Chapter 3: Missing Keni & Shelley
A/n: Okay... So, this chapter will kind of be like a filler because I seriously lost my copy of this chapter since I used one of my school notebooks... *fakes cough* Anyways, have fun, fellow EXO-Ls and ARMYs!! <3
Mae's POV
I woke up late today again and I know that Shelley unnie might scold me for sleeping in late, but I can't help it! We stayed up late last night to help her review for her Quarterly Exams today and since we stayed up last night, I think I missed some messages from the guys early this morning. I took my phone out of my hoodie's pocket and checked if there are any messages.
...And I was right!
Then I joined the chatroom and I read through all of EXO's messages first before reading BTS's.
EXO Chatroom
Online: All
*MakeMaeTheOne joins chatroom*
MakeMaeTheOne: Good morning, guys! :3
SavageEggSoo: It's already 11:58 am, Mae! Where were you??
HappyAprilFools: Duh! She overslept! :p
MakeMaeTheOne: Sorry, I slept late last night.
HappyAprilFools: Not your fault, sis! It was Shell unnie's!!
BaconBitsByun: Shelley's fault?? What is?
HappyAprilFools: She kept us up late last night to help her review for the Q.E. today. :(
Happy_Virus: Well, it was important then. It's not really her fault. :)
BaconBitsByun: I agree with Chan here! :D
HappyAprilFools: Of course, you do! It's because you like her. Why can't you just confess to her already? Everyone knows... IT'S SO OBVIOUS, SUNBAE!
MakeMaeTheOne: Yah, unnie! Stop that! You know very well on why he can't.
HappyAprilFools: And..? I mean Kai sunbae confessed his undying love for Keni unnie. What about Baekhyun sunbae??
HappyAprilFools: If you don't confess now, someone will confess his feelings for her and you'll regret it. I'm telling the truth, sunbae.
BaconBitsByun: ...I know, but what if I did confess? Will she accept it and go out with me? Will she accept it, but friend zone me? Will she reject me and let my feelings for her ruin what we have now? I can't do it, April. I'm sorry.
*BaconBitsByun left the chatroom*
Happy_Virus: ...
SavageEggSoo: ...
Handsom_Eomma: ...
Chinas_Sheep: ...
Baozi_Hyung: ...
ChennieTheDino: ...
TheDancingChicken: ...
Oh_ItsTheMaknae: ...
MakeMaeTheOne: wth?
HappyAprilFools: Really? That's all you're going to say? No wonder Baekhyun has no guts to confess! It's because you don't say anything!!
HappyAprilFools: Ibwa yo! Neo babo ya! (Hey! You idiots!)
Oh_ItsTheMaknae: I don't know how you and Mae are twins??
TheDancingChicken: FYI, it was Keni who confessed not me. Then I asked her out a few days after that. :3
*HelloThereStranger joins chatroom*
HelloThereStranger: I deleted Shelley's copy of today's conversation.
HelloThereStranger: So, Baek sunbae, don't worry about her finding out. :)
TheDancingChicken: JAGIYA!
HelloThereStranger: Ibwa, na yeogi jeonhwa hajima! (Hey! Don't call me that in here!)
TheDancingChicken: Why not? Everyone knows that we are dating, babe. ;)
HelloTherStranger: But, still, Kai! -_-
HelloThereStranger: Anyways, gtg! They are calling for us now. :D Wish us luck!!
HelloThereStranger: Thanks, Sehunnie! <3
TheDancingChicken: Yah! Keni, why did you give him a heart?
HappyAprilFools: It's because you already have her heart, sunbae!
HelloThereStranger: Okay, that's it... c: Bye, guys!
Handsome_Eomma: Bye, Keni! Fighting!!
ChennieTheDino: WOOHOO! FIGHTING!!
Chinas_Sheep: You can do it!! FIGHTING, GIRLS!!
Happy_Virus: Haha! Fighting, guys!! We are all cheering right now.
SavageEggSoo: Literally, everyone is going crazy here. Do your best in your exams!! FIGHTING, KENI, SHELLEY!
*BaconBitsByun joins chatroom*
BaconBitsByun: Sorry, if it took me so long. I was hungry and I left my phone in the room. Don't forget what you reviewed for the past week! Fighting, Shelley and Keni!! <3
*BaconBitsByun leaves chatroom*
HappyAprilFools: ...Wow! That's all? Anyways, fighting, unnies!! We'll be supporting from all the way here. Actually, I think everyone here in the building is.
