN: Haha, nerd.
>JEREMIAH: You seem pretty calm about everything.
>RYUU: What's there to fear? I'm dead already.
>SUSAN: Okay the game is giving me a mission I need to make your avatar go outside and head to the park to meet with 'Freddie' who is that?
>RYUU: A client.
>SUSAN: What does that even mean?
>RYUU: I don't want to give anything away? No spoilers from me. My lips are sealed.
>SUSAN: Okay, I made it to the park. There's a shabby looking guy standing there. I'm assuming it's Freddie. I'm going to go talk to him.
>JEREMIAH: How does this person know enough about us to make a full game of a year of our lives.
>RYUU: I don't know. We're all dead, I've realized it's better to just not ask questions.
>SUSAN: Okay, Freddie is asking for the stuff and I just gave it to him. It was a bottle of pills from our backpack's inventory. You were a drug dealer?
>RYUU: Yep.
>YOU: Is that where we're supposed to judge?
>SUSAN: Maybe?
>YOU: Okay...uh...that's bad.
>SUSAN: Did anyone else hear that sound when he sent that?
>JEREMIAH: Like a little dinging sound?
>SUSAN: Yeah.
>YOU: I heard it.
>BLOCKED: Hoo, Hoo, Hoo, I heard it too.
>RYUU: Okay...that's kinda...freaky.
>SUSAN: Alright, in the game Freddie just handed me $50. It's saying my next mission is to go to school.
>RYUU: Do it. Man I hated my high school. Is it going to make you go through the whole school day?
>SUSAN: No, the screen is fading to black. I think it's starting the next important moment of your life. Okay, we're back in your room.
>RYUU: Wow, I didn't realize my life was so boring.
>SUSAN: There's a girl there her name is Lily. It's telling me to press the spacebar to make out with her.
>RYUU: Oh yeah. Lily Sylvester. She was hot. Ok NOW I'm jealous I'm not the one playing the game!
>SUSAN: It's not letting me press the spacebar anymore. She's drawing back from you and shaking her head. She's telling you that she can't do this anymore.
>JEREMIAH: Oh my goodness.
>SUSAN: You ask her why. She sighs heavily. I think she's crying.
>RYUU: ...
SUSAN: Uh...she just said you're too detached and that she doubts that you're capable of ever loving anyone.
>JEREMIAH: What's she doing now?
>SUSAN: She just stood up and left. It won't let me perform any more actions. I guess that means that you just watched her go without saying a word.
>YOU: Wow.
>RYUU: Did anyone else hear another ding when they sent that?
>SUSAN: I did.
>RYUU: Fuck.
>JEREMIAH: Language! And hey, we don't know if the dings are a bad thing yet.
>SUSAN: Okay, you're getting a phone call now. It's Freddie, he's inviting you to a party and wants you to bring the stuff. It's giving me the option to say yes or no.
>RYUU: Say no.
>SUSAN: I'm trying to but it won't let me.
>RYUU: Fuck.
>SUSAN: Is something wrong?
>RYUU: No...keep going.
>SUSAN: Okay we're at the party now. Freddie wants us to talk to some kid named Lawrence.
>RYUU: Shitshitshitshitshit.
>RYUU: I don't want to do this anymore. Let's just stop playing.
>SUSAN: Sorry Ryuu.
>RYUU: Fuuuuuuck.
>SUSAN: The kid, Lawrence, he's asking for the pills.
>RYUU: Don't give it to him Susan. Don't do it.
>SUSAN: I have to Ryuu. It's part of the game. He's smiling at you...well at your avatar. You're handing over the pills and he's giving you the cash. He's telling you that he's never tried something like this before, he's only 15. It's fading to black again, the police are at the house of the party now, it's instructing me to run away and get back to the house avoiding the cops. You're sobbing. You don't want the police to find you, you know that if they find out that you sold Lawrence the drugs they'll arrest you.
>RYUU: I didn't think he would overdose...I never thought he would die. I never meant to kill him. It wasn't my fault.
>JEREMIAH: You shouldn't have been selling drugs in the first place.
>YOU: Did anyone here that?
>SUSAN: Another ding? Yeah, that must of counted as a judgement. The screen is fading to black again, we're back at your house. Your mom is coming into the room, she's in tears. She's holding one of the pill bottles and she's asking you if you sell them.
>RYUU: Fuck. I want this to stop. TURN IT OFF.
>SUSAN: She's asking if they're yours. You can't lie to her. You tell her you're selling. She breaks down, she can hardly stand to look at you. And in that moment you know that she knows you must have killed that kid. She asks you to get out of the house, just for the night, just till she has time to think.
>YOU: How dumb are you? She can't. It's against the rules.
>SUSAN: The screen just faded back to black. You're under a bridge now. It's telling me to get the remaining pills back out of your inventory. HOLY SHIT? Ryuu are you going to try to kill yourself?
>RYUU: Yeah.
>JEREMIAH: How could you? That's a sin against God.
>RYUU: Thanks Jeremiah, saying that just caused another ding. Nice going buddy.
>JEREMIAH: Isn't that what we're supposed to do. It told us to judge.
>RYUU: I don't know what the dings mean but I'm sure they're not good.
>SUSAN: You pass out, throw up a few times but the pills don't kill you. You wake up in the rain in your own piss and vomit. It's telling me to press the spacebar now to cry. I'm going to do it.
>YOU: Wow, that's pretty sad.
>YOU: Oops. Sorry.
>SUSAN: Man, I feel bad for Ryuu's avatar. Okay, this is the last part of the game I think. We're at the pep rally. It's telling me to press special keys to play the xylophone.
>BLOCKED: You all have nothing to fear, I believe this game is simply really weird.
>RYUU: Calling this weird says a lot coming from you.
>YOU: Did that even rhyme?
>SUSAN: Damn! This xylophone playing is harder than I thought it would be.
>RYUU: Yeah! It's not so easy is it???
>SUSAN: A figure is coming across the field now, he has a machine gun. It's now telling me the goal is to hide from the shooter. I just ducked down and missed the first round of bullets. The girl next to us got hit though.
>YOU: Well shit,
>RYUU: What are you doing now?
>SUSAN: I'm still ducking down...oh shit...the girl that got shot next to you was Lily.
>RYUU: Yeah.
>SUSAN: Okay, I'm making you crawl under her. The shooter is getting closer and...boom. He just fired. The screens going black.
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