Enter the Chat
-You have chosen to enter the chatroom-
>YOU: Hello...is anyone there?
>YOU: Hello...
>YOU: What is this place?
>RYUU: Oh no. Not another one.
>YOU: Another what? My computer screen just went black and the only thing that will come up is this chat room? It gave me some weird cryptic message. Do I have a virus?
>SUSAN: Should I tell the newbie?
>JEREMIAH: No. We have to ease them into it.
>RYUU: Ha! That is sort of hilarious!
>BLOCKED: It's always nice to make a friend. Even if friendships not what they intend.
>YOU: Um...what?
>RYUU: Ignore them, they're weird.
>YOU: Can SOMEONE please tell me what's going on.
>RYUU: Can I do it? PLS! PLS! I wanna!!!!
>JEREMIAH: No. Let me, I've prepared for this. First of all, how are you feeling? I hope you're feeling well. I would make you some hot chocolate if I wasn't on the other side of a screen. Well then, I guess I should just get straight to the point. You must be very confused.
>JEREMIAH: Alright...okay...where to start?
>SUSAN: You're dead buddy.
>YOU: What???
>JEREMIAH: SUSAN! I hadn't gotten there yet!
>RYUU: Lmao Iconic! Classic Susan. Just saying it as it is. You go girl, keep it real.
>YOU: Ha. Ha. Ha. Hilarious guys. I get it now. You're trying to prank me. Listen, I know this is you Steve. You're not funny.
>RYUU: Steve? Haha, that's a stupid name.
>BLOCKED: 01010000 01101111 01101111 01110010 00100000 01101011 01101001 01100100
>RYUU: B!!! Would you stop that? Jfc! ENGLISH ONLY!
>BLOCKED: Sorry, I forget sometimes. The written word can be so sublime.
>YOU: This is so stupid, I'm leaving this chat.
>YOU: The hell does that mean? Stop trying to be so creepy. I know this is a prank. Bye you jerks.
>JEREMIAH: Wait for it.
>JEREMIAH: they'll be back in 4
>JEREMIAH: Let me guess. You went to leave your bedroom and when you opened the door everything outside it was just...black.
>YOU: Um...yeah.
>SUSAN: Don't panic.
>JEREMIAH: Just calm down. Take a deep breathe. Everything will be fine.
>SUSAN: Jeremiah is kinda our leader. I'll let him deal with the boring stuff. He explained everything to all of us when we got here. Oh...except for B. B's kinda always been here.
>BLOCKED: 01010100 01110010 01110101 01100101
>BLOCKED: Sorry, sorry of course you're right. Only in English can they understand our plight.
>RYUU: B What the actual fuck? SEE I told you they were weird.
>BLOCKED: In this place we can not leave, we're not sure if it's hell or purgatory.
>RYUU: I am SO sorry. They're always like this. Trust me, none of us know what they're saying either.
>JEREMIAH: Okay, back to explaining. So first of all, like we told you, you're dead.
>YOU: If I'm dead how am I thinking...or talking to you for that matter?
>JEREMIAH: I have no idea honestly.
>YOU: Wow. Thanks. You are seriously so helpful.
>RYUU: Keep up the sarcasm buddy. It won't make you any less dead.
>JEREMIAH: The longest any of us have been here is a week. Or at least...I think it's been a week. You kind of lose track of time here after a while.
>YOU: I can't be dead. I don't remember dying.
>JEREMIAH: You probably don't remember a lot of things.
>YOU: That's ridiculous. Of course I do.
>JEREMIAH: Fine then. Do you even know your name?
>YOU: Obviously. It's...
>YOU: It's....
>RYUU: :)
>YOU: I don't remember. What the hell? Why can't I remember?
>JEREMIAH: Your memories will start to come back. They slowly return the longer you stay here.
>YOU: Okay...let's pretend, for seriously only a minute, that this is legit and I actually am 'dead'. Why are just the five of us in this weird chat room?
>JEREMIAH: We've been trying to figure that out for awhile now too. We think that perhaps in our mortal lives each of us did something...how do I put this lightly...really, really, REALLY bad.
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