MakeMaeTheOne: Even the LUCKi Charms! are supporting!! I just checked Instagram, Twitter and FB. It's all over the social media!! <3 Do your best! Especially, to you, Keni unnie! Don't let us down!!
TheDancingChicken: You'll make her feel even more nervous, Mae. :p She might go blank soon, but I know that you won't, babe! Sorry for awhile ago. Fighting, Keni! <3 Fighting, Shelley! :D
HelloThereStranger: Thanks, guys! It means a lot to me and Shelley. We're going now. Byeee! <3
*HelloThereStranger leaves chatroom*
MakeMaeTheOne: I have to go and get off my bed before I'd fall back to sleep. See you, guys, later! :D
*MakeMaeTheOne leaves chatroom*
Happy_Virus: Is she really going to get out of bed?
HappyAprilFools: Haha! I don't know. I'm not in the dorm right now.
Happy_Virus: Where are you??
HappyAprilFools: ...
HappyAprilFools: Behind you!
Happy_Virus: ...not funny.
*Happy_Virus leaves chatroom*
HappyAprilFools: I was just kidding... XD
SavageEggSoo: XD
April was right. I'm not getting out of bed just yet. I still have to answer BTS's chatroom.
BTS Chatroom
Online: JiminGotNoJams, Suga_Jam_Hyung, Jin_Hyung and MrAlien_V
MakeMaeTheOne: Hey, guys!
Suga_Jam_Hyung: Hellooo! It's 12:14 pm. Did you sleep in late??
MakeMaeTheOne: Yup! I had to help Shelley unnie with her review.
Jin_Hyung: I thought Kim Junmyeon sunbae helped her yesterday??
MakeMaeTheOne: He did, but he was busy today for the Comeback Stage.
Jin_Hyung: ...
MrAlien_V: We just saw Keni and Shelley going into the exam room.
Suga_Jam_Hyung: J-Hope did.
JiminGotNoJams: ...
MakeMaeTheOne: Taehyung sunbae, you went to their university??
MrAlien_V: Yes, I did with Jimin and Namjoon hyung. :D
MakeMaeTheOne: Aww... Where they nervous??
JiminGotNoJams: Keni was.... xD
JiminGotNoJams: She also wouldn't let go of me.
MakeMaeTheOne: 0-0
JiminGotNoJams: I mean she was scared to go inside the exam room. She stayed by my side till Shelley pulled her inside. :3
MakeMaeTheOne: Well, the exam today is something big for the girls, especially for Keni. It means a lot to her. Did you know how long she studied for this exam??
JiminGotNoJams: The past 3 days??
MakeMaeTheOne: A week.
JiminGotNoJams: !!!
Jin_Hyung: REALLY?!?!
Suga_Jam_Hyung: Daebak!
MrAlien_V: She really wants to pass this exam... 0-0
MakeMaeTheOne: Yup! That's why EXO was really supportive since last week.
JiminGotNoJams: ...Even him?
MrAlien_V: Jiminie...
JiminGotNoJams: It's cool. I'm cool.
*YourOnlyHope and GoldenMaknaeJungkookie joins chatroom*
YourOnlyHope: No, ChimChim, you're not cool. Suga is cool.
GoldenMaknaeJungkookie: Haha! Hobi hyung, Jimin is already feeling down and you're making it more worse. I should be doing this!!
Suga_Jam_Hyung: Thanks, Hobi. ;)
YourOnlyHope: You're welcome, Yoongi! :D
GoldenMaknaeJungkookie: YAH! Are you hyungs ignoring me now??
MakeMaeTheOne: xD
GoldenMaknaeJungkookie: Anyways, Mae, don't you have any recording to do?
MakeMaeTheOne: OH! RIGHT! I DO!
MakeMaeTheOne: TTYL, GUYS! BYE!
GoldenMaknaeJungkookie: Byeee!
Suga_Jam_Hyung: Don't forget to eat brunch!! :D
Jin_Hyung: And don't forget to take your vitamins.
JiminGotNoJams: Someone delete Keni's chat history for today. Thanks!
*JiminGotNoJams leaves chatroom*
YourOnlyHope: Tae, you should talk to him. :3
MrAlien_V: I already am... BYEE, MAEE!!
*MrAlien_V leaves chatroom*
MakeMaeTheOne: :)
*MakeMaeTheOne leaves chatroom*
the end??
It was longer than I imagined...
Anyways, I remembered some parts of the chapter from the original copy (the draft). So, there isn't any big differences. :)
J-Hope hopes that you enjoyed!! :p
~K :3
